Chapter 124 The eldest lady ignored him for three years.

Su Yunqing's eyes darkened slightly.

It’s not only the blessing of Master, but also the blessing of Miss Yuan, and also the blessing of... the eldest lady.

The elixir in the man's hand was broken.

At the same time, the communication stone Su Yunqing placed in the storage ring lit up.

There was a pause in the movement of his hands.

"I'll go back first."

He left a few words in a hurry, put down the elixir and left.

Xiao Sheng blinked, looked at the back of Uncle Su leaving in a hurry, and then looked at the broken elixir on the medicine table.

Is Uncle Su suddenly in a bad mood?

Su Yunqing's yard is next door to Xiao Sheng's.

After he returned to the yard, he held the communication stone tightly and sat under the old tree with red eyes.

The eldest lady ignored him for three years. Did she suddenly think of him again?

The man's back teeth were sore from clenching. He didn't know what he thought of, and his originally moved eyes gradually darkened.

"Su San, are you in Qingyun Sect? Come out and pick me up."

The woman's voice is the same as always.

As always, bossy, as always, as a matter of course.

Yes, that's right.

He was originally her subordinate, and he should have been at her disposal.

But... didn't she give up on him three years ago?

Su San moved his thumb slightly, and a layer of gloom suddenly appeared under his calm face.

"Miss, wait for me, I'll come out right away."


Without the Qingyun Sect's disciple token, there is no way to pass through the sect-protecting barrier outside the sect.

Su Lan wears a pink fairy dress with wide sleeves.

Three years have passed, and the woman's facial features have become more and more beautiful.

Even though Su San had done countless psychological preparations for himself, the moment he saw Miss Su, he still lost his voice and became hopeless.

The man's expression did not change, and his only words revealed his emotions, "Miss."

Su Lan saw the personal disciple uniform worn by Su San.

It's from Yaofeng.

As early as the moment she first met Luo Beixiao in Su City, Su Lan knew everything about the Qingyun Sect.

Su Lan's eyes darkened, and the impeccable smile she kept was stiff for a moment, but it was fleeting, but she was still captured by Su San thoroughly.

How well he understands the eldest lady.

Now, even with just a look from the other person, he knew what she was thinking.

The eldest lady must have felt that she was the one who was abandoned by him, but it was Beggar who turned around and became Yaofeng's direct disciple, so he slapped her in the face more.

Su San's Adam's apple moved slightly, and a modest smile was maintained on his gentle and handsome face.

If Su Lan was sharp enough, she would have discovered that in the past, everything was centered on her, and her subordinates were all she could see.

But this time Su San also guessed wrong.

When Su Lan saw the man's personal disciple uniform, the first thing she felt was jealousy that she could not let go of.

Why can he succeed in becoming a disciple so easily?

But he couldn't even see Luo Jianjun.

Su San is just one of her subordinates, why does he have such good luck!
Su Lan came to Qingyun Sect alone.

In the past, she had Su San by her side, and she would take him with her wherever she went. Without him, Su San only made her worry-free. He knew almost everything she wanted.

In the past three years, the subordinates around Miss Su's family have changed batch after batch, but no one can make Su Lan as satisfied as Su San in the past.

Of course, I can't say I'm satisfied.

After all, when she said she was going to leave someone, she was leaving them behind, when she was saying she disliked them, she was going to dislike them, and when she was saying she was using them, she was going to use them.

(End of this chapter)

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