Chapter 113 Sea of ​​Life and Death

sea ​​of ​​life and death

A vast ocean, vast and boundless, he stood in mid-air facing south, raised his hand and waved, the sea roiled, and a ship appeared on the sea. He and Bai Ling took the boat to cross the sea.

Buddhism says that in the sea of ​​life and death, the sea of ​​desire rises and falls, and love and hate disappear. Ordinary people die and go to the underworld to reincarnate. But there are some people whose souls are cleansed and still do not want to reincarnate. They have deep obsessions. There are also some people who commit too many sins. If you go to the underworld, you will be thrown into hell. These souls will come to the sea of ​​life and death. Once the soul here enters, it is difficult to get out. The soul that enters the sea of ​​life and death needs to let go of all the grievances and grudges from the outside world. If you cannot let go, you will not be able to get out. Through the sea of ​​life and death.

After everyone left, Bai Fengxi waved and appeared in the air. He remembered that Chaoli saw someone here.

No, it should be said that it is a wisp of soul.

These people all entered the sea of ​​life and death one after another, which was really surprising.

However, Bai Fengxi narrowed her eyes slightly, got on the boat, and entered the sea of ​​life and death.

The sea of ​​life and death is a cold blue ocean, surrounded by endless white. Bai Fengxi flew down on it, and there seemed to be a layer of glass under her feet, which blocked the ocean. There were fishes going back and forth below, and under her feet Swimming, the reflection looks very beautiful.

Bai Fengxi stepped forward, and a glimmer of light appeared in front of her, which made her unable to open her eyes. She closed her eyes slightly, and when she opened them again, there was already a virtual door in front of her eyes.

She raised her hand and opened it directly. Suddenly, the world inside the door was completely different from the outside. A street appeared in front of her. On the street were monsters and monsters from all walks of life. There were houses on both sides of the street, but they were like human beings walking in the night. The streets were very lively with people going back and forth.

It was not bright inside, but there were many lanterns hanging high, lighting up the street.

The souls in the sea of ​​life and death are not illusory here, but have entities.

When a man with a pig's head and a human body walked past Bai Fengxi, Bai Fengxi said, "..."

Suddenly, a snow-white snake appeared on the street and said in front of a stall, "I want a bowl of beef soup."

Bai Fengxi, "..."

Although she could imagine it when reading the novel, when she walked in and saw this strange creature.

it feels so...


She slightly remembered that according to the original description, the appearance of people who enter the Sea of ​​Life and Death will automatically change. Everyone does not ask about each other's true identity. The souls here have their own stories.

This is to prevent people with bad intentions from seeking revenge.

Bai Fengxi walked forward slowly, looking at the names of the stores on both sides along the way. She remembered that the place where Chao left was called Ye Gui Lu in the original text.

She stopped and looked at the exquisite small building in front of her. The name on the door was written in the words "Ye Gui Lu".

She walked in slowly. The hall was very bright. There were various seats inside. The whole hall was full of people. There was a stage on the right side of the door, with a table and a bench on it, and a young man sitting on it. Sitting on his feet, he was wearing a blue robe, lazily telling stories.

Bai Fengxi couldn't see his appearance clearly.

The people below were fascinated by listening, and there were people sitting in some corners. Except for his shop, there was no other sound, and everyone's attention was on the story.

Bai Fengxi sneaked in quietly and found a corner to squat. There was a row of people next to her, squatting on the ground and listening.

"Brother, have you just arrived?" A man next to her who was half blind asked her.

Bai Fengxi nodded and lowered her voice, "Where are you preaching today?"

"Today we talked about how His Highness was betrayed and lost all his spiritual power and all five senses." A person came over to answer.

"...Oh." Bai Fengxi nodded, and the man looked at her, "Are you sleepy?"

Bai Fengxi looked at the melon seeds in his hand, was silent for a second, raised her hand and grabbed a handful, "Thank you, brother?"


Bai Fengxi tried to doze off and smiled with satisfaction, "It's very good, no different from the ones outside."

She raised her head slightly and looked around. Sure enough, she saw Chaonan and Bailing on the second floor, and Chaoli hiding in another corner.

Although their appearance has changed, they are gods and can be easily distinguished.

Bai Fengxi spit out the melon seed shells, "They all came together..."

(End of this chapter)

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