The Fiery Era of Siheyuan

Chapter 14, Investigation and Breeding

Chapter 14, Investigation and Breeding
At noon the next day, at the gate of the joint venture restaurant on Gulou East Street.

Zheng Shan had already run to the joint venture restaurant and waited for almost an hour.

There is no way, life is really tight during this period, and I am eager to find some work.

At 12 o'clock, Li Weiguo asked for leave and arrived at the joint venture restaurant on Gulou East Street on time.

When he arrived at the door, he waved his hand to Zheng Shan and motioned for him to follow.

We walked into the restaurant and asked the waiter for a small private room.

After sitting down, I began to order from the service industry: "One serving of twice-cooked pork, one serving of sour Chinese cabbage, one serving of crucian carp tofu soup, and ten steamed buns."

"Two for one piece, three taels for meat tickets, and one catty for fine grain tickets." The waiter quickly tore off a list and put it on the table.

After the waiter left, Zheng Shan took out his previous ID from his pocket and handed it to Li Weiguo.

A certain investigation company of a certain division, the squad leader of the first corporal, Zheng Shan.

The worn-out certificate and the steel seal on it confirmed that it was genuine.

Li Weiguo nodded and said, "Tell me about your situation."

After being silent for a while, Zheng Shan slowly explained his situation.

Zheng Shan, 24 years old, joined the army in 53, was assigned to the investigation company, and was discharged in 57.

There are five people in the family, my mother, wife and a pair of children, who are only a little over three years old, and my father passed away at the end of last year.

I was doing pretty well and was given an allowance of more than 300 when I was discharged from the army.

The street also arranged for him to work in a food factory.

The reason for the misery is that the family's father spent all his savings on medical treatment while he was alive.

At that time, he was diagnosed with uremia. He spent all his savings on treatment and owed hundreds of yuan in foreign debt.

After that, you can no longer borrow money.

With no choice, he sold his job in the food factory.

It was sold urgently, so I sold it for 400 yuan, which was used to treat my father's illness.

He himself makes a living by doing odd jobs.

After half a year, the money ran out.

At the end of last year, his father did not survive and left.

At this moment, the family still has a foreign debt of nearly 200 yuan that has not been paid off.

The old lady in the family is also in poor health, and she often has to buy some medicine.

My wife doesn't have a job, but on weekdays she works as a street dealer for Matchbox, earning ten or eight yuan a month.

Without a formal job, I can only do part-time jobs, earning only ten yuan a month.

After hearing about Zheng Shan's situation, I have to sigh with emotion.

A good man has been tricked like this, and there is not even a decent piece of clothes left on him.

It's really a rich man, but it's hard for a man without money.

Not long after, the restaurant waiter brought the food to the table.

Li Weiguo didn't say anything more, pointed to the food and said to Zheng Shan: "Eat, I will tell you something after eating."

Looking at his posture, Zheng Shan knew that he was a rich man, so he was not polite. He grabbed two big steamed buns with his left hand and took a bite, while his right hand kept picking up vegetables to eat.

After eating for only 2 minutes, Zheng Shan stopped eating. Seeing his hesitation, he guessed that he wanted to take some back to his family.

Li Weiguo didn't care, and waved his hand: "Okay, this table is all yours. If you don't finish eating, pack it up later."

Zheng Shan was overjoyed immediately, thanked him again and again, and even ate and took something, which was quite embarrassing.

Since Zheng Shan didn't want to eat, Li Weiguo didn't waste any time, took out a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to him.

Said: "I need you to help me find a person. He is the security officer of the rolling mill. This is his personal information."

"I suspect that he took advantage of his position to collude inside and outside the steel rolling mill and steal public property many times."

"If he is not clean, his tracks will definitely show up. I need you to keep an eye on him for a long time until you confirm whether he has stolen public property."

After saying that, he took out 5 big black tens and put them on the table and pushed them to Zheng Shan.

Said: "This is a deposit. After the matter is completed, all the money will be settled for you at one time."

Zheng Shan took the 50 yuan, patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, I also hate this kind of moth that steals public property. As long as he does this, he can't escape my eyes."

Li Weiguo nodded and said: "Well, if you have any situation, you can find someone to send me a letter. My name is Li Weiguo, and I live at No. 95 Nanluoguxiang."

After the two exchanged everything, they left separately.

It's good that Zhang Biao's butt is clean. If it's not clean, he will be dealt with sooner or later.

But how to overthrow Zhang Biao and others has to be considered in the long run.

After all, he is just a powerless security guard now.

