Chapter 225 Luo Beixiao asked, can you follow me?

It's probably because the presence of men's gaze is too strong.

Shen Yuan was forced to focus on him, and happened to meet the man's deep and narrow phoenix eyes.

Her heart trembled slightly.

"The wound shows signs of festering, so it's fair to feel pain." Shen Yuan said.

At the same time, she took out the Ten Thousand Years Golden Mountain Lotus.

The spiritual power of the fingertips turned into a blade and cut off half of the lotus flower. Combined with the light cyan spiritual power, it blended into a golden light green edge and was pushed onto Luo Beixiao's wound.

The moment the light point touched the man's wound, the purple light power originally hidden in it was pushed away and gathered in a corner, and then was drawn out by Shen Yuan with lightning speed.


The man groaned subconsciously.

It really - it hurts too much.

It was more painful than when the spell happened.

Veins popped up on the man's forehead, but fortunately the pain didn't last long.

Luo Beixiao held the free tree trunk with one hand, and her fingertips even dug into the bark.

Shen Yuan looked solemn.

According to her previous judgment, Master's injury should be under control. How could it suddenly start to spread over a large area?

Shen Yuan's eyes tightly grasped the man's shoulders, and the remaining purple light power that had not been eliminated was still spreading and getting stronger.

She collected the Ten Thousand Years Golden Mountain Lotus.

The medicine that reaches the highest yang level is useful, but I don’t know how it compares to the medicine that reaches the highest yin level.

"Yi Yuan, half a month,"


Shen Yuan knew what the man was going to say.

Isn't it a joke to cure his injury in half a month?
After all, Master is also a swordsman in the late Mahayana period, so why can't he clearly recognize his current injury condition?

Is this a problem that can be solved in half a month?

Obviously not.

Shen Yuan's face was not very good-looking. Subjectively, it was not towards Luo Beixiao, but because of Luo Beixiao.

She didn't know what the man was doing in such a hurry.

If it was just for what he said before, asking her to take him to the forest where she found him was not necessary at all.

The hero is indeed the hero.

Strong and miserable.

She was even thinking that if she hadn't captured the man's clone in time by mistake, would the purple light have directly affected the master's body?

Not only is this possible, but it is very likely.

Luo Beixiao didn't know what Shen Yuan was thinking at this moment. Out of instinct, he stepped back, but inexplicably didn't want to leave just like that.

Of course he knew it couldn't be cured within half a month.


"Can you follow me?" he asked.

When Shen Yuan heard this, she looked at Luo Beixiao with a puzzled look.

Shen Yuan: "What do you mean?"

"During the treatment period, you follow me. You can go wherever I go, and you can pay whatever you want."

"Jianjun, if you really don't want to stay with me... Well," Shen Yuan raised her chin in the direction of the Jiutian War Sect, "Not far away is the Jiutian War Sect."

Luo Beixiao didn't expect that she would understand so much, and was a little stunned for a moment.

Just listen to Shen Yuan continue to say: "There are rumors from the outside world that Luo Jianjun and the war immortal doctor of Jiutian Zhanzong are good friends. As for me, I am just a spiritual level pharmacist. If you want to leave here, or you want to find someone For a more efficient treatment method, it is better to go to the war immortal doctor."

After Shen Yuan finished speaking, she looked at him with a smile.

She crossed her arms, but the hands under her sleeves were already tightly clenched.

If the master really listened to her suggestion and ran away, how would she keep the person behind?

(End of this chapter)

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