Chapter 120 Christmas (1)

Because this period is the review week for the final exam, Luo He’s live broadcast was completely blocked.Only when she occasionally eats, she returns to her role as a food fan, turns on a camera, and shows off or complains to everyone about what she eats.

Time flies like water, and in the blink of an eye, Christmas is almost here.

On Christmas Eve, Luo He and the others finished the last subject.

Like the previous subjects, Luo He handed in his papers one hour in advance, then packed up his things and walked out of the examination room.

In the winter in S City, the sky is always gray, like a layer of haze.

Luo He held his head high, looking forward, his mind went blank, and he walked mechanically on the way back to his dormitory.

"Luohe! Luohe!"

Someone behind her called her.

It's Lin Yi.I stuffed her with a gift box, a very cute box containing apples.

"Happy Christmas Eve!" Lin Yi's charming peach blossom eyes glowed with sincere blessings.

Luo He froze there in embarrassment. She had forgotten that today was Christmas Eve, so naturally she didn't prepare any apples.

It is rude to come and go without reciprocating...

You can't just take other people's things for free...

Seeing Luo He's hesitation, Lin Yi forcefully pushed the apple into her hand, left a big smile on her face, and turned around to leave.

Luo He had to reluctantly take the apple back to the dormitory.

She doesn't like eating apples, and she hasn't liked them since she was a child.Too sour, toothache.

A strong wind blew by, and the withered sycamore leaves were blown away instantly, as if a layer of old skin had been peeled off the tree, and scattered to the ground to form a golden blanket.

Some people describe the brilliant yellow sycamore leaves in autumn as being like elves playing in the world, like butterflies flying in the air, or more like a rain under the sycamore tree.

Luohe stepped on the soft and hard sycamore leaves, making a creaking sound.This feeling is a bit strange, like stepping on the sun to heaven.

The forest is full of golden sycamore leaves. When the sun shines brightly, the branches seem to have a sun planted on them.When the weather is bad, it seems like a sun is buried under the leaves on the ground.

Lin Yi looked at Luo He from a distance, walking alone in the sycamore forest, and smiled inexplicably.

The picturesque scenery just needs a beauty to embellish it.

Lin Yi didn't have time to take pictures, so he rode an electric bike to the studio.

An inspiration popped up in his mind, and he had to start drawing it right away!Inspiration is something that can never be found!And inspiration is the soul of a good painting. Without inspiration, a painting will always be a painting and cannot be called a work.

While Luo He was in a daze, the screen of his phone suddenly lit up.Master Cheap actually sent a message wishing her a happy Christmas Eve~~
Really, a miracle!

Luo He had a smile on his face and sent him a "Let's have fun together" emoticon with a smile.Then he asked: "Where is the fruit of my peace?"

Gu Huaisheng casually took a photo of the box of apples at his feet and sent it to her.I just received a box of apples from a fan today.

Luo He made a pouted expression, "But I can't eat it!"

Gu Huaisheng: "I want to eat, come and get it~"

Luo He looked shy, "But I want Master to send it here~~"

[Pick nose]/"Think beautifully"

[Senhe White Deer]: ...Master, you don’t love me anymore!
[Huainan Shengbei]: When did I love you?

A heart attack.

[Senhe White Deer]: [Smile]/, I feel so sad, I don’t want to recognize you as my master anymore!

Huainan Shengbei sent a link, "Come on, master will take you to pick the stars [stars]"

[Senhe White Deer]: [sweating], refuse, it’s such a big holiday, I can’t degenerate like this!
When Mu Chen heard Gu Huaisheng suddenly laugh, he felt like he was going to have a heart attack.

The thousand-year-old zombie suddenly laughed... How weird!
 Calvin Cavan Cavan

(End of this chapter)

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