Soon, another week passed.

The food in the secret space has ushered in the second round of harvest.

3 mu of wheat harvested 3000 catties, and mu of corn harvested more than 4500 catties of corn cobs.

With 2 mu of sweet potatoes, the final harvest is 2 catties and thousands of catties of sweet potato seedlings.

After the land was turned over again, Li Weiguo planted another 3 mu of wheat, 3 mu of corn, and 2 mu of sweet potatoes.

Hull and grind the wheat to obtain 2100 jin of white flour and 900 jin of wheat bran.

The corn is directly ground into powder together with the cobs, and 4500 kilograms of corn noodles are made into corn noodles. In the future, in addition to keeping some corn for self-eating, the rest is ground into corn noodles and sold or used for breeding.

After a week in the fish pond, 168 days have passed. After regular feeding, the fish and shrimp have grown a lot. The big ones weigh more than 3 kilograms, and the small ones weigh four to five pounds.

After a while, the fish and shrimp will lay eggs. As long as they are fed properly, the number of fish and shrimp in the fish pond will increase geometrically.

A bumper harvest means that breeding can begin.

I had made an appointment with Wang Mancang to trade for half a month, and now the agreed time has arrived.

So early on the weekend, Li Weiguo took the bus and went straight to Red Star Commune.

The Red Star Commune only appeared after July 58.

At that time, the "communization movement" was launched nationwide.

The big pot meal system is implemented, and everyone works together, records work points, and eats together.

Farmers no longer raise poultry and livestock at home.

Poultry and livestock are all raised by special personnel and belong to the common property of the commune.

That is to say, Wang Mancang served as the production team leader in the commune, otherwise there would be no way to trade these cubs.

While the whole village was having a big pot of rice together at noon, Wang Mancang led the bullock cart and first loaded the fruit tree seedlings in his backyard onto the cart.

He dug these fruit seedlings in advance and transplanted them to the backyard. There are a total of twelve fruit seedlings, apple trees, peach trees, jujube trees, walnut trees, cherry trees, and chestnut trees, two of each kind.

While loading, Li Weiguo asked: "Brother Mancang, how is the food in the big pot in this village?"

Wang Mancang was silent for a while and said: "Last year, I ate okay at first, but then I ate all the good food. Forget it, just don't talk about it." After saying that, he waved his hands with a gloomy face, unwilling to mention it again. .

Looking at Wang Mancang's appearance, Li Weiguo guessed something about the situation, so he didn't ask any more questions.

After the fruit seedlings were loaded, Li Weiguo was taken to the commune farm to pick up the cubs.

The pre-caged cubs are loaded into the car, and then the cage is covered with a layer of thatch.

In this way, the two led the ox cart, sneaked around the big troops who were eating, transported the cubs and fruit seedlings out of the village, and did not unload the cart until near the station to pay the money.

After Wang Mancang left, while there was no one around, Li Weiguo collected all the cubs and fruit seedlings into the space.

It seems that all animals have a breeding limit, and they will not reproduce when they reach the limit.

Only 500 chickens and 100 ducks can be raised at the same time, and so on.

Although it doesn't look like much, it can't last 24 times longer. When it grows up, it can be directly put into the static space, and the next round of breeding can be carried out.

At the same time, with a thought, Li Weiguo crushed the wheat bran and sweet potato leaves in the static warehouse, mixed them with water, put them into the troughs of the chicken, duck, geese, and pig farms respectively, and then filled the troughs with water.

Sweet potato leaves and some vegetables are put directly into the troughs of sheep and rabbits.

In the future, as long as a certain amount of feed is put into the farms in the space, the farms will automatically feed and reproduce without too much attention.

The wheat bran, sweet potato seedlings, and a large amount of stick noodles and vegetables in the static warehouse are enough to feed chickens, ducks, geese, pigs, sheep, and rabbits. What's more, with their growth speed, when they reach the breeding limit, the space has already harvested several rounds of grain.

After placing the poultry and livestock, Li Weiguo planted all the fruit and seedlings.
These twelve seedlings only occupy a fraction of the land for the time being, and the tallest one is less than one meter. If they want to mature and bear fruit, they have to wait at least 2-3 years, which is about a month and a half outside.

Li Weiguo breathed a sigh of relief after completing the planting and breeding arrangements.

Before, three years of famine were like a heavy stone weighing on his heart, and Li Weiguo couldn't help but feel nervous.

Having completed the basic goals of planting and breeding, I finally have the confidence to face the coming three-year famine.

(End of this chapter)

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