Chapter 164 I’m moving out tonight!
Lu Ming said yes loudly, pinned the rose to his school bag, and walked to the window and opened the curtains to let in the light. For a moment, he only felt dazzling. It took him two or three seconds to get used to it, and he opened the window and looked into the distance.

The sky was clear and cloudless, and the wind mixed with water vapor cooled the young man's clothes, making his eyes clearer.

Tao Xinyi walked slowly to his side, hooked his fingertips, and said regretfully:

"I could still see the rainbow in the morning, but now I don't see it anymore. I saw that it was rare for you to sleep, so I didn't wake you up."

"There will be a rainbow in the future. Let's watch it together. What do you want to eat?" Lu Ming held her hand with his backhand and pulled her towards the kitchen. When he walked to the door, his peripheral vision lingered on the rose, reluctant to leave. .

Tao Xinyi said softly:
"I'm not a picky eater. Look at what's available, just make two dishes. Otherwise, stop cooking and cook noodles. Cooking noodles is faster, but cooking rice has to wait for more than half an hour. I'm so hungry and flustered."

"Next time, just wake me up. How long does it take?"

Tao Xinyi held his arm and walked slowly: "In the third year of high school, the time to sleep and the time to fall asleep are extremely precious, so I waited like this. If it were any other time, I would shake you awake directly. "

"Then you must shake me awake. However, if I hadn't been a senior in high school, I wouldn't have been able to sleep for so long, and I wouldn't have slept until the afternoon."

While talking, Lu Ming opened the refrigerator, saw eggs in it, and said loudly: "You have been hungry for so long and eat noodles. It's not very rich. I'll fry a poached egg for you. Can you wait another 10 minutes?" ?”


Tao Xinyi raised a bright smile, took a chair and sat at the door of the kitchen. She sat sideways on the chair and leaned half of her body on the back of the chair. She watched Lu Ming frying poached eggs for her in the kitchen. She was so hungry that her mouth was filled with the taste of poached eggs. Eyes full of anticipation.

In order to prevent the oil from splashing, Lu Ming first sprinkled a thin layer of fine salt on the bottom of the pot, then poured the oil and turned on the heat.

This can also ensure moderate saltiness, avoiding the panic of frying eggs and adding salt at the same time.When white smoke appeared from the bottom of the pot, Lu Ming picked up the egg and knocked it against the corner of the table, separated the egg shell with the small opening, and the egg fell into the pot.

The sound of "thunderbolt" and white smoke came out. Lu Ming calmly cracked another egg and fried it next to it.

Then, he covered the pot, turned the stove to the minimum, and waited patiently for 2 minutes while watching the watch.

Tao Xinyi was impatient. She stood up and went to Lu Ming's side. She took out two sets of bowls and chopsticks from the cabinet. One set of bowls and chopsticks was placed on the table, and the other set of bowls and chopsticks was held in her hand. She looked at the pot eagerly and whispered. : "I seem to have tasted the taste of poached eggs. How long will it take?"

"You wait for another minute. Turning on the fire can speed up the recovery, but it doesn't necessarily mean that you will have a heart."

Before rebirth, when Lu Ming lived alone, he often cooked dried noodles with some vegetables and a poached egg, and then listened to the live broadcast of the game and ate it while watching.

Tao Xinyi nodded thoughtfully, and after weighing the pros and cons, nodded and said:
"Then I'll stick to it. The soft-boiled eggs are more delicious. However, you actually know how to make soft-boiled eggs. I always make soft-boiled eggs because of fate."

Before waiting for five seconds, Lu Ming opened the lid of the pot, turned off the heat, scooped up a soft-boiled egg with a spatula and put it into Tao Xinyi's small bowl, shoveled another one into his own bowl, and said:

"It's a little hot..."

"It smells so good!" Before Lu Ming could finish speaking, he heard Xin Yi's praise.

Tao Xinyi couldn't wait to pick up the egg and blew it twice perfunctorily. She took a big bite, just in time to bite the soft-boiled egg yolk. Her eyes lit up, and she didn't care to speak. She carefully tasted the soft-boiled egg, which was crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. joked:

"High-end ingredients often only require the simplest cooking. Delicious!"

