Li Shen be careful

Chapter 196 Ambiguous Contact

Chapter 196 Ambiguous Contact

Lu Qianshuang came to her senses only after she agreed to play ranked games with Li He.

She asked, "What did you just ask?"

Li He had a smile on his face, but also a bit sinister, "I don't care, you have already promised me."

"I..." Lu Qianshuang hesitated to speak. She could only blame Li He for touching her head and causing her to lose consciousness.

Li He chuckled and said, "I said we would play ranked together on Monday, and you agreed."

Lu Qianshuang bit her lip, "Okay then, let's fight together."

But when Lu Qianshuang thought about it, she felt something was wrong.

She and Li He both play the mid lane position!
So it’s not suitable for her to play in tandem with Li He, right?

The more I think about it, the more inappropriate it becomes.

Lu Qianshuang frowned and said, "We both play mid lane, do we lose points together in double row?"

Li He coughed slightly, "I can also play in the wild."

Lu Qianshuang suddenly came over and asked with great interest, "Are you good at jungle? Who is better between you and Ke?"

Seeing Lu Qianshuang approaching, Li He could smell the fragrance of shampoo on her hair, which was faint but with the fragrance of a girl.

Li He turned his head to the side, blushing and said, "Absolutely."

Lu Qianshuang returned to her original position and responded softly, "Oh."

Seeing that Lu Qianshuang was some distance away from him, Li He sighed.

He never thought that he would be so unable to bear the approach of a person of the opposite sex, damn it.

Li He really wanted to pinch himself hard with his hands, trying to suppress those evil thoughts and prevent them from growing.

Lu Qianshuang listened to the restaurant's cheers and sighed, "It's really painful to wait in line for a meal."

Li He responded, "Yes, especially the restaurant has glass windows."

Li He turned his head and could see a child eating happily and happily through a layer of glass.

Lu Qianshuang took out her mobile phone, "Would you like to watch a video for a while?"

Li He asked, "What type of videos do you usually watch?"

Lu Qianshuang said, "Games and anime, but mostly anime."

Li He was surprised, "I couldn't tell. I thought you would watch some videos about studying."

Lu Qianshuang asked, "Do I seem to be someone who likes to learn?"

Li He answered honestly, "Yes, he looks like a top student."

Lu Qianshuang curled her lips, "I will also watch learning videos, but I will weigh the relationship between games, animation and learning."

Lu Qianshuang clicked on an anime movie, then handed an earphone to Li He, "Shall we watch it together?"

Li He's heartbeat quickened.

He was so happy to be able to watch a video with Lu Qianshuang so close to each other.

Li He took the earphones and inserted them into his ears.

Lu Qianshuang sat a little closer to Li He, and accidentally rubbed Li He's arm with her arm.

Li He felt like he was getting an electric shock, and his body was extremely stiff.

The girl's limbs were so soft, and Li He couldn't suppress the restlessness in his heart.

Lu Qianshuang didn't notice it, but placed the phone in front of the two people.

Li He had no intention of watching anime. He only knew that the girl he liked was so close that he could reach out and touch her.

At this time, the waiter shouted, "Small table number 46."

Lu Qianshuang was very keen and immediately took off the headphones, "It's our turn, let's go into the restaurant."

Lu Qianshuang stood up first. Li He took off the headphones and held them tightly in his hands. Only then did he realize that he was sweating so much because of nervousness.

(End of this chapter)

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