Chapter 256 200 Red Envelopes
On the second floor of the brightly lit shopping mall, there was a lot of traffic. In the shop where you bought the ceiling lamp, a middle-aged woman in an old long dress laughed like crazy, but there was no sound.

Next to her, a woman with full make-up using cheap cosmetics was comforting her, with envy in her eyes that couldn't go away.

Soon, everyone knew that the son of a ceiling lamp salesman had scored 697 in the college entrance examination. Even the bosses knew about it and would sincerely say congratulations to her.

This result means that their family will live a lot better, and they won't work so hard in the future, right?
Lu Guofu, who had always been stingy, slumped in the driver's seat, blowing on the air conditioner and humming a tune while driving. He would also stop if he saw a pedestrian waving to him.Even if your son gets admitted to Beijing University, you still have to make money, so don’t struggle with money.

The middle-aged woman holding a sun umbrella pulled up the car. The cool air blew in, blowing away the dryness, and said: "Master, go to the university town."

"Okay." Lu Guofu responded with a smile, turned his head, and said, "My son scored 697 in the college entrance examination."

The middle-aged woman was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "That's really good, congratulations. This result can be admitted to Qing University and Beijing University, right?"

"My son wants to go to Beijing University. I have seen the admission scores of Beijing University in the past few years. The highest score is 694. My son can be admitted to Beijing University."

Lu Guofu turned around, lifted his foot to release the clutch, put his hand on the steering wheel, and drove his yellow "Ferrari" at the maximum speed limit, repeating: "My son can be admitted to Beijing University..."

Seeing this, the middle-aged woman was a little flustered. She was afraid that her father would go crazy with joy and something would happen while driving, but she didn't dare to say anything.

Lu Guofu finished the original 40-minute drive in 25 minutes, and at the end he said, "I thought you were in a hurry, so I drove faster."

Outside the window, a heat wave rushed in and hit his face, his eyes were shining brightly.

Tingcheng is a mountainous area, and the water vapor is overwhelming. In summer, when people walk on the road, they are like steamed buns on a steamer. Clothes are all stuck to the skin, wet layer after layer.

If you sit in the car and don't turn on the air conditioner, you're really desperate, but the car is owned by the company, and it costs money to turn on the air conditioner.

Lu Guofu wanted to make more money to spend on his wife and children. After dozens of summers, he saved a house and a car.Speaking of hard work, Lu Guofu didn't realize how hard it was for him. It was his father, Lu Ming's grandfather, who really worked hard.

Lu Ming's grandfather, that is, Lu Xinjiang, works on the construction site. He is 54 years old this year. He has been working on the construction site since he was 19 years old.

Although Lu Xinjiang can receive tribute from his two sons every year, he can't stay idle in his hometown and can't make much money from farming, so he goes outside to work hard to make money.

The air burst out from the bones, sprinkled on the city's construction, and the sweat towel around the neck turned yellowish brown.

When the building is completed, the boss will send money, Lu Xinjiang will send the money to his family when he earns it, and the remaining few hundred yuan will be used to draw some bonuses and drink some beer, that's all.

Lu Guofu didn't go to school, he didn't like to go to school, but with the money sent back by his father, his eldest brother went to school and went to a junior college, so he can be regarded as a top student.

However, the eldest brother's wedding gift of [-] yuan did not help the family. He even borrowed some from Lu Guofu, who had been working early.

I don’t know what God was thinking, it’s only June and the heat has reached 36°C, what should I do in July, Lu Xinjiang pursed his chapped lips and didn’t dare to think, pushing the car full of cement and moving forward with difficulty.

Suddenly, the phone rang. Lu Xinjiang wiped the sweat off his face with a sweat towel, took out the phone, glanced at it, and said, "I have something to say."

"Dad, Lu Ming scored 697 points in the college entrance examination."

Lu Xinjiang was a little dazed. His voice was scratched from sweating all year round, and he said in a hoarse voice: "Then this guy is promising. In the future, our family can also have an official? Okay, let Lu Ming answer the phone, hurry up."

"He's not with me..."

Listening to the noise on the other end of the phone, Lu Guofu took a sip of the bonus group: "Dad, it's hot in June, so don't come out and do it. Go home, the money for building a new house, [-] yuan for me and my eldest brother should be enough."

"What do you know!"

Lu Xinjiang licked the blood from his chapped lips, dialed the number of his eldest grandson, squatted on the ground and stared at his own shadow, with grooves on his face, and his eyes were too cloudy to be true. He took out the bonus group and pumped it carefully.

In the Internet cafe, the air conditioner was freezing cold, Lu Ming looked at Xin Yi and said, "My grandpa"

Then, when he got on the phone, he heard the noise of the construction site, his heart was pinched and torn, and he said in a hoarse voice, "Master, what are you doing at the construction site?"

"Yes, I can work for another two years and earn some pocket money for you. In two years, you will also marry a wife."

With that said, Lu Xinjiang smoked a cigarette hard:
"I heard from your father that you have more than 600 points in the college entrance examination. Can you go to a school where you are an official? I heard that all those who come out of Sino-French University are officials. Officials are good. If you can go to university, don't be with me and your father. Same, go work hard..."

Lu Ming on the other end of the phone listened to his grandfather imparting half his life's experience with a complicated expression.

After waiting for a long time, he said: "We won't be doing construction sites anymore. I gave you a lot of money during the Chinese New Year. Don't do construction sites anymore. Grandpa, your grandson will be the richest man. Don't do construction sites. Don't do construction sites anymore. Stop smoking, okay?"

"Do you have more money, or our family has more money?"

Lu Ming smiled helplessly, covered his eyes with his right hand, and said hoarsely: "I made more than 1000 million this year, we are not short of money..."

In the past, he thought that giving his parents a card with [-] a month would save the family from working so hard. However, poverty is a fear engraved in the bone marrow, and it is a pain that can only be healed by a lot of money.

It didn't take long for Lu Ming's whole family to know that he was appreciated by wealthy people this year, and a program sold for 1000 million. He didn't dare to talk about stock trading because he didn't dare to bring others to do stock trading together.

He said he was selling the program because no one in his family knew about it, and he would make it up casually without being seen through.

After hanging up the phone, Lu Ming looked at Xin Yi and said, "I'm applying to spend money to send some red envelopes to my parents and grandparents. Just in time, the weather is good today, suitable for sending red envelopes. Do you agree?"

Hearing 200 million, Tao Xinyi was a little dazed, but didn't think much, nodded and said, "Just tell me. Also, I want a red envelope too."

Lu Ming put the ICBC card in her hand, and said softly: "For you. However, after I finish distributing the red envelopes, I will put the money back into the stock market, but the money withdrawn from the stock market will only be kept. In this card."

Is more than 1000 million heavy?
As light as a card, heavier than the youth of fifty migrant workers, who knows?
That day, Lu Xinjiang received a 100 million red envelope from his grandson. He went to the foreman in a daze to pay 1450 yuan in wages, carried a snakeskin bag, sat down on a hard bed, and went home.

On the other hand, Lu Guofu and Meng Ruohua took the 100 million from their sons and treated guests to dinner everywhere, but they only received a few hundred yuan in red envelopes.

When the incident settled down, it was already afternoon, the system was no longer busy, and Tao Xinyi also found her college entrance examination results.

(End of this chapter)

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