Lu Ming smiled hoarsely and finished his soft-boiled egg in two mouthfuls, so fast that he didn't taste anything. Then he started cooking rice and took out three tomatoes, four eggs, a piece of lean meat, and a handful of greens from the refrigerator. Garlic sprouts, and two loofahs.

He cut the lean meat into strips, marinated it randomly with starch, washed and cut the loofah, cut the green garlic sprouts, and processed some onions, ginger, and garlic.

To be honest, considering the cooking time, it is more appropriate to cook two dishes.

However, after his rebirth, Lu Ming rarely cooked because of Meng Ruohua's objection and because he injured his hand twice.His original plan was to make fried pork with green garlic and white jade loofah.

In order to prevent both dishes from failing, Lu Ming decided to fry tomatoes and eggs.

Under normal circumstances, this dish cannot be unpalatable unless there is a problem with the ingredients.

Tao Xinyi was sitting on a chair, flipping through the language textbooks, looking up at the back of Lu Ming cooking from time to time, with the corners of his mouth raised from time to time, hearing the sound of the range hood and the sound of "thunderbolt and crackling" from the pot, suddenly Find out that this is your dream.

Lu Ming in the kitchen could feel Xin Yi looking at him, and he couldn't help but start cooking. He didn't seem to be in a hurry at all. He actually looked like a chef, but the cooking speed was relatively slow.

At some point, Tao Xinyi closed the book, stood up, quietly walked behind Lu Ming, put her hands around his waist, pressed them against his back, and closed her eyes.

Lu Ming turned off the stove and turned his head sideways: "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, I just want you to stay here all the time. It would be great if you could stay here all the time." Tao Xinyi said softly, sighing silently, hoping that the time would be slower.

Lu Ming frowned slightly and said: "After the college entrance examination, we can stay together all the time. In fact, we can be considered as staying together now, except for weekends. If you think about it, we are at the same table, next to each other."

"Why can we stay together after the college entrance examination? Are you going to live in my house after the college entrance examination?"

Tao Xinyi said confusedly, looked up at Lu Ming, and said, "If my mother comes back, you can hide under my bed. This way we can stay together forever."

For some reason, Tao Xinyi directly ruled out the possibility of her mother agreeing with Lu Ming after the college entrance examination.

She subconsciously thought it was impossible.

Her mother's undisguised dislike of Lu Ming made Tao Xinyi feel tired and gave up her efforts.However, after my mother and Song Quanming get married, they may go to live in a new home, and I may be left alone in this house...

Lu Ming was silent for a moment, then said in a deep voice:
"If you want, I can sleep under the bed. But when the time comes, we will have a better choice. It may not be so embarrassing. By the way, can I go out to sleep tonight? Stay in the same room with you, I Can't sleep."


Tao Xinyi snorted softly, and said aggrievedly: "You slept soundly last night. I couldn't sleep! I asked you quietly in the middle of the night, 'Are you asleep?', but you didn't answer."

Speaking of this, Tao Xinyi's eyes flashed with confusion. She remembered that she ran down and made the floor with Lu Ming last night and slept next to him. Why did she wake up in bed? It was like a dream but not like a dream. .

If this is a dream, then asking Lu Ming if he fell asleep is also a dream.

Tao Xinyi poked Lu Ming's arm, and asked blankly: "I seemed to dream that I got out of bed and slept with you yesterday, why did I get on the bed?"

"It's not a dream. I carried you up."

Lu Ming sighed silently, bent down to look at Xin Yi, and asked hoarsely, "Why did you come down and make the floor with me, isn't it good to sleep on the bed?"

Tao Xinyi said aggrievedly: "The bed will be more comfortable, but I can't sleep, I have insomnia.

I fell asleep next to you.

Just now when I was waiting for you with roses, I lay down next to you and slept soundly!How about you sleep next to me and we put a bowl in the middle, just like Butterfly Lovers.

In this way, I will not suffer from insomnia. "

(End of this chapter)

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