The Fiery Era of Siheyuan

Chapter 363, Marriage Introduction Letter

Chapter 363, Marriage Introduction Letter
After reading the wanted order in his hand, Li Weiguo couldn't help but clicked his tongue and asked: "Jianjun, according to the meaning of this wanted order, this is a father and son who went to rob a tomb. As a result, the two sons wanted to monopolize the property. He went to the entrance of the tomb and buried his biological father, then the two brothers went home and divided the spoils equally, and the second brother killed the first brother? "

Dong Jianjun nodded and said, "Although it's unbelievable, according to the investigation and visits of the local commune police station, this is the result."

"Furthermore, according to the descriptions of the local members, the Zhao family father and son are typical slackers of the production team. After a long period of poverty, they can't help but be tempted. It's no surprise that they do anything."

When he first heard about this case, he was also shocked. It was the first time he heard about such a frenzied case, but since the arrest warrants were issued, it meant that the local police had already obtained certain evidence.

After listening to his explanation, Li Weiguo thought for a while, and said suspiciously: "No, Jianjun, don't these tomb robbers have rules? Generally, sons enter the tomb, and fathers are outside to watch the wind to meet them. Father and son go to the grave together, and the one who comes out first is also the father. Why is it the other way around when it's their turn?"

No wonder Li Weiguo is curious. From ancient times to the present, tomb robbers have formed an inherent rule. When a father and son go to the tomb, the first person to leave the tomb must be the father, because it involves human nature, which is summed up by many tomb robbers through bloody lessons. .

Dong Jianjun explained: "Hey, the eight generations of the Zhao family are all farmers. They have never read a book. How can I know this? If I hadn't heard about this case, I wouldn't have known about the rules of tomb robbing. "

"They even dug the robbery holes in a rough way. It is said that there were three robbery holes at the scene, and two of them were dug and collapsed. They must have been poor and crazy. Live the test of humanity."

Hearing what he said, Li Weiguo suddenly realized, no wonder, maybe it just echoed the old saying: poor families have no filial sons.

Well, since it's an order from the superior, you don't need to care so much about other people's messy things, and the execution is over.

"Okay, I'll have someone post it on the bulletin board in the factory later."

"However, this portrait of Zhao Shichao is too blurry, and it's hard to recognize people after posting it."

Li Weiguo took the arrest warrant and carefully looked at it again and again. The portraits on the arrest warrant were crudely drawn, so he could barely make out the general idea. To be honest, it was a bit difficult to arrest people based on this portrait alone. .

Dong Jianjun said helplessly: "There is no way. The members of the production team will never be willing to take a photo once in their lives, so there is no photo of the suspect. This portrait was drawn by the painter based on the descriptions of local members."

"However, this wanted notice also contains a supplementary description. There is a scar on the back of Zhao Shichao's left hand, which was left by a sickle when cutting wheat. If you find something similar, you should pay close attention to it."

Li Weiguo looked down carefully, and sure enough, the last description of the arrest warrant did contain this sentence.

"Okay, I'll tell the comrades in the security department to pay attention later and let you know if I find anything." Li Weiguo said nonchalantly. It's not a troublesome matter at all. If you encounter him, you will arrest him. If you don't encounter him, you will be fined.

"Okay, then I'll go first."

After watching Dong Jianjun and his party drive away, he handed over the arrest warrant to Shao Gang and asked him to arrange someone to post it. Li Weiguo ignored it and went straight back to the office on the second floor.

But when he got back to the office, before he had even had a sip of tea, Yang Xiaojun came looking for him.

This idiot didn't know what kind of honey shit he had eaten. After entering the room, he rubbed his hands happily and giggled. Then he suddenly took out a handful of candies from his pocket and put them on his table.

Li Weiguo looked at the fruit candies on the table and raised his head suspiciously: "What, are you rich? Give me a candy to celebrate?"

Yang Xiaojun scratched his head embarrassingly, and explained: "No. Section Chief, I ask you to write a marriage introduction letter for me."

"Marriage introduction letter?"

Li Weiguo was stunned for a moment, and then realized that it was wedding candy.

"Okay, Xiaojun, when are you going to talk to your partner before they get married?" Li Weiguo teased him with a smile.

This kid is a boring gourd. He always does things first and then speaks out. If things are not done, no one close to him will tell. I didn't expect to get the object done by sneaking this time, chicken thief.

In the past, when the security department was under the control of Sun Yucheng and Dong Jianjun, they were the ones who handled the letter of introduction. He didn't even remember that he still had this responsibility. Now this is the first time he has seen someone come to him asking for a letter of introduction for marriage. Of.

When I think of him being a bachelor who wants to write a marriage introduction letter to others, hey. Damn it.
Not to mention, it's pretty fresh.
Yang Xiaojun chuckled, and said: "Last week, the aunt in our yard helped to lead the thread. We have been together for a week. I feel that we are still compatible in terms of temperament, and the parents of both parties have no objections, so we have settled down."

"That's right, starting a family and starting a business can be regarded as fulfilling your mother's wish, which girl is that?"

"Hehe. Our neighbor in the next yard, Liu Yu'er, her father is Liu Qifu, a fifth-level welder in the fourth workshop."

Li Weiguo nodded. He didn't know who it was just by hearing the name. Since the parents of both parties had agreed on the marriage, there would be no problem.

