Chapter 165
Hearing from Mrs. Qi that there was something going on in Jiangyuan, the three old men put aside their work and rushed to Qi's house. Then they were all shocked by the precious books and models in this room.

Jiang Yuan: ...

Can you let me have a good sleep?The door opened and closed again, and there was that exaggerated inhaling sound. She was just asleep, not deaf!

After all, her wish to sleep in was not realized. She was dragged up by Mrs. Qi, without combing her hair or washing her face. The three old men didn't even let her have breakfast, so they urged her to put her things away and follow them.

Jiang Yuan: ...She is really difficult, really.

After a few people nervously sent things to where they should go one by one, Jiang Yuan finally had a chance to breathe.

After going home and lying in bed for a few days, I finally recovered and was packed up by Mr. Qi and sent directly to the plane to the United States.

Also packed together were Qi Mingyuan and Qi Siwen, their father and son, who hurried back.

Jiang Yuan: ... Why are you so impatient, old man!
Fortunately, Xiao Chen also came. After discussing with Wei Yan for a few days, he finally decided to continue following Jiang Yuan.

"Okay, it's still the same as before. When you get to the United States, you don't hear or ask." Jiang Yuan clicked her lips, and under Qi Mingyuan's glare, she could only choose to accept the reality.

The four of them were sitting in a cafe outside the airport, staring at each other.

Qi Siwen patted her chest and said, "Don't worry, sister, I'm not like our father. I'm very knowledgeable!"

Qi Mingyuan frowned, raised his hand and slapped Qi Siwen on the head, "Shut up! How can you speak?"

He really didn't have much energy to take care of Jiangyuan this time. He signed a military order before coming and must find a way to establish a transportation channel.

Qi Siwen bared his teeth and exchanged glances with Jiang Yuan. Jiang Yuan took out a set of standard bodyguard equipment from the warehouse and threw it into his arms, "Here, new equipment."

"Hey, I'll hang out with my sister from now on." Qi Siwen grinned happily, showing her big white teeth, "I'm going to the bathroom to change right now."

Jiang Yuan nodded, "Go ahead and give you a gift when you come back."

Qi Siwen happily went to the bathroom. After changing his clothes, he came out and saw the three people in front of him leaning on a smooth black car looking at him.

Xiao Chen's expression was as expressionless as ever, his father's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and his sister's smile was more charming than the female star in the movie.

"Brother, come quickly!" Jiang Yuan waved.

Qi Siwen ran over like a gust of wind carrying the clothes he had changed. When he was still a few steps away from Jiangyuan, something flew towards him. He raised his hand and grabbed it. It turned out to be a car key. He was pleasantly surprised.

"Sister! This is...?"

Jiang Yuan snapped his fingers, with a smile on his eyes and brows, "Brother will be responsible for driving this car from now on."

Qi Siwen screamed with joy, and rushed over to hug Jiang Yuan, but Xiao Chen stretched out his hand to stop him with an expressionless face. He couldn't express his happiness, so he turned around and picked up Qi Mingyuan. Le Dian turned around twice, so angry Qi Mingyuan slapped him twice more.

"Take it easy for me!" Qi Mingyuan said angrily. Both of them were so out of tune, and they actually bought such an expensive car at will.

Jiang Yuan got into the back seat and sat down. She waited for him to come in before whispering: "We will just take it back when we go back later. Brother finally came out for once and made him happy. What's wrong?"

Qi Mingyuan glared at Qi Siwen, who was sitting in the passenger seat and watched Xiao Chen's operations eagerly. He gritted his teeth when he said the words, "This brat is happy, but it's hard for me, your father, to be happy." Jiang Yuan crossed his arms and hummed softly. He said, "Then you will be happy if I give you a whole electronic computer, right?"

Qi Mingyuan:? ? ?

Qi Mingyuan:! ! !

Qi Mingyuan: "Are you serious about this? Don't you just brag?"

Jiang Yuan pouted and leaned back, "Fake!" Don't pull him down!
The car drove for more than an hour and finally arrived at the small villa in Jiangyuan.

At this time, the hourly worker had just finished get off work. The four of them entered the villa, each found a room to rest for a while, and then met in the living room during dinner.

Jiang Yuan didn't know how to cook, and the other three elders knew how to cook, but the taste was really not good. She couldn't bear to take out the food Aunt Yang cooked for her now, so she took the three of them to the regular place. The restaurant where we went to eat.

Back at the villa, Jiang Yuan washed up and lay on the bed. Then she took the bedside phone and contacted a few girls.

I called Amy first, and the two communicated for about 10 to [-] minutes. After that, they basically spent half the night chatting with the three girls.

Before falling asleep, Jiang Yuan accepted Mia's invitation and went to her horse farm to play together tomorrow.

So the next day, Mia and her bodyguards took the foursome to the racecourse at home.

Among the four, only Jiang Yuan can't ride a horse, and the other three have all practiced it when they were in the army. Although their postures are not as elegant as those of ladies like Mia, they have an indescribable wildness and ease.

Seeing the three of them running wildly in the racecourse on their tall horses, Jiang Yuan, who was holding the white pony, was speechless and choked.

"It's okay, Lu, don't worry. This horse is very docile. I specially prepared it for you." Mia was wearing a red riding outfit. Her skin was so white that it seemed to be glowing in the early morning sun. Her whole person was enthusiastic and warm. She is beautiful, and the maroon horse following her is also majestic.

Jiang Yuan was wearing a beige riding suit, leading a white pony, with black hair, snowy skin, and red lips. She looked like an oriental princess from a fairy tale. Shala's eyes widened when she saw her.

She came over this time and brought her boyfriend with her. Jason looked much more haggard than before.

Mia secretly gave her a wink, Jiang Yuan understood, and the two of them led the horses and followed.

Only then did Mia tell her that Sarah and Jason's relationship was suspected to have broken down, and that Jason was trying his best to restore it.

"Why is it suspected that it has broken down? I saw that their relationship was quite good before." Jiang Yuan counted the time. She must not have been back for long. Is the relationship between the two so fragile?
Mia looked around and saw that the bodyguards were all far behind her. Jiangyuan's "housekeeper" and "driver" had gone crazy. Only the black-faced bodyguard was left walking with her bodyguard group. Shenmei said mysteriously: "I heard that Jason has been involved in scandals recently, but you know me, I'm not interested in those little stars, so I don't know much about that circle."

Jiang Yuan raised her hand and scratched her chin. She was shocked to realize that she had been bitten by a mosquito. She quickly took out a bottle of mosquito repellent water from the warehouse and sprayed herself from head to toe.

Mia knew what she was spraying, so she took two steps toward her and said, "Spray some for me too, I was bitten by a mosquito just now."

"Okay, let me spray you some more. This is a new product and it smells better than the previous one." Jiang Yuan sprayed it on her body several times before asking about Jason's scandal.

 Chapter 164 is still being blocked.


(End of this chapter)

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