The Fiery Era of Siheyuan

Chapter 287 The water is too deep

Chapter 287 The water is too deep
The meeting of the Security Department ended and the tone for the integration of Security Section personnel was finalized, and Li Weiguo quickly took action.

Back in the security department, he immediately started to disrupt and reorganize the staffing of the four units and draw up a new list.

The sixteen security guards who were integrated this time, except for Hu Dabao, the leader of the second security unit, all the fifteen new security guards were dispersed by Li Weiguo to the three units of the original security department.

For the newly established second security unit, Li Weiguo specially assigned fifteen old security guards from the three units to him, including Monkey, Shao Gang, Xu Dong, Wang Fen and others.

In addition, Li Weiguo also assigned Uncle Zhang, the only second guard in the security department, to him, and asked Uncle Zhang to guard him.

After finalizing a series of personnel lists, Li Weiguo signed and stamped them, and immediately handed in the personnel list.

When He Zhijun saw the list, he almost laughed out loud.

He just said to assign more old guards to Hu Dabao, to create a little difficulty for him, and not to let him make a small hill in the security department, so as to prevent Fan Xianghua from intervening in the security department unscrupulously.

Unexpectedly, Li Weiguo was so shabby. All fifteen security guards assigned him to senior security guards from three divisions, and even a familiar subordinate was not retained for him.

It seems that Hu Dabao, the auspicious chief, has something to do.

Maybe if he turned around, he would have to obediently give away the position of the chief of the second guard.

After reviewing the list of personnel, He Zhijun gave Li Weiguo a cigarette with a smile, signed and stamped for him without saying a word, and then asked him to make arrangements.

Naturally, Li Weiguo had no problem. After getting He Zhijun's signature and seal, he immediately sent a list of personnel to the Archives Office and Personnel Administration Section of the Security Department for filing, and then obtained the personnel transfer document from the Personnel Administration Section.

After finishing all the formalities, the dust has settled, and the factory manager can't change it even when he comes.

Back in the Security Section, Li Weiguo called the Security Section and all the security guards who were about to receive them to the playground in front of the Security Section's office building.

The security unit, public security unit, picket unit and two office clerks, plus the second security unit that will be merged into the security department, bring the total number of people in the security department to 57.

In addition to the necessary personnel on duty and the security guards who took turns, all the sixteen new security guards, including Hu Dabao, were present and lined up on the playground.

Li Weiguo stood on the steps in front of the office building and glanced down. It was obvious that the security guards below were divided into two types.

The original three units of the security department are all full of energy and fighting spirit, and they stand even more straight and neat.

The sixteen security guards who are about to be integrated are a bit stretched.

All of them are loose, they don't stand upright, they don't even have proper clothes and hats.

However, Li Weiguo was not in a hurry. He would wait until the personnel were integrated and then go back and slowly train these cowards.

In his hands, even if it is a piece of shit, Li Weiguo can make it into steel for him.

Those who can't make steel will be kicked directly to the steelmaking workshop and let the workshop do the refining.

Looking at the guards below, Li Weiguo began to lecture.

"Comrades, regarding the recruitment and integration of personnel in the security department of the steel rolling mill, the superiors have given a specific implementation plan."

"At this meeting, I will announce the next work arrangements for each unit of the Security Section."

"First of all, let's announce the personnel appointments and personnel adjustments of each unit."

Hearing Li Weiguo's words, the security guards on the playground pricked up their ears.

Although it was well known that the security department was going to accept [-] security guards these days, they didn't know the specific implementation rules, and everyone knew nothing about it.

The sixteen newly recruited security guards also became nervous for a moment and stood up straight.

"According to the voting resolution of the Security Branch/Department Wei Committee of the Steel Rolling Mill, in order to ensure the personnel integration of the Security Section and the normal development of daily work, it is now decided to add a Security Section [-] to the Security Section, and the original Security Section will be renamed Security Section [-]."

"Comrade Hu Dabao, the former security cadre of the Security Section of Dongzhimen No. [-] Transportation Company, was appointed as the head of the Security Section Two Security Section to fully preside over the daily work of the Security Section Two."

Another order:
"Five comrades including Hou Sheng and Xu Dong from the 1st Security Unit were transferred to the [-]nd Security Unit."

"Five comrades including Shao Gang and Wang Fen from the former picket unit were transferred to serve in the second security unit."

"Five comrades, including Ma Qianqian and Liu Guolei, were transferred from the original public security unit to serve in the second security unit."

"Seven comrades including Wang Rihai from the security unit of the Dongzhimen Third Transportation Company were transferred to serve in the first security unit, the public security unit, and the picket unit."

"Tune eight comrades including Fang Yiwen, the security unit of Dongzhimen Qinghua Steel Plant, to work in the security unit, the public security unit, and the picket unit respectively."

"Above, Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill Security Office File Branch/Ministry Wei Committee, Red Star Steel Rolling Mill Personnel Office, December 1960, 12."


After the personnel integration and transfer order was read out, all the security guards present were in an uproar.

The security guards of the three original units of the Security Section were fine. Even if their units were changed, their work did not change much. They were just a little surprised.

The real shock was to Hu Dabao, the newly integrated security guard and chief of the second security unit.

The new security guards look at each other and don't know what to do. They can only obey the arrangement.

Hu Dabao was stunned on the spot, standing there blankly, at a loss.

The newly established second security unit were all people transferred from the original three security units. He didn't know any of them. All his former subordinates were dispersed and absorbed into the other three units.

He came with Fan Xianghua's instructions in order to gain a foothold in the Security Department and help Fan Xianghua get involved in the Security Department.

Now it's all right, all his subordinates have been dispersed and transferred away, he knows all the people newly assigned to him, and he doesn't know who he can order in the future.

When some security guards with a keen sense of smell heard this arrangement, they quickly figured out the key to it. They secretly shook their heads and looked at Hu Dabao with pity in their eyes.

You said that as a small section chief, there is nothing wrong with you. You have to get involved in the confrontation between the big guys above.

It's a shame that he will have to endure the hard times in the future.
After being stunned for a moment, Hu Dabao understood his embarrassing situation, blushed, and raised an objection.

"Section Chief Li, the second security unit has just been established, and all the work is inextricably linked, but the staffing is all comrades I am not familiar with, which is not conducive to my follow-up work."

"Can you transfer some comrades from the original unit to the second unit of the defense, and help me temporarily for a while?" Hu Dabao tried to win.

There is no way, although his backer is Fan Xianghua, but now his immediate boss is Li Weiguo.

The emperor was far away, and Fan Xianghua couldn't help him immediately. Without Li Weiguo's nod, he had no choice but to try and fight for it.

Assist you for a while?
What a beautiful thing to think of!
Li Weiguo smiled, and said righteously: "It is because I am not familiar with it that I need to get in touch with other comrades to get acquainted."

"Chief Hu, don't worry about it. We are all revolutionary//revolutionary//good comrades. We will fight side by side in the future and we will get along very well."

Hu Dabao gritted his teeth, unwilling to be ignored like this, so he continued: "Section Chief Li and Director Fan have issued instructions. We hope that the second security team can integrate and operate as soon as possible and fully participate in daily security work."

"If something goes wrong in our work because we are not familiar with each other, it may be difficult for us to explain it to our superiors."

Hu Dabao was so frustrated that he was helpless, so he simply brought out the deputy director Fan Xianghua, hoping that Li Weiguo would have some scruples and give him three points.

Li Weiguo secretly sneered.

Deputy Director Fan Xianghua?

Hey. I'm afraid you haven't heard that the county magistrate is not as good as taking charge now.

What about the deputy director? Labor and management are not under his control.

His hands have reached into my pockets, and he still expects me to save face for him?
Ignoring his struggle, Li Weiguo continued: "Chief Hu doesn't have to worry about not having any acquaintances under him to carry out his work."

"The security guards assigned to you are all veteran security guards from our security department. They are skilled in all tasks and rarely make mistakes in their work."

"Presumably everyone will support Chief Hu's work, everyone said, right?" Li Weiguo asked the guards.


The security guards from the three units responded loudly, their shouts shaking the sky.

Good guy, all the answers
Hu Dabao's face turned green in an instant.

At the end of the security department personnel integration meeting earlier, Deputy Director Fan Xianghua told him the results.

He said that he helped him win the position of a powerful section chief in the security department. He was quite excited, and he sincerely thanked the leader for his promotion and care.

The chief executive of a large factory with tens of thousands of people is much more powerful than the chief executive of a small, broken transportation company, and the number of people in charge has doubled. It’s a real bargain.

But at this moment, he was really remorseful, and only MMP was left in his heart.

This security department is run like an iron bucket by others, how can he, an outsider, disturb it?

If he had known this, he should have applied to be transferred to the transportation brigade and asked someone else to plant the flag for Fan Xianghua.

Any person who can be a dispatching section chief or transportation team leader is better than this auspicious section chief who protects the second unit.

Absolutely no, no, no, no need to take a trip into this muddy water.

The water is too deep.

  There are also some old watches whose ID names are too unfamiliar, but the author is uneducated, can’t spell out the pinyin, and can’t copy and paste, so I can only thank you here\(^o^)/~
(End of this chapter)

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