Tanabata Diva Concert: Happy Breakup

Chapter 394: Chapter 395: Liang Hai

Chapter 394: Chapter 395: Liang Hai
He Yong and Xu Li arrived one after another.
But when Jiang Ci saw He Yong and Xu Li arriving, there was still a strange look in Jiang Ci's eyes.

Jiang Ci whispered in He Yong's ear: "What's wrong? Conquered by Xu Li?"

He Yong pursed his lips and said: "It can't be completely counted, don't ask, it's because you, a young chicken, don't deserve to know."

Jiang Ci angrily said, "I'll spray you to death with a mouthful of salt soda."

Xu Li next to He Yong seemed to recognize He Yong, and she didn't know what was going on between the two of them.Xu Li never bothered He Yong, but recently, the two dated more and more frequently.

He Yong said to everyone at this time: "Wait, Liang Hai will bring you a surprise."

Jiang Ci put his arm around He Yong's shoulders and said in his ear: "Tell Ba Ba, what's the surprise?"

He Yong replied: "Get lost, don't you know when you get down? Don't you know the allusion about being impatient and unable to eat hot tofu?"

Jiang Ci retorted: "Don't be in a hurry, don't talk about tofu, I guess the plates are gone."

"Won't you know later? It's almost here." As soon as He Yong finished speaking, the door of the private room knocked, and then Liang Hai walked in with an exotic beauty. The pupils of the other party were beautiful, blue , Jiang Ci is very curious now, which country the other party is from, but was harmed by Liang Hai.

But who knew that the girl and Liang Hai were holding hands, and after entering the box, she said in Japanese to everyone, "Hi everyone, I'm very glad to meet you, everyone can call me Cang Yue."

After everyone in Jiang Ci replied, they sat down,
Jiang Ci asked He Yong with his ear: "Is this woman also from the Wa country?"

He Yong nodded: "Indeed, her nationality is Japanese, but her ancestors should not be Japanese. How about it? Does it look good?"

Jiang Ci nodded. Even a blind person could tell that this girl with blond hair and blue eyes was definitely not from the Japanese country. Moreover, he had to admit that Liang Hai, a turtle son, was quite handsome.

He Yong looked at Liang Hai's smug look, and said to Jiang Ci: "Lao Jiang, how about we go to Korea for a trip during the winter vacation?"

Jiang Ci whispered: "Why don't you go to Hainan during the winter vacation, it's quite cold in South Korea in winter."

He Yong said: "When the time comes, wouldn't it be nice to pick up a Korean girl to help warm the bed?"

Jiang Ci: "Beast. But your idea is quite commendable." Jiang Ci clearly knows that Liang Hai has been a Japanese girl since his first girlfriend before, although he has changed a few times since the beginning. , but all of them are Japanese nationalities.

Jiang Ci didn't know whether Liang Hai had an obsession with the girls of the Wa country, or if he had been taught a lot by Teacher Aoi, so he had a special liking for the girls of his country.

Gong Xin took the phone and dialed and said: "Where are you? Everyone is here now, waiting for you."

An anxious voice came from the opposite side and said: "I see, I will definitely be there in five minutes, don't worry, sister."

"Pay attention to safety, and don't be in a hurry for these few minutes. You won't be able to eat hot tofu in a hurry." After Gong Xin finished speaking, she stopped talking, hung up the phone with the other party, and looked at the people in the box.

Gong Xin and Zhang Long are next to each other, He Yong is next to Xu Li, Liang Hai and his Japanese girlfriend Cang Yue are so close that they are almost conjoined twins, but Jiang Ci is alone.

At this moment, Jiang Ci is thinking about whether to ruin his reputation. After all, with his current popularity and the appearance of a woman, such things will inevitably be on the hot search.

He just wanted to tell the outside world that he, Jiang Ci, was a lustful and hungry ghost.

He had this idea before, but due to some delays, today's baby Mo's 'pregnancy' incident gave him a wake-up call.

After a while, the box door opened.

Gong Ying walked in with a smile, and there was still a spare seat beside Jiang Ci at the moment, and she didn't know if someone left it on purpose, so she sat down unceremoniously.

Everyone introduced the girl from the Japanese country brought by Liang Hai to Gong Ying.

After introducing each other, the restaurant began to serve food.

At the dinner table, Zhang Long looked at Jiang Ci and laughed, only to hear him ask, "Do you drink?" His eyes were all on Jiang Ci.

The news about Jiang Ci's hangover last night was almost known to the whole country.

Jiang Ci thought for a while: "Let's drink some red wine, so we can sleep when we go back later."

Zhang Long: "That's okay, a bottle for the beautiful, but don't drink the ugly one?"

He Yong said without hesitation: "Since you said so, I have to drink two bottles of Nababa."

When Xu Li heard this, she half covered her vermilion lips and secretly smiled. She just liked He Yong being so shameless.

Everyone despised He Yong, but he was very cheeky and smiled triumphantly.

Gong Ying stood beside Jiang Ci, poked Jiang Ci with her finger, and whispered: "Jiang Ci, my brother-in-law has said these words, so how many bottles will you drink?"

Jiang Ci shook his head and said, "He Yong is an idiot, but I'm not. What's the point of arguing with him about this kind of thing?"

Jiang Ci's response to Gong Ying's words was not too loud, but at the moment, everyone in the private room could hear clearly. If others were called stupid, they would have already lost their temper.
But He Yong looked like the old god was there, with no fluctuations in his heart and a calm look.

But when he opened his mouth, he did scold Jiang Ci with a smile: "Who is that idiot talking about?"

Jiang Ci shrugged, trying to trick him, what was he thinking, and replied decisively: "He Yong."

Cang Yue also understands Chinese, although she is not particularly proficient, she can still understand general conversations.She also didn't expect that her friend's roommate was actually Jiang Ci, and it seemed that the relationship seemed to be particularly good.

She and Liang Hai whispered: "Hai, is your roommate Jiang Ci? The one who sings very well, and the heroine of "The Girl We Chased Together in Those Years", Ke Jingteng?"

Liang Hai said triumphantly: "Yes, we have a very good relationship. Why, do you want to introduce your little sister to him?"

Cang Yue shook her head when she heard the words, and said, "I guess Jiang Ci doesn't like them."

Liang Hai whispered: "If you have sisters or sisters, you can talk about them. Maybe Lao Jiang will take a fancy to them."

This guy Liang Hai is obviously a fake public servant for personal gain. When he got it, he introduced it to Jiang Ci. He was afraid that Jiang Ci would be waiting for his fart.

Cang Yue smiled lightly and said: "I know, I will pay attention to it. After all, Jiang Ci is a big star." In fact, the reason why she attached to Liang Hai at this moment was because Liang Hai was willing to spend money for her. That’s Liang Hai’s life.

Although the two of them have only been together for a short two days, they are each other, you know my depth, and I know your length.
(End of this chapter)

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