"Okay, now that it's settled, I'll open one for you guys so that you can have a beautiful girl as soon as possible. By the way, have you both brought your household registration books?"

"Hey, I brought it with me." As he said, Yang Xiaojun quickly took out two household registration books from his pocket and handed them over.

After taking the household registration book and briefly looking at it, Li Weiguo took out a standard marriage registration letter from the steel rolling mill employee from the drawer and filled in the information according to the household registration book.

Marriage introduction letters these days are generally relatively simple, just a formality, nothing too complicated. Larger units will have a standard form, while smaller units will just write it by hand. As long as it has an official seal, it can be used anywhere.

It is said to be a letter of introduction, but in fact it is just a few simple sentences, on which are written the names of both parties, the unit or street they belong to, the date of birth, and their first year of age, and then both parties voluntarily apply for marriage.

If it is six or six years later, then you have to fill in the family composition carefully. As for now, it's not that complicated.

It was signed by the security department of the rolling mill, with the big red official seal "哐", even if the job is over, you can take it to the street to register at the marriage registration department to get the certificate.

Yang Xiaojun couldn't help being overjoyed when he got the marriage introduction letter he wanted so much, he thanked him cheerfully, and couldn't wait to turn around and go to work, but Li Weiguo saw his frivolity, and stopped him as soon as he said "come back".

"Why are you running so fast? You don't need a holiday for weddings, right?"

"Oh. I was so excited. I forgot about this, hehe." Yang Xiaojun only remembered it at this time and scratched his head in embarrassment.

Li Weiguo rolled his eyes at the boy helplessly, and took out a leave note from the drawer. According to the factory regulations, employees can be granted one to three days of paid leave for marriage, so Li Weiguo simply gave him three days of leave and allowed him to take it. He enjoys the gentle land.

"Is three days enough?"

"Hey, that's enough, that's enough, thank you, Section Chief"

"Okay, then I'll give you three days off, so you can spend time at home with your wife."

After writing the leave note and handing it over to him, Li Weiguo asked again with concern: "By the way, have you prepared everything for the wedding? Is there anything missing?"

"Well, I don't need anything. I don't have a banquet due to limited conditions. I just give out some wedding candies to my colleagues at work and the neighbors. The woman is also very reasonable and has no requirements. I bought a few new pieces of furniture and a new quilt at home, both inside and outside. That's about it." Yang Xiaojun answered truthfully.

Good guy, listen up, girls these days are so easy to be satisfied, this married woman has to wake up with a smile when she falls asleep at night.

But the woman didn't ask to return home, and my younger brother is married, so he, the eldest brother, can't let him be too shabby.

Yang Xiaojun has made a lot of money following him in the past two years, so he should not be short of it. As for tickets, he may be short of some given his level.

So Li Weiguo reached into his pocket and took out a small stack of tickets with a thought.

"You don't know what to give you when you get married. I still have a few tickets here, which I won't need for a while, and they will soon expire. You can see if you can use them, and use them first." After finishing speaking, Li Weiguo Passed the ticket to him.

There are not many things, two sets of four pieces: two tickets for bed sheets, two tickets for quilt sheets, four tickets for pillow towels; the remaining 36 legs: one ticket for three-door cabinet, one ticket for chest of drawers, and one ticket for dressing table , a ticket for a sofa, a ticket for a wooden bed, four tickets for a bench, and other miscellaneous industrial product tickets such as enamel pots, enamel jars, thermoses, mirrors, fruit plates, etc.

These things are not rare things. Most of them are ordinary benefits issued by the company. Some of them were given to him by others and were never used, so they were thrown into the space to gather dust.

As for the ticket with three rotations and one sound, it is not easy to get him through regular channels. These four special ticket units are issued in a limited number every year. He has been in the security department for two years and has not gotten a round. He bought it before. The three big ones were tickets obtained from the old man and Li Huaide.

Yang Xiaojun looked at the stack of tickets he handed over, scratched his head, a little bit embarrassed: "Section Chief, this is unnecessary, the family is almost prepared, and I don't have any requirements for her."

"I don't ask for anything, but what girl doesn't want her husband's family to have better conditions? Okay, don't be polite. These tickets are about to expire if you don't use them. Keeping them is a waste." As he said this, he couldn't help but refuse. Li Weiguo was pushed in front of him.

Yang Xiaojun smiled embarrassingly, knowing his leader's temper, he simply didn't give in anymore. After looking carefully, he picked out a few items that were in short supply in the ticket, and pushed them back to him without asking for more. .

 Thank you book friends [Lao Li who drank too much] [A glass of wine in the breeze] [<Jian Sheng>BM] [20230424220634397] [161117210207121] [Good comfort friends] [160902030343075] Thank you for your monthly tickets Support, thank you\(^o^)/~
  The old cousin who can follow up to the present must be my old cousin. I would like to apologize to all old cousins ​​for not being able to update on time recently.Because it is the first time to write a book, I have suffered from inexperience. In the early stage, I was too accommodating to the readers' preferences, and I adjusted the plot direction many times. There was nothing in the early stage. After the [-]th chapter, there will be some sequelae, because The content is a bit out of line with the original outline, so I will get stuck from time to time, and I need to stop and adjust the direction of the plot. Please forgive me, but please put it down. I am already working hard and will recover as soon as possible. I will not be eunuchs. One chapter will be updated tonight, and another chapter will be added tomorrow morning. Thank you for your support, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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