Chapter 123

In May, the chirping of cicadas fills my ears.

"Shuang Shu" is officially launched.

On the day of the launch, Shaking Xing and Song Xingkui were ridiculed by Lu Lu's fans to be on the hot search list.

But most of the comments were directed at Yaoxing.

"Haha, if it weren't for our Lulu not liking this show, a tea master would have been almost out of the picture. Isn't it nice to be able to pick up the slack?"

"Yao Xing: Just give me your ID number. Hahaha, sisters, be brave and put her name on the public screen. What are you afraid of?"

"That's right, I'm afraid of what she will do. I've been unhappy with this bitch for hundreds of years. Not to mention the fact that I stole Lulu's Wen Shouqing role before, and now I'm picking up scripts that Lulu doesn't want. I'm obviously riding on the popularity."

"It can only be said that our Lulu is too ambitious. After returning to China, she took on five or six major productions in a row. Some people have to pick up the ones they missed."

"Not only that, she also likes to tease Qin An in the show. As we all know, Qin An and Lulu are the best on-screen couple. But this Bichi really deserves a man, and she will tease everyone she sees."

"That's right. Just because she's here, I stopped watching "Cute Village Life". I'm so angry that I'm half-dead. And my new boss, Li Zhi, is also fascinated by her."

"All I can say is that Green Tea really attracts men. However, there don't seem to be many emotional scenes between men and women in this film. I'll see who she can seduce this time."

"It doesn't matter who she flirts with. Anyway, no one will watch this kind of drama without a male protagonist. Let's just wait and see it shortlisted for the Broomstick Award of the Year."

"The main reason is that there is also Song Xingkui, who has a lot of scandals. This director is really generous, and he is not afraid that the ratings will go to his grandma's house."

"I have to say that our Lulu's eye for selecting scripts is very ruthless, and all of them are excellent. We pick the rest and treat them as charity to cats and dogs, lest they have no scenes to film, which is also very pitiful."

"Hearing what you said, I can't wait to move the small bench and wait to watch the show. It will be very exciting."

"Then just wait and see. Don't slap your faces until the time comes." These were the fans of Song Xingkui and Yaoxing.

Although there is a lot of scandal about the two of them, there are still some true fans.

"I just want to ask, has everyone forgotten about Lu Lu's invitation letter incident?"

"Sister, don't mention it. If you mention it, I want to laugh again."

"I really don't understand what a certain fan is bragging about. It's obvious that the international giant chicken has been so confused that she can't get Xie's Menghua series, but there are still people who make faces for her every day. I don't know that she can get five in one go. The six big productions, how many nights did they spend together to get them."

"Let's just say that someone is so jealous that his eyes are black. I didn't expect that the Xie Group would take a fancy to our Kui Kui Zi."

"Of course, our Kuibao has a beautiful voice and a sweet voice. Who doesn't love her?"

"Anyway, I'm looking forward to it. I heard that Kui Zi and Yao Xing are very close sisters in private. I really want to see them fall in love and kill each other in the drama."

"Yes, I heard about it too. I also heard that Kuiko wanted to take Yaoxing to sleep at her house."

"You all know this? Who said it?"

"It seems that last month, Kuiko was doing a live broadcast, and her assistant was scolding her. She thought about taking Yaoxing home to sleep all day long."

"Hahaha, why are you so cute? I missed Kuiko's live broadcast and didn't even know."

"What I heard is that she seemed to have taken her back to sleep with her once, and now Aoiko thinks about her every day."

"Hahahaha, sister, why do I feel like you are driving?"

The comments in the hot search are mixed, and Yaoxing and Song Xingkui are busy reviewing the script at the moment and have no time to check Weibo.

"Brother Yuan..." Yao Xing held the script in his hand, and read the lines suspiciously: "Brother you a woman?"

(End of this chapter)

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