Tanabata Diva Concert: Happy Breakup

Chapter 504 Chapter 509: The most handsome one?

Chapter 504 Chapter 509: The most handsome one?

When Zhang Long walked to the computer position in the blue square and sat down,
The host continued: "Let us welcome the jungler of the [LSP] team, He~~~Yong,"

He Yong stepped onto the stage from the backstage. There was nothing he could do about it. He was also a handsome guy. After all, if he wanted to be in the entertainment industry, he probably wouldn't have anything to do with those young freshmen.

The moment He Yong appeared on the stage, what was displayed on the big screen was his blind monk's smooth operation of seven keys per second.
This is a famous scene, you can know how fast the hand speed is.

He waved to the audience and then sat down at the computer next to the blue square Zhanglong.

"Ah, he's so handsome. He really deserves to be a [LSP] team. He has a really rich heritage. The looks of the team members are as good as the young guys."

"The most handsome one hasn't appeared yet."

"Isn't it the other end?"

"Is it a pig?"

The host continued: "Next, let us welcome the mid laner of the [LSP] team. He is Liang Hai."

Liang Hai walked onto the stage from the backstage, smiled slightly and waved to the audience, seeming a little shy, which made everyone stunned.

However, Liang Hai's highlight moment was his mid laner, Captain Tim. After being beaten to death by four enemies, he returned to Crystal to collect the heads of three unlucky guys who stepped on the mushrooms.

In short, the team battle can be lost, but Tim must die.

The audience in the audience smiled knowingly when they saw Liang Hai's highlight moment, because during this period, there were many players playing Tim in the game, but most of them died miserably, with all kinds of deaths. No, in short, Captain Tim is definitely being targeted.The number one villain in the canyon should be said to be this hero.

The host continued to introduce: "Next, let us welcome the [LSP] team's bot lane player: Jiang·~~Ci and auxiliary player: Sister-in-law with warm applause."

The two of them came up from the backstage with smiles on their faces.
You must know that Jiang Ci is a star. Now it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the top star of China Entertainment.

"Ah, husband Jiang Ci, I want to give birth to a monkey for you."

"Jiang Ci, so handsome,"

"Jiang Ci, you have to work hard, mom loves you,"

"Jiang Ci, uncle loves you too,"

"Sister-in-law, come on."

"Sister-in-law, Jiang Ci is mine. Let go of that boy and let me do it."

"My sister-in-law is mine, old thief Jiang Ci. I want to duel with you. My 40-meter sword is already hungry and thirsty."

"Go upstairs, old thief Jiang Ci conquered my sister-in-law with only his 40-centimeter stick. Your [-]-meter sword has a hammer."

"You can sell scrap metal."

Highlight moments are displayed on the screen,

Because Jiang Ci's highlight moment was assisted by his sister-in-law. After all, the sister-in-law surpassed the crystal and allowed Jiang Ci to take away the opponent's head and get a pentakill.

Jiang Ci thought about it carefully. The fan who shouted to give him a monkey before was not Princess Jiang Yan. Then he breathed a sigh of relief. Now he was already attracted by the fan who shouted to give him a monkey whenever he was around. The little princess Jiang Yan has a shadow in her heart.

After everyone in the [LSP] team sat down, the host introduced the members of the Japanese [MS] team in a routine manner.

At this time, He Yong's voice sounded in Jiang Ci's earphones: "Lao Jiang, how are we going to play these two games?" Jiang Ci said at this time: "In the first game, let's play heroes that we have never played on the court."

Liang Haijian said with a swish, "That's good, I'm tired of playing Captain Tim. If that's the case, then I want to choose a more lethal hero."

When banning heroes, the [LSP] team banned them completely indiscriminately. Even heroes that would not appear in the game were banned, which made the Japanese team feel extremely happy.In this way, they can naturally choose the hero they like more.

When it comes to the selection stage,

Zhang Long took the top lane and picked the hand of Noxus in seconds, known as the human-headed dog.

The opponent then chose Desert Death and bottom lane AD Ize.

[LSP] The team immediately selected jungler Xin Zhao and mid laner Kassadin.

[MS] The team chose jungle, excavator, and auxiliary tauren.

[LSP] Team selection, bottom lane ADC, Draven, support, Feng Nu.

When everyone saw the lineup of the [LSP] team, they were all shocked. You must know that in the past records of the [LSP] team, these heroes have never appeared.

After the last person of [MS] was selected, the mid laner, Fire Baron.

[LSP] Team, top laner, Hand of Noxus, jungler, Xin Zhao, mid laner, Kassadin, bottom lane ADC, Draven, support, Feng Nu.

[MS] Team, top laner, jungler, excavator, mid laner, Fire Baron, bottom lane ADC, Ezrael, support, tauren.

After entering the game, the five members of the [LSP] team collectively invaded the opponent's blue BUFF and jungle area.
Feng Nu has a Q skill, a small tornado, which rolls up three.

Jiang Ci killed two of them, and one of them flashed to the bottom of the tower, and no one pursued him.

Before the soldiers arrived on the battlefield, Draven already had two heads. What a terrible thing.

After Jiang Ci returned home, he took out a pair of cloth shoes and a short sword, and went out.

10 minutes later, almost all members of the Japanese [MS] team collapsed, because their team was completely crushed by the [LSP] team in the lane. In just 10 minutes, the defensive outer towers in the bottom lane were already destroyed by Jiang. The resigned Draven was demolished with a few axes.

As for Ezreal of the [MS] team, facing Draven at this moment, he only has two swords time. The reason is that the top laner teleports to the bottom lane and cooperates with the jungler, hoping to create a wave of four for two.But he didn't expect that due to Jiang Ci and his sister-in-law's superb operation, the sister-in-law's Feng Nu changed from one to four.

Since then, things have been getting out of hand. Even after Kotou and Ezreal switched lanes on the road, Kotou is still a crispy chicken in the eyes of Jiang Ci and Draven.

In the lane, no one from the [MS] team can match the members of the [LSP] team.He couldn't match up in lane, couldn't win in fights, and his resources were getting less and less. Until 15 minutes, the opponent's bot lane support, plus the mid laner, and the price of the highland tower finally ended Jiang Ci's continuous super.

When Jiang Ci got up from the spring, he looked at the time and said to everyone: "It's almost time, one wave, don't wave anymore." In short, Jiang Ci started to seek stability after he waved himself to death.

He Yong complained contemptuously: "Who are you? Taking my sister-in-law and you two to jump over the tower to kill people. Why? Are you trying to kill five people under the tower?"

Jiang Ci smiled coquettishly: "Okay, let's go. Let's finish off the opponent in one wave first. Then we can kill people in the next round."

In the end, the time of the first match between the Chinese team [LSP] and the Japanese team [MS] was fixed at 59 minutes and [-] seconds.

At this moment, Japanese netizens who are watching the live broadcast of the game are heartbroken. Damn, I thought the [MS] team was like a beam of light for their country before, but who could have imagined that it would be like this? .

(End of this chapter)

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