Chapter 266 I sing love songs in the sky

"Dad, I'm going out to play for a few days. After thinking about it, I still have to tell you."

Tao Xiao frowned slightly, listening to the noise coming from the other end of the phone, and said in a deep voice: "You are at the airport."


"It's so late, where are you going, where are you going to play, who are you going with, or that person?"

"He has a name. Go to the border town..." Tao Xinyi yawned uncontrollably and leaned on the back of the seat. She looked almost like a lazy cat. Her eyelashes drooped to cover her eyes, but the corners of her mouth were slightly raised.

Neither father nor daughter spoke again, but remained silent for a long time, and all that could be heard in their ears was the noise from the airport.

The noise was so loud that it hit my eardrums, like a soldier beating a drum before a battlefield.She seemed to see people on the ancient battlefield eager to get there first rush out, and the sticky blood seeped into the ground and became nutrients for the growth of vegetation.

"Dad, there's nothing wrong. I'll hang up and get on the plane right away."

Tao Xiao chuckled twice, and said, "I'm not one of those feudal parents. I'm different from your mother. It's okay. After the college entrance examination, it's normal to want to go out to play. Go to the border town, right?"


"Okay, I'll find someone to pick you up. Send me your flight number. I've booked a hotel for you. You'd better stay in a better place when you go out to play. Not everyone has the financial conditions. Tell me your flight number."

Tao Xinyi breathed carefully, always feeling a little regretful, but she didn't know what she was regretting: "No, I have grown up, don't worry. I have boarded the plane, and I will send you a message to report that I am safe. When I was in elementary school, I always There’s nothing to worry about, especially now.”

"Okay...remember to send me a message. Do you still have enough money?"

"That's enough, thank you."

Then, she hung up the phone and just smiled.There are so many people at the airport, and the notification sound is very noisy. They are all carrying their luggage and don't know where they are going. There are more people and more shadows.

You step on my shadow, and I step back, so it's even, it's meaningless.

Tao Xinyi put her right hand on Lu Ming's left cheek and stroked it, as if to confirm his presence and not panic.

"Xiao Ming, why do people feel sad?"

"What we expected didn't come true. We were admitted to Beijing University and studied in a good major. We are still in the same school. How great." Lu Ming took her hand and stood up, holding the suitcase with his other hand. Go to the boarding gate.

"Xiao Ming, in fact, I am not sad anymore, because I am not sad, so I am sad."

"Don't think about it, can you think about something else?"

"Okay then, let me think about what to eat tomorrow morning. Is there anything delicious in the border town..."

At this point, at this time, there were not many people flying. The flight they took still had a dozen empty seats, which made it not very lively.However, it was so noisy on the plane, and it was just the sound of the wind, which was lively enough.

When checking in, Tao Xinyi specially chose a seat by the window, and Lu Ming sat next to her, just like in high school, they were tablemates.

When the plane climbs to a certain altitude, the light shields on their small windows can be opened.

Tao Xinyi opened the light shield and glanced out. As she expected, she could see the "wings" of the aircraft through the light on the wings, but nothing could be seen next to it. It was extremely dark.

Even though there was nothing to see outside, she still wanted to look at her face reflected in the window glass.

It's like my old self, even if I knew it was impossible to "reunite", I still looked forward to it, picking up the broken glass with my hands and putting it together. If there was any glass shards stuck in the flesh, I would dig it out with my nails.

The hands look bloody and the pain is so heart-piercing that people won't feel it after a long time.

She closed her eyes, her heart ached for a while, and she fell asleep in a trance.Lu Ming asked the stewardess for a small blanket to cover Xin Yi, and then he also fell asleep leaning on the back of the chair.

The unlucky plane caught the airflow and began to vibrate violently. The seat belt tightened around his body. The feeling of weightlessness became more intense, and the announcement rang.

The radio didn't say anything, it just told everyone that they encountered a turbulence and asked everyone to calm down.

At this time, no one was making any noise, and everyone was quite calm. Even though the plane was shaking violently, they didn't make a fuss, so they probably didn't have time to make a fuss.

Lu Ming suddenly woke up from his dream. After listening to the broadcast and being thrown around by the plane a few times, he understood what happened.

The voice on the radio was a gentle female voice, saying extremely scary things in declarative sentences.

After rebirth, it was the first time that Lu Ming faced such a powerless situation, even in the face of sudden death, he was not so powerless, because he was not sober at all at that time, but now he is very sober, very sober.

Now, I am only 18 years old and have just been admitted to Beijing University. I am going to the border town with my girlfriend. She said that it is very romantic to sing Nuo song to Cuicui on the mountain and asked me to go to the mountain in the border town to sing a few lines for her.

I'm not very good at singing, but if she wants to hear it and doesn't mind if I'm out of tune, she'll sing.

After leaving the border town, we will go to the grassland to visit, because she wants to see the Potala Palace.As for me, my girlfriend, Tao Xinyi, promised to accompany me to the Tianshan Mountains after I left the Potala Palace.

I want to go to Tianshan Mountains not for anything else, because Tianshan Mountains has a mysterious meaning with the word "Heaven".

In this life, I no longer have to run around for money, my parents don’t have to work hard, and everyone around me doesn’t need to work hard anymore!Then, the plane was shaking, what could I do...

Tao Xinyi squeezed Lu Ming's hand tightly and shouted under the loud noise: "I love you!"


Lu Ming, who had hardly cried since he could remember, felt moist in his eyes for the first time. His chest was filled with great emotion and shock. The fear of death was suppressed by love: "I love you too!"

Lu Ming held her lips and kissed her. Occasionally, he would knock her teeth and it would hurt, but the burning feeling overcame everything.

Tao Xinyi put her arms around Lu Ming's neck, looked at him, and said softly: "If we are fine, I don't care about those promises. You can do whatever you want. Life is short, enjoy yourself in time."

The plane was so noisy that Lu Ming could only see her mouth opening and closing, but couldn't hear anything clearly. He shouted, "What are you talking about?"

Tao Xinyi thought he was so stupid, like a sheep standing on the top of a mountain, always thinking about how to avoid falling off the cliff when the wind came, wandering his eyes, unable to think of any solution.

I can only wait to die...

Originally, she was also afraid, but if she wanted Lu Ming to accompany her, she would not be afraid anymore.

When they are together, they are not afraid of anything.

"I was just saying, how nice it is to meet you!"

Lu Ming stared into her eyes and smiled, heartily. The loneliness that was pressing deep in his soul dissipated, and the loneliness that he felt even when he was standing in a crowd melted away.

He thought about the destination of his trip, the border town, and the time to sing in the mountains, so he sang at the top of his lungs.

"I open my eyes and miss you."

"It doesn't matter whether it's forever or a moment."


(End of this chapter)

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