The Fiery Era of Siheyuan

Chapter 452, Malicious False Accusation

Chapter 452, Malicious False Accusation

What Nie Zhihua said was that either Li Weiguo really went out of his way and someone happened to report him, or someone below was planning to mess with him.

To be honest, at first he was thinking whether it was Director Yang's arrangement, but now looking at Director Yang's reaction, it probably wasn't the case.

So he turned his attention to Li Weiguo and some people who had conflicts of interest with Li Weiguo, but the matter was not clear, and he could not speak too directly by naming them.

Director Yang didn't say anything when he heard this. He squinted his eyes and pondered for a few seconds.

After a moment, he made arrangements: "In this case, you send this report to Secretary Qin and Deputy Secretary Li, and let the two secretaries take a look at it first. You can see what the two secretaries want on how to handle this case. "

With that said, Director Yang handed back the report to Nie Zhihua.

His arrangement meant that he would leave the matter to Secretary Qin and Li Huaide to decide.

How to investigate this case, or whether to investigate it, all depends on the wishes of Secretary Qin and Li Huaide. He will not intervene to show that this matter has nothing to do with him.

Although the position of a deputy director is not bad, it does not allow him to risk offending two colleagues and a Red Army veteran to do such a thing. After all, the benefits are not proportional to the cost.

So he had to show this attitude to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings between Secretary Qin, Li Huaide and Mr. Wang.

Nie Zhihua is also a veteran cadre who has been in the office for nearly ten years. After Director Yang arranged this, he knew what to do.

This kind of hot job is difficult to handle by oneself. It would be best to leave it to Secretary Qin and Deputy Secretary Li to weigh it. They can explain it to both superiors and subordinates, and they don't have to take responsibility themselves, which is good.

After receiving the report from Director Yang, Nie Zhihua said "yes" and left.

After leaving Director Yang's office, he went directly to Secretary Qin with the report.

Knocking on the door and entering Secretary Qin's office, Nie Zhihua briefly reported the real-name report case to Secretary Qin.

After hearing what he said, Secretary Qin had no expression on his face. He simply took the report and glanced at it, then lowered his head and took out a document from the drawer and handed it back to him.

Nie Zhihua didn't know why, but when he took the document and looked at it, he understood.

It turned out that Secretary Qin had known about it for a long time and had been prepared for it.

This filing document clearly stated that Liao Qingchun had a fight in the factory, causing others to bleed and be injured. In order to help him escape from security penalties and administrative sanctions, his father openly bribed security cadres.

The bribe items and amounts were clearly recorded in the document. The amount of 300 yuan plus a Shanghai brand watch ticket and two Peony cigarettes was exactly the same as the amount stated by Liao Qingchun and his son when they reported the crime.

Moreover, the signature of the registrant was the name of Li Weiguo from the Security Department.

Okay, now he finally understood. It was obvious that he was just going to invite you into the urn as soon as he came out. He had been blindly worrying about it for a long time.

Seeing this, Nie Zhihua probably knew what to do, so he asked for instructions: "Secretary, should this case be handed over to the Security Department?"

The Discipline Inspection and Supervision Department of the Supervisory Committee is only responsible for the violations of regulations and disciplines by the supervisors and cadres. Now that the corruption and bribery case is not established, then this report is a malicious and false accusation. According to the nature of the case, it must be managed by the Security Department.

Secretary Qin nodded and said: "Well, the case will be handed over to the Security Department. In addition, there should be another pusher behind the report of Liao Qingchun and his son. You can arrange for the cadres of the Supervision and Investigation Department to cooperate with the Security Department. Regardless of the final investigation, Anyone will be punished severely!"

Secretary Qin specifically emphasized the words "severe punishment without credit" at the end of his words. The meaning inside and outside the words could not be more obvious. This is a determined decision that the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Department will cooperate with the Security Department to dig out the mastermind behind the scenes. Kill the chicken to scare the monkeys.

Nie Zhihua's heart trembled, and he nodded and said, "Um, Secretary, I'll make arrangements right away."

After the matter was clarified, there was no need to go to Deputy Secretary Li. Nie Zhihua took the report and filing documents and went straight back to his office in the Supervision Department.

At this time, in his office, Liao Qingchun and his son were still anxiously waiting for the arrangements of the Jiji Supervision Department. As soon as Nie Zhihua came back, the father and son couldn't wait to get together.

Master Liao: "Minister Nie, you are back. I wonder what the factory leaders said about Li Weiguo's forced bribery from me. Can we still get our things back?"

Liao Qingchun on the side also echoed: "Yes, Minister Nie, Li Weiguo, a corrupt person, forcibly demanded nearly 350 yuan in tickets and gifts from my father at one time. You have to make the decision for us."

"It took our family several years to save so much money. He extorted our savings for several years with just one mouthful. How do you think we should live in the future?"

Seeing how anxious the father and son were to die, Nie Zhihua was also happy. Well, since you want to hurry up, let's hurry up. Just don't cry when the time comes.

So Nie Zhihua smiled and said: "Don't worry, the factory will definitely make the decision for you in your affairs. Our Discipline Inspection and Supervision Department will never let go of any corrupt cadre who violates laws and disciplines. I will arrange for someone to go to the security guard with you." Go and confront Li Weiguo on the spot to see if he has anything else to say!"

After saying that, Nie Zhihua glanced at the father and son playfully, sneered secretly, turned his head and looked at one of the young cadres among the supervisory cadres next to him.

