his little milk apricot

Chapter 125 The little mouth becomes sharper

Chapter 125 The little mouth becomes sharper

The scene of the shaking apricot falling into the ice lake happened to be scheduled from May 5th to May 19st.

Moreover, in order to pursue a sense of reality, Director Peng shot the scene on the ice lake in Yuebai Mountain, where the ice and snow never melt all year round.

Looking at the schedule he just received, Yaoxing's head felt dizzy again.

Why was it stuck on Xie Yinlan's birthday? She really didn't want to break her promise again.

But Director Peng said that a group of crew members had been sent there to set up the location first, and the climate in Yuebai Mountain was often cloudy and sunny, but it happened to be sunny and sunny during those few days, so we must hurry up and complete the filming.

It seems that asking for leave is hopeless.

Yaoxing held her schedule and struggled with herself for a while, then bravely opened her address book and called Xie Yinlan to report in advance.

Xie Yinlan had just finished a two-hour high-level meeting. At this moment, she was feeling a little exhausted and was sinking into the leather chair in the office, closing her eyes and recuperating.

Hearing his phone vibrate, he slowly opened his eyes.

When he saw that the caller was Yaoxing, all the fatigue disappeared in an instant.

"What's the matter, you missed me?" As soon as he answered the question, before Yaoxing could say anything, he couldn't help but use his sexy and abrasive voice to tease her.

She pressed her ear against the screen and felt a tingling sensation, as if he was leaning next to her ear and gently nipping her.

"Yeah." Yaoxing really misses him, especially after having an affair with him once, and she wants him even more, but she is currently busy with work and is not allowed to let her mind wander: "I...I..."

"What do you want to say?" Xie Yinlan listened to her hesitation. He didn't need to try hard to guess, and he roughly knew that she might not come back.

"I..." Yaoxing was afraid that he would be disappointed or angry, so she still couldn't speak.

However, Xie Yinlan suddenly sighed helplessly, "Okay, no need to say anything, I understand."

Yaoxing was slightly surprised: "Do you really know what I'm going to say?"

Xie Yinlan's mouth curled up slightly, "I am your husband, how could I not know."

Yaoxing: "..."

Mr. Xie can predict the future.

Shaking Xing dispelled the uneasiness and guilt in his heart, and added: "Let me send you the embroidered handkerchief first. Then cook... Maybe I can't run to make it for you. I wish you first Happy birthday."

Xie Yinlan looked at the date displayed on the laptop. It was only May [-]th, and she wished him a happy birthday ten days in advance.

His expression couldn't help but be strict: "Can't I wish you again on NO.20? Don't you have any time that day?"

"No." Yaoxing explained quickly, "In those few days, I will be filming in Yuebai Mountain. I may be soaked in water most of the time, and I am afraid that the signal on the mountain is not good. I will tell you now."

A trace of resentment rose up in Xie Yinlan's chest for no apparent reason, and she couldn't control herself and said: "Yao Xing, actually you have an easier way to make money. Why did you choose the hardest road?"

"Ah?" Yao Xing was startled, not knowing that he would suddenly say such words, "An easier way to make money?"

Apart from being forced to return home and inherit the family property, she had no easier way to make money.

Xie Yinlan pointed out to her: "If you had been willing to be softer with your little mouth from the beginning, wouldn't I be able to give you an inexhaustible supply here?"

Yaoxing: "…………"

Was she careless before?
Wasn't it from the beginning that when she teased him, he was going to whip her calf with a ruler, but now he blamed her for not being soft enough?

"If you had given me such a hint earlier, I would have..." Yao Xingting wanted to quarrel with him, but after thinking about it: "Forget it, I can't keep asking you for money in vain anyway."

In any case, a girl must have her own small business. No matter how much the man you like dotes on you and is willing to give you money, you can't completely lose yourself and just cling to men.

After all, no matter how beautiful you are, you will eventually grow old. Only the charm of your personality can drive a man to remember you.

Especially a man like Xie Yinlan who has everything he needs, let alone give him a whole piece of candy at once.

Because if he tastes enough at one time, he may abandon it like worn shoes.

Of course, this is just Yaoxing's own point of view, and it does not mean that Xie Yinlan thinks this way.

Xie Yinlan felt that her mouth was still hard and not well-adjusted, so she slightly hooked the corners of her thin lips, and said evilly: "Sure enough, I haven't kissed for two months, and my small mouth has grown sharp again."

Yaoxing: "..."

Xie Yinlan: "Since you don't want my money in vain, I won't give you something to compensate for it."

Yaoxing: "..."

You see, after all, he just lusted after her body.

Yaoxing's cheeks were slightly smelly, and when she saw Qin An coming this way, she quickly said, "I won't talk to you anymore. I'll ask Han Su to send you the handkerchief tonight. That's all for now, I'm going to go filming."

"No need to send it, I'll pick it up myself..." Xie Yinlan's words had just escaped his throat when Yao Xing had already hung up the phone in a hurry.

On the phone, there was only a busy tone.

Xie Yinlan was neither sullen nor angry, but in a very comfortable mood.

That's all, it's okay if she doesn't know...

(End of this chapter)

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