Chapter 209 Once upon a time, what happened?
"I believe……"

Then, Tao Xinyi lowered her head and teased the fragile petals with her fingertips. The breeze picked up the green silk and said softly: "It turns out that I always want to get to the classroom quickly and study quickly. I don't care whether these flowers bloom or not. Occasionally I feel I don’t waste time looking at beauty. Now I see how beautiful it is.”

Lu Ming agreed, his eyes fell on Xin Yi, and the beautiful Du Juan became her foil.

Tao Xinyi looked at the flowers for a while, then turned her head to meet Lu Ming's "obsessed" gaze, the corners of her mouth were raised, as bright as the sun after the rain.In the past, Tao Xinyi didn't think that being good-looking was good, but it was just to make people pleasing to the eye.

But that didn't seem to work.

Now, Lu Ming could see that Tao Xinyi felt that beauty was the best thing in the world.Even though it's a bit superficial to judge people by their appearance, Lu Ming likes her face, so he likes her.

At the same time, Tao Xinyi also liked Lu Ming's face very much.From an objective point of view, Lu Ming is handsome and flamboyant, and there are not many people with his appearance.

But Tao Xinyi liked Lu Ming's dull smile the most, as if all his troubles had disappeared and he was carefree.

In junior high school, Tao Xinyi and Lu Ming were not at the same table. They sat far apart, one on the far left side of the classroom and the other on the far right side of the classroom. They didn't talk often, and apart from the red umbrella, they had no intersection.

At that time, Lu Ming had a "fashionable" pot head, he ate well, his eyes were extremely bright, and his laughter could spread throughout the classroom every time.

Tao Xinyi, who was sitting in the classroom, was infected by his laughter, and the sadness faded away.

Lu Ming's grades were not very good, and sometimes he was called up by the teacher to scold him when he failed, but his face was always calm and he didn't care.Tao Xinyi thought that if she got such a result in the test, she would definitely cry.

However, sometimes, in order to see more of his smile, Tao Xinyi deliberately took a long way to pass by Lu Ming's location and listen to him talking about games with the people around him.

Tao Xinyi also tried a game that Lu Ming liked, but she thought the female characters were too ugly, so she quit.

Anyway, he is just a classmate, so why play the game he loves?
Later, Guo Yuan, Lu Ming's deskmate, asked Tao Xinyi for homework, but it was clear what the homework was written on the blackboard.But Guo Yuan would come to Tao Xinyi every day to ask her homework and listen to her read the homework written on the blackboard to her.

At first, Tao Xinyi didn't understand why Guo Yuan did this, and felt that Guo Yuan had a problem with his mind.

Later, when school was over, Guo Yuan always followed her. Even if she walked with Lin Xuan, Guo Yuan still followed her.Tao Xinyi was very scared, she asked Lin Xuan what to do.

Lin Xuan, who had heard a lot of gossip, smiled and said it was okay, saying that Guo Yuan liked her.

After all, Guo Yuan has a good appearance, he is the tallest boy in the class, with dark skin and good facial features.

That was the first time Tao Xinyi intuitively realized that men and women are different, there is not only friendship between men and women... But she doesn't like Guo Yuan.Guo Yuan always speaks dirty words loudly in class, as if to show off his "broad knowledge".

But if Guo Yuan didn't say she liked him, Tao Xinyi didn't know how to refuse. In other words, she had never refused anyone, let alone Guo Yuan, who she heard had beaten someone.

Over time, she developed a fear of boys.

However, at that time, Lu Ming made himself fat and cute, and Tao Xinyi didn't feel that he was of the opposite sex.

Moreover, when the boys in the class talked dirty, Lu Ming never participated in it. All he cared about was the boring games, and he seemed to be "out of the mud but not stained". It also turns off the fan when she coughs.

15-year-old Tao Xinyi is 159cm tall, and 15-year-old Guo Yuan is 186cm tall.

As the days of the third grade of junior high school dwindled, Guo Yuan always talked about the disadvantages of Pugao in class, saying that studying was boring, and wanted to take his brothers to vocational high school together.

At that time, Lu Ming's grades were not enough to pass the Shanshui High School, and he was still about [-] points short.

But Shanshui Middle School is a key middle school, he can't go to a key middle school, he can go to an average high school, he doesn't have to go to a vocational high school.But Guo Yuan said in Lu Ming's ear, "Let's go to a vocational high school to learn auto repair and make money early", which exhausted Lu Ming's patience.

The 15-year-old Lu Ming believed that he could go to Peking University and just take a break. He resolutely rejected Guo Yuan's suggestion.

Later, when Guo Yuan asked Tao Xinyi what homework was, Lu Ming passed by and subconsciously said, "It's on the blackboard, just look at the blackboard."

Tao Xinyi echoed, "There are some on the blackboard. I'm not a school committee member. You can read it yourself next time."

What Lu Ming said, Tao Xinyi also said, but Mr. Guo Yuan pretended not to hear and continued to ask her...

"Okay." Guo Yuan said, but he didn't care in his heart, and then asked Tao Xinyi.Tao Xinyi leaned closer to where Lu Ming was, waiting for Lu Ming to say, "It's on the blackboard, don't you see it yourself?", and then she echoed it.

After a long time, there seemed to be conflicts between Guo Yuan and Lu Ming, and sometimes they quarreled directly in class, scaring the teacher to come over to persuade them.In the spring, Guo Yuan's patience seemed to be exhausted. Even if Tao Xinyi went to the cafeteria to eat, he would follow behind.

Until a heavy rain made the long ladder to the cafeteria extremely slippery, and there were a few thunderclaps from time to time.

Tao Xinyi was walking carefully with a lunch box, when suddenly Guo Yuan appeared and walked beside her.

He would also look at her from time to time, occasionally say naughty words, and use the sound of rain as a cover to unscrupulously tease Tao Xinyi's figure, thinking that this was a reflection of the close relationship.

The good-tempered Tao Xinyi couldn't bear it any longer, and cursed for the first time, saying: "You must be sick, I hate you, stay away from me. I have never seen such an annoying person like you."

A crack appeared on Guo Yuanyun's calm face, and because of his secret love, he played the role of bitterness, and insisted: "Beating is love, scolding is love, not beating, not scolding, not being in love."

"To shut up!"

After a while, Tao Xinyi said seriously: "I really hate you. Please don't talk to me in the future. Otherwise, I will sue the teacher."

Guo Yuan saw the contempt in her eyes, and the inferiority complex that immediately went to vocational high school stabbed him.Yes, I am the bottom of the class, and she is the first in the grade. She looks down on me at all, she is humiliating me.

Guo Yuan stared at Tao Xinyi without speaking, his face was terribly dark.He turned around and walked up, bumping into Tao Xinyi on purpose.

From Guo Yuan's point of view, he didn't use much strength, but Tao Xinyi lost his balance and fell, rolling down the long ladder.Her eyes were full of panic, and the cold rain wet her clothes, which hurt so much.

After falling eight steps, she bumped into Lu Ming who was walking up. With Lu Ming's superior weight and solid foot plate at the time, she stopped on the steps and watched Lu Ming fall down.

Lu Ming adjusted his posture subconsciously, holding on to the protrusion on the stone steps, and the nail of his index finger broke in half before he stopped.

He suppressed the anger in his heart, looked at Tao Xinyi resentfully, and said, "Walk, be careful...I'm in so much pain."

(End of this chapter)

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