"Xiao Gao, this case is handed over to your Supervision and Investigation Section. You and Master Liao and Comrade Liao Qingchun will go to the Security Section and cooperate with the investigation!" With that, Nie Zhihua took the report and the report from Secretary Qin. The filing documents were handed over to him.Gao Jijun, the chief of the Supervision and Investigation Section, was stunned on the spot when he heard that his minister said he was cooperating with the investigation.

But when he glanced at the filing documents Nie Zhihua handed him, he immediately understood what this meant.

This filing document was written by the security section chief Li Weiguo himself, and there was a big signature on it. So wasn't this real-name report a complete false accusation? No wonder Minister Nie said he was cooperating with the investigation.

Come on, this poor father and son are still immersed in the dream of overthrowing the security section chief when they are about to die.

Glancing at Liao Qingchun and his son with pity, Gao Jijun knew what to do.

"Yes, Minister, I will take people there right now."

"Well, let's go."

At the same time, the security department.

Li Weiguo and Yang Xiaojun were still waiting in the office, waiting for someone from the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Department of the CPC Committee to come over.

However, after waiting for a long time, no one came, and Yang Xiaojun was getting a little impatient: "Section Chief, you said that all the departments in this factory office building have the same character, and they have a tendency to dawdle in everything. In a long time, we have smoked four or five cigarettes, and we are still not here."

Li Weiguo laughed and said: "There are a lot of rules and regulations in the factory office building. There are procedures between various departments. It's normal to be slow. Just wait and see. I guess we should be on the way here by now."

Yang Xiaojun and Sun Xiangdong curled their lips, and they really couldn't praise the efficiency of the departments and divisions in the factory office building. These are common problems in government agencies. If you can't make up your mind about something, you have to go through it layer by layer. I didn't know how long it took to report it to the superiors. After the discussion was completed and the decision was made, I don't know how long it took.

The main theme is one word: stability.

Don't ask for high efficiency, but ask for error-free procedures.

When he was bored, Yang Xiaojun changed his mind and asked Li Weiguo about the mystery of this matter.

"Section Chief, who do you think is behind this matter?"

Hearing his question, the cute newbie Sun Xiangdong on the side also pricked up his ears. This is a rare learning opportunity. There are many twists and turns in the factory. If no one is there to guide him, ordinary people can't see it with their eyes alone. Come out one, two, three.

Li Weiguo turned his head, glanced at him, and said with a smile, "Didn't you already guess it?"

Yang Xiaojun scratched his head and said with a sneer: "Section Chief, I think there should be a higher-level pusher here, otherwise Du Lianjun, the chief of the National Defense Mobilization Section, may not have the guts, and even if the false accusation is made He got it done, and there was no one above him to help, so it’s not his turn to benefit from it.”

Li Weiguo smiled when he heard this. Not to mention, although Yang Xiaojun was a boring gourd and didn't talk much at ordinary times, he could always hit the nail on the head when looking at problems. Zhengzhi's sense of smell was not bad, and he could see the signs at the first clue.

Yes, he is a workable material.

Smiling and nodding, Li Weiguo agreed: "Haha. You are right, there should be a higher-level pusher, but there is no specific investigation, so we can't say for sure. Let's wait until the investigation is completed."

In fact, Li Weiguo already knew who was behind this. However, if you don’t have any real evidence for what happened here, it’s useless to just rely on your intuition. You can’t do anything to them, so you still have to see if you can dig out Liao Qingchun and his son in the future. Come up with something.

Not long after Li Weiguo finished speaking, the people from the Ji Jian Supervision Department and Liao Qingchun and his son finally arrived.

The person who led the team to investigate was Gao Jijun, the chief of the Supervision and Investigation Section, followed by two supervisory officials and Liao Qingchun and his son.

After knocking on the door and entering the office, Gao Jijun, the chief of the investigation section, shook hands with Li Weiguo with a smile: "Director Li, I'm sorry to bother you. Our Supervision Department has received a case about you. Our minister asked us to come and cooperate with you in carrying out the investigation." Investigative work.”

As soon as Li Weiguo heard his name, he knew that the news of his promotion must have spread in the factory office building. Although he had not officially taken office yet, everyone was carrying the sedan chair. The attitude of Gao Jijun, the chief of the investigation section, was quite relaxed. It's very low, and he said he was cooperating with the investigation. It seems he already knows the whole story.

Li Weiguo smiled and nodded, and said, "Okay, I'd like to trouble you, comrades from the Investigation Department. Come on, let's all smoke a cigarette first."

As he said that, Li Weiguo took out a pack of Zhonghua from his pocket and gave one to each of the three Gao Jijun at the scene.

Gao Jijun and the other three took it with both hands with smiles and thanked them. After seeing that it was Zhonghua, they were reluctant to smoke and put the cigarettes on their ears.

Seeing such a harmonious scene in front of them, Liao Qingchun and his son, who were the victims of the corruption and bribery case, were a little confused.

According to their expectations before coming, the people from the Supervision and Investigation Section should have come in an aggressive manner and would have taken Li Weiguo away on the spot without giving him any time to talk nonsense. But what the hell is this scene in front of them?

But before the father and son could ask questions, Li Weiguo glanced at them, and Yang Xiaojun and Sun Xiangdong, who had been waiting for a long time, started to move.

(End of this chapter)

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