Chapter 168 Desperately proving doubts

After Wang Ying answered the phone, Lu Meiqing exchanged pleasantries with her first, and then pretended to ask casually:

"Ms. Wang, how is Xinyi doing in school? Is there any abnormal behavior? The child is in the third year of high school and is under a lot of pressure. I'm afraid she's hiding something in her heart."

After a while, Wang Ying tentatively said:

"Xinyi is doing very well in school, and her study status is also good... her grades are also very stable. Don't worry, I will let you know if there is anything to do."

"That's it."

Hearing the teacher's assurance, Lu Meiqing's expression did not soften, but she felt a deeper sense of disobedience.But Wang Ying said that, so she couldn't keep pestering her and said softly, "I'm sorry to bother you, please take the trouble to watch Xinyi for me. Thank you!"

"It's nothing, it's my responsibility."

Wang Ying stood in front of the window looking into the distance, a trace of worry flashed in her eyes, she talked with Lu Meiqing about whether she had a relationship, and hung up the phone with an excuse.Tao Xinyi can't see any problems in her studies, but she has a big problem of falling in love in her life.

And, her parents don’t know yet.

At this time, it may not be a good thing to tell Lu Meiqing about Tao Xinyi. Now that she is in the second semester of senior high school, the college entrance examination is about to begin. If Xinyi's mother finds out that she is in a relationship, it will be a big disturbance, and it may not end before the college entrance examination.

If they were not in the third year of high school, Wang Ying might consider telling their parents about this, but now in the third year of high school, it is too late to break them up, and it can only cause more harm.

In Wang Ying's teaching career, she has seen several pairs of students who were discovered to be in love before the college entrance examination. Those students did not do well in the college entrance examination.

Suspicion without evidence can only be hidden in her heart. Although Lu Meiqing didn't ask any more questions, the more she thought about it, the more she felt that something was wrong with Xinyi. This something was a little sensible, which made her feel uncomfortable.

And after Meng Ruohua came home, she saw her son's new shoes and slippers on the shoe rack, and asked casually at the dinner table:
"You went to your classmate's house and also went to the mall? Buying shoes and slippers?"

Lu Ming ate without changing his face, and said:
"Yes. We went to the Internet cafe to play games and were tired, so we went shopping in the nearby shopping malls. His shoes are too small, so I bought two pairs by the way. The slippers are to make up for the full discount, [-]% off for orders over three hundred."

Meng Ruohua breathed a sigh of relief. Before her son went out, she was so focused on telling him that studying should combine work and rest, that she forgot to ask him "Who's going to be a guest".

Later I thought about it, but at that time my son was already at a classmate's house, so calling him to ask seemed like I didn't trust him.

Therefore, Meng Ruohua thought about it and let it go.

Lu Ming, who was eating, couldn't help sighing silently. He still had to pretend before the college entrance examination, so let's be honest after the examination.After Yao Xiang was reborn, the appearance of her mother asking him to go on a blind date has gradually faded.

Many things were put on hold by the college entrance examination, and the vacant test papers were filled with test papers.

As the saying goes, "Time is like a sponge, if you squeeze it, there will always be time."However, there are only 24 hours at most in a day, so there are too many to squeeze out.Lu Ming even squeezed in his bedtime. He didn't go to bed until 11:[-] pm.

Two days ago at Xinyi's house, he really didn't sleep well and couldn't bear it anymore. He actually lay on the bed with a pen, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

At 6:15 the next morning, the alarm clock made a piercing noise. Lu Ming hesitated for two seconds and then opened his eyes. He felt a little numb in his right hand, as if he realized that he was still holding the pen.

After arriving at school, Lu Ming took over an opaque bag from Xinyi——it contained the shoes he left behind yesterday.

Since then, all the evidence that could prove that Lu Ming and Tao Xinyi lived together for two days seemed to be destroyed, and their attention returned to the knowledge point.

The finished test papers are stuck in the leaky room. In fact, it is still raining outside, and the people inside just want to "study".

In order to prove her suspicion, on the next Monday morning, Tao Xinyi went to school before dawn, and Lu Meiqing went to her daughter's room to search for something, and by the way, she also checked her mobile phone and computer.

However, Lu Meiqing found that her daughter's computer browsing records were empty, and her mobile phone call records were also empty.

Tao Xinyi will habitually clear the browsing history, and since talking with Lu Ming, she will also delete the call history.Because, when I was a child, my mother opened her password notebook.

In class, it seems that only the teacher is the only one who is passionate, and the students sitting in the audience are all dozing off.

However, few people dared to fall asleep at this moment, and some of them were not voluntary, but were forcibly dragged away by Duke Zhou.Wang Ying's voice couldn't take it anymore, so she gave lectures with a microphone, but the eardrums hurt from the shock.

She is the closest to her own voice...

Lu Ming didn't know if he was thinking too much. He always felt that Teacher Wang would look at him and Xin Yi more during class, and his eyes vaguely revealed some warning.

Tao Xinyi felt that Teacher Wang was just warning them, and she did not dare to say more to Lu Ming even if she was sitting next to him.

After returning home, she would always see her mother's half-smiling face. She would hear the sound of the door opening while doing a question, and when she looked up, she would find her mother standing at the door looking at her.

Whether at school or at home, Lu Ming's time was filled with test papers, with coffee in his thermos cup and essential oil in his pocket. He was too sleepy to notice the small changes in Xin Yi.

Even Tao Xinyi didn't notice the changes in herself, she was sleepy most of the time, and the rest of the time was used to be nervous.

The question I think about the most is "Will I fail the college entrance examination?".

The second most thought-provoking question is "What if Lu Ming is admitted to Peking University and I am not admitted to Peking University?"

Such precious time slipped through the fingers, everyone in the classroom lowered their heads, the physical education teacher began to get sick, and the countdown on the blackboard was blood-red, dazzling.

Before the college entrance examination, Shanshui Middle School arranged five major exams, namely the opening test, the second monthly exam, the mock exam for the first clinic (joint examination of seven schools), the mock exam for the second clinic (joint exam of seven schools), and the mock exam for the third clinic ( Seven Schools Joint Examination).

After the first diagnosis, there will be a parent meeting...

At the beginning of March, two days before the monthly exam, several light rains urged the peach blossoms to bloom. Clusters of light pink and dark red, like water surging with the wind, grew beside the long ladder leading to the cafeteria.

Lu Ming took his and Tao Xinyi's lunch box to the cafeteria to get some food, walking on the road paved with peach petals, a few petals inevitably fell from the neckline of his school uniform.

If it weren't for the conspicuous peach blossoms, he really wanted to break off two branches and give them to Xinyi.

Xin Yi couldn't see the flowers blooming in the classroom, but could only see black questions printed on the pale paper.

Unfortunately, a light red peach blossom bloomed on a low-hanging branch, blocking Lu Ming. He reached out to pick it off, put it in his pocket, and walked briskly towards the classroom.

The classmates in the class are used to Lu Ming bringing food to Tao Xinyi, but there are always many envious looks.

When Lu Ming ran to the classroom, the first thing he did was to take away the test paper Xinyi placed on the table, put the lunch box in front of her eyes, and said, "The peach blossoms are blooming, do you want to see it?"

"I haven't finished my homework in Chinese class, next time."

Rubbing her sore and swollen eyes, Tao Xinyi opened the lunch box, and saw that there were minced meat eggplant and fish-flavored shredded pork. Her appetite was instantly whetted, and the regret of missing the flowers faded away.

Lu Ming took out the peach blossom from his pocket, put it on her desk, and said, "I probably guessed that you love to study, so you packed the flowers and brought them back."

"Wow!" Tao Xinyi picked up the peach blossom and sighed joyfully, as if she wasn't so sleepy anymore.

Sitting in the front row, Liu Zijian and Sun Huaqing turned their heads away curiously, and asked in unison: "Wow what?" Then, they found that Lu Ming and Tao Xinyi had entered the "idol drama" state again, and silently turned their heads to do the question, for The upcoming monthly exam struggle.

(End of this chapter)

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