Tanabata Diva Concert: Happy Breakup

Chapter 189 Chapter 189: So white and beautiful

Chapter 189 Chapter 189: So white and beautiful
He Yong and the other two took Prince Wang’s nanny car and quickly arrived at Prince Wang’s hotel.

The first moment he walked in, the feeling he felt was one word, luxury.

The resplendent hall gives people a sense of grandeur.

After He Yong and Xu Li entered Jiang Ci's room, they were once again amazed by the luxury inside.

When everyone gathered again, Jiang Ci was first concerned: "Ms. Xu Li, this matter has wronged you."

Xu Li smiled and said, "It's okay, I didn't take it to heart."

Jiang Ci glanced at He Yong, and He Yong understood it and thought to himself: "I will definitely compensate Xu Li well tonight."

"You don't need to worry about the follow-up of this matter. I have contacted lawyer Zhang Wei just now and sent the evidence to the other party. The evidence is conclusive. What I didn't expect was that Hua Chenyu The company is also involved." Jiang Ci felt a little emotional. It was true that he had touched the other party's cake, but it was too despicable to discredit him in this way.

But it's also the fastest way.

"Master Wang, I wonder if you have any thoughts on entering the Internet?" Jiang Ci thought that the current Internet live broadcast has not become popular yet. After all, there are only a few game anchors occasionally.

As soon as Jiang Ci talked about business matters, Prince Wang immediately became interested.

Sitting closer to Jiang Ci, he asked with great interest, "Then tell me in detail?"

"The project I'm thinking of is a personal online live broadcast. For example, you can play games during the live broadcast. You should know this." Jiang Ci said this, looking at Mr. Wang, but his expression seemed a little ferocious.

"Don't mention the live broadcast game. Once I gave my account to a king-level god. He kept saying that he would win, but he chose a fire boy. In the whole team, he had the worst record, and the one who stepped on the horse was defeated. Four of my teammates acted as dogs!" He was a little angry when he said this.

Jiang Ci, Liang Hai, Zhang Long, and He Yong looked at each other and thought that this incident was quite a coincidence, but they didn't take it to heart.
"Ahem, live broadcasting of games, there are winners and losers. What I am saying is that you can set up a live broadcast company. For example, the anchor can live broadcast games, live singing, live dancing, and can also live broadcast with the audience. They are bragging. You can also live broadcast eating, such as some big eaters. In short, the masters are among the people. The live broadcast industry has just started, and if you want to eat crabs, you have to look forward." Jiang Ci explained, in short, he is I don't have the energy to do these things.

Prince Wang was lost in thought, and he glanced at Baby Mo. He felt that this matter was a bit out of order.

Mo Baobao nodded his head unobtrusively.

"I just gave a brief outline. If you are interested, I can write you a specific plan." Jiang Ci said with a smile.

Gong Xin suddenly said at this time: "Master Wang, I think this project is very good. If you don't want it, then I will take it. Jiang Ci hurry up and write up the plan."

Jiang Ci smiled and said to Gong Xin: "Sister-in-law, this project is good, but it requires connections and management, and it is very troublesome. In this way, you will spend less and less time with Brother Long in the future. Brother Long won’t be able to beat me to death by then, so this matter really isn’t suitable for you!”

Prince Wang asked this time: "I wonder how much investment is needed?"

Jiang Ci said: "Let me plan and write it out first." After speaking, Jiang Ci clattered and operated on the keyboard with the computer in his arms.
Seeing Jiang Ci's typing speed, Wang Gongzi felt that he was dazzled, so he asked: "I want to ask you now, you have sent a manuscript of [-] words before, do you still have a manuscript?"

Jiang Ci said casually: "That novel has about 40 words. In fact, I have already finished it. I have earned you 1000 million. I think if I continue to be cruel, it will be bad for us to become enemies with you. After all, there will still be conflicts between us in the future. There is a lot to work with.”

After more than ten minutes, Jiang Ci simply wrote out the plan.

Prince Wang nodded appreciatively. Although this man was a prodigal and a second-generation rich man, he still had good taste.

So he asked: "I don't know how much this project needs to invest?"

Jiang Ci said: "Two hundred million should be enough, and then we can directly use the money earned to support it."

Later, Zhang Long and Gong Xin invested 1000 million, accounting for 5.00% of the shares.
He Yong and Liang Hai both invested 1000 million.

Zhang Long, He Yong, and Liang Hai each increased their shares by one percent, with computer majors becoming shareholders.

Mo Baobao invested 2000 million,
Lin Yanyu and Jiang Qiuyue each received 1000 million.

Mu Chuchu invested 500 million, which is the result of her prudence, and her career is mainly in movies, and she will inevitably deal with the prince in the future, even if the 500 million is in vain, she doesn't care at all.

As for Jiang Ci's desire to invest, he was rejected by Mr. Wang, who simply used the plan to calculate his shares.

"After signing the contract, the live broadcast personnel must check their background clearly, and warn them that they must not be involved in pornographic gambling during the live broadcast. This is the bottom line, and it must not be crossed." Jiang Ci seriously warned that this matter is not a joke. What I'm most afraid of is that if someone shows color in the live broadcast room at night, then the industry will definitely have to be reorganized by then.

After Jiang Ci told Prince Wang some precautions, Prince Wang seemed to see a large live broadcast platform standing in front of him.

So he immediately said: "Everyone, I will go back to Shanghai first. As for the concert, I will watch your live broadcast on TV. Time is money, I believe you all know it."

Jiang Ci stood up and asked in surprise: "You don't want to watch the concert anymore?"

He nodded and said, "Yeah."

Jiang Ci stretched out his hand: "Then give me the concert ticket. You don't even want to go to see it. Why are you still holding the concert ticket?"

"Damn, you're such a chicken thief." After Wang Gongzi finished speaking, he handed the two tickets to Jiang Ci, and left with the planning book and the best beauties.

Prince Wang actually wanted to make good friends with Jiang Ci and his roommates. After all, his computer hacking skills were really sharp.

As for Xu Li, she looked at everyone who had invested before with shock.
They seem to be Jiang Ci's classmates, are they so rich?
It seems that for He Yong and the others, 1000 million seems like drizzle or something.

How did she know that 1000 million is really a drizzle for a rich second generation like He Yong who can make money,
Not to mention Xu Li, even Mu Chuchu and Lin Yanyu were a little surprised. One of them invested 500 million and the other invested 1000 million. You must know that Mo Baobao invested 2000 million without even blinking an eyelid. This is appropriate. Really white and rich.
(End of this chapter)

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