Chapter 231 Shanshui High School Class Three, Class 2014

He took a bite of the peach, the skin was sour and the flesh was sweet.

Tao Xinyi poked Lu Ming's arm, and said softly, "I'm going to talk to Teacher Wang for a while, and I'm going to graduate soon."

Looking at her eyes, Lu Ming knew that Xinyi was sad about the parting, and said: "After graduation, we will come back and take a look."

Tao Xinyi nodded slightly, the sadness in her heart wrapping around her heart like the skin of a hard peach. She slowly walked to Teacher Wang, took out her camera and said, "Teacher Wang, I want to take a photo with you."

"Okay." Wang Ying nodded and rubbed her head.

He took her hand and asked Sun Huaqing, who was standing next to him, to take a photo of the two of them.After taking pictures of the two of them, Sun Huaqing hurriedly put his arms around Wang Ying's arms and asked Lu Ming next to them to take pictures of them.

The girls gathered together, competing to take pictures with Wang Ying, saying goodbye in the future, but Wang Ying knew that they might not see each other in the future.

Tao Xinyi hangs on Wang Ying's arm like a koala, and she is included in every photo taken with Wang Ying.During her third year of high school, Wang Ying would sometimes ask her to go to the classroom cafeteria to eat with her, buy some fruit, and occasionally give her one.

Sometimes, she would go to the office to help Teacher Wang correct the test papers, and gossip with Teacher Wang.

Sometimes, when Wang Ying saw Tao Xinyi, she would make a detour, walked over, patted her on the shoulder, and said, "Little boy, do you want to go shopping with the teacher?"

As a teacher, in theory, Wang Ying should treat everyone equally, but preference is inevitable.

Tao Xinyi is the best student she has ever met after teaching for so many years, perhaps because her teaching career is not long and she has met few.

Occasionally, when the children in the class were disobedient and Wang Ying was so angry that her heart ached, Xiaoyi would come to the office to persuade her not to be angry and tell her some witty words to make her happy.She knew from a very early age that Xiaoyi's talent was not high, which was evident from her inability to keep up with the competition.

Wang Ying never thought that she could get a score of [-] in the exam, never expected that she would get into Beijing University.

Three years of hard work allowed Tao Xinyi to break through the boundaries of talent, which is the result of her teaching and Xiaoyi's efforts.

There is no permanent banquet in the world. Wang Ying rubbed Xinyi's head and smiled at the camera, just like the previous graduation season.Lu Ming took pictures with his camera and took pictures of many people. Later, some classmates asked him to take pictures with him.

Sun Huaqing even said, "God Lu is blessed with luck, and can bless the college entrance examination. I asked God Lu to bless me before, and I did well in the exam."

Although there is no basis for this statement, there are many people who believe it. After all, the grades of those who are close to Lu Ming in the class have improved.

I would rather trust it to have it than to trust it to have nothing.

As the college entrance examination approaches, everyone just wants to find a spiritual sustenance.

Then Lu Ming, who was holding a camera, became the mascot. He was pulled for a group photo and asked to say some words of good luck in the college entrance examination.Lu Ming didn't feel annoyed, but felt that there was something good he could do.

Later, Lin Xuan joked that "Lu Ming's single photo is useless, only the photo of him and Tao Xinyi is useful."

Tao Xinyi had no choice but to join the group photo group, and there was constant noise in her ears, and the frolicking at parting was always particularly shocking.

After finishing looking for the class taking pictures in front of them, Wang Ying urged the confused students to stand up on the steps, walked over, and sat on the red plastic stool in front of them.

A row of teachers in red shirts sat on the red plastic stools, and in the center sat the grade director Zhang Shengdong, with his keys hanging by his side, grinning and looking very kind.

Lin Xuan couldn't stand with Tao Xinyi and Shen Qiang to take graduation photos because of his height.

But she specially wore 7cm height-increasing shoes. Regardless of her actual height, she looked as tall as Tao Xinyi and Shen Qiang.I have to say that after putting on the height-increasing shoes, Lin Xuan felt that the air above was extremely fresh.

In fact, Lin Xuan's ideal height is 165cm, but she will not grow after puberty, and she is also very desperate.

Every time she looks at Li Xingzhou, she has to look up, her neck is sore...

Wu Zhiyao, the teacher in charge of taking pictures, greeted them to stand in formation and shouted: "Open your eyes wide, keep your back straight, eggplant!"

The camera flashed and formed images. Wu Zhiyao checked the photos and shouted: "That boy standing in the middle in the last row, why are you closing your eyes! Open your eyes wide!"

Lu Ming scratched his head embarrassingly: "Next time."

Tao Xinyi couldn't help but glanced back at him, the sun was dazzling, she turned around and suppressed the corners of her upturned mouth.

"3, 2, 1, eggplant!"


After taking graduation photos, the team dispersed and then reunited.

They were taken to the bus leaving school, and every time they walked a certain distance, they would see teachers holding red flags, sending them off for the exam, Shen Qiang clenched her fists, and said to Xin Yi and Lin Xuan while walking, "Come on."

Tao Xinyi clenched her fists, nodded and said, "Come on!"

Lin Xuan next to him kept saying, "Hmm!"

Lu Ming and Li Xingzhou, who were walking behind, didn't talk about the college entrance examination, but talked about where to play after the college entrance examination.Walking near the bus, the principal Chen Kunyuan distributed a chocolate candy to each child, and said tirelessly: "If you start with the flag, you will succeed immediately."

Chocolate candy is bitter and sweet, just like the high school years that are about to disappear.

Lu Ming put the chocolate candy into his mouth, his heart beat faster, his blood ignited, he smiled wantonly, rewriting a different youth.

The bus was rickety, but it was not lonely. Some students who were good at singing stood up and sang, some sang love songs, some sang inspirational songs, and sang with a green voice. Finally, Shen Qiang stood up and sang "Farewell".

"Outside the long pavilion, beside the ancient road, there are green grass and green sky..."

The love between ancient and modern times is similar, there is no difference. The moon is still bright this year thousands of years ago, and there are always people who read "I hope people will live a long time, and we will share the beauty of the moon".

Shen Qiang's voice was beautiful and she sang movingly. After the song was over, there were bursts of applause.

Wang Ying suppressed the sadness in her heart, clapped her hands heavily, and shouted: "You all sang, I will sing too! I will sing "Good Luck Comes"."

"Good luck, good luck to you!"

"Good luck brings joy and happiness!"

"Good luck, good luck to us!"


Everyone can sing this song, it seems to be the most suitable song at this time, everyone sang along with Wang Ying, some students sang very loudly, or all the students sang very loudly, screaming and longing to get God in the last days of favor.

The environment of the hotel where we stay together is average, but it is cheaper. There are always some students with poor family circumstances.

There is no need to book such a good place, as long as you can sleep.

As soon as she arrived at the hotel, Wang Ying took everyone's ID cards away, and the admission ticket was never issued.She wanted to issue the admission ticket before the examination room, fearing that some children would be too nervous and lose the admission ticket and ID card.

No matter how much the teacher insists, every year in the college entrance examination, some people will lose their ID cards and admission tickets.

On June 6, the college entrance examination started, with Chinese language in the morning and mathematics in the afternoon.

(End of this chapter)

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