Chapter 148 Distress
"Say!" Jiang Yuan's watermelon knife turned and pointed at Qian's mother who was slumped on the ground.

Qian's mother trembled all over, not daring to hesitate any more, and quickly explained the location.

Hearing that Qian Yupeng was walking towards the western suburbs, Jiang Yuan hurriedly turned around and ran out. Meng Ying made a prompt decision and ran out after her, leaving her partner in place for a long time without reacting. When they chased him out, they had only time. Saw the butt of the jeep.

The jeep was speeding along. The sky was already dark and snow was still falling. The headlights shone on the road, reflecting a faint cold light.

"There are several abandoned mines in the western suburbs. If there are no accidents, Qi Yan should be there." Meng Ying's voice was trembling, she was staring at the front tightly, her fists clenched tightly.

Jiang Yuan's face was darker than ever before, and Xiao Chen was not much better. Neither of them spoke, and they were already preparing for the worst.

Jiang Yuan was even thinking about the possibility that if Qian Yupeng was killed, his body would be thrown into the warehouse and brought to the United States for disposal.

When the car reached the foot of the mountain in the western suburbs, they could no longer get on. The three of them could only get out of the car and walk. Jiang Yuan took off the padded coat that was in the way, and pulled out a black down jacket from the back seat. After thinking about it, he took out another a black backpack on his back.

I trudged forward through the thin snow, and when I reached the halfway point of the mountain, I heard a piercing siren.

"Quick! Qi Yan is on it! It's the anti-wolf siren I gave her!" Jiang Yuan froze, and hurried his steps desperately.

Xiao Chen turned to Meng Ying and said, "Protect Jiangyuan," and rushed up the mountain quickly.

The two girls' hearts were in their throats at this moment. They were obviously very tired, but they did not dare to stop at all.

Xiao Chen followed the siren and moved forward as fast as a cheetah. These few minutes seemed like years. When he finally arrived at the entrance of the cave, he saw Qi Yan sitting on the ground with blood on his face, and a person lying all over his body next to him. A young man with blood.

And she kept pressing a pink bottle opener in her hand, and the huge alarm sound came from that little thing.

"How are you? Are you okay?" Xiao Chen quickly stepped forward and pulled the person up to the entrance of the cave.

Qi Yan was still frightened and didn't react for a while. When she heard Xiao Chen's question, she just shook her head blankly.

"It's okay, I knocked them down before they could do anything to me." The reason why she was shocked was because of the anti-wolf electric baton Jiang Yuan gave her.

At that time, three men rushed towards her. She used the fastest hand speed in more than 20 years, pulled out the anti-wolf electric baton and poked the man in front. As a result, the man fell straight to the ground and hit herself. Face full of blood.

The other two were also frightened and quickly stepped aside without waiting for her to poke again, determined not to come any closer. She simply took the opportunity to sound the alarm and scare them away.

"Oops!" After hearing that the other accomplices had just left, Xiao Chen suddenly remembered Jiang Yuan and Meng Ying who were still halfway up the mountain, and immediately turned around and ran down the mountain.

Qi Yan thought of something and ran into the cave in a few steps and poked the stiff man again with the anti-wolf electric baton before running out quickly.

Jiang Yuan and Meng Ying were holding hands and sliding one step at a time. There was a slight noise in front of them. Meng Ying's pupils shrank and she instantly threw Jiang Yuan to the ground and rolled her into the woods aside.

The bullet passed by the two of them, and plunged into where Jiang Yuan was standing just now, splashing mud.

Chills ran down Jiang Yuan's back, and cold sweat broke out on her forehead before she could react.

Meng Ying swallowed, quickly took out the gun from her waist and shot in the direction of the second bullet.

Bullets exploded at his feet. Jiang Yuan trembled and stepped back.

But seeing Meng Ying's thin figure standing in front of her, Jiang Yuan gritted her teeth and flipped her wrist, and the gun that Mr. Chu had given her appeared in her hand.

Replaying the training he had received in his mind, Jiang Yuan squinted his eyes to determine the direction, and fired a shot at that side.

At the same time, she heard the sound of bullets piercing the air at the tip of her ears, but in an instant, the tree she was leaning against was hit, and the flying sawdust grazed her cheek. Fortunately, she tilted her head, so her eyes were not hurt.Meng Ying pulled Jiang Yuan back and brought her closer to her.

Xiao Chen, who happened to be rushing down at this time, had already taken action and fired three shots in a row.

Jiang Yuan heard a man's scream and Xiao Chen's stern shout of "Stop!"

She wanted to poke her head in to see, but Meng Ying pushed her back and protected her behind her, determined not to let her have any chance of being exposed to danger.

Zhang Jianqiong was shot once in the shoulder and back, but fortunately she was wearing a body armor and her life was not in danger.

The moment before Xiao Chen rushed down, she shot the man following her without hesitation, right in the middle of the eyebrow, then turned around and ran away.

She had already figured out the terrain and route before setting the location here, so she ran very quickly and was able to take the time to kill Qian Yupeng who had just arrived at the foot of the mountain on his bicycle, snatched his bicycle and left.

Jiang Yuan collapsed on the ground, breathing heavily with her mouth open. Meng Ying pulled open her collar to help her breathe.

Qi Yan trotted over with an electric baton. Her condition was better than Jiang Yuan's, but not much better.

With soft hands and feet, Jiang Yuan turned around with difficulty, revealing the backpack on his back.

Qi Yan quickly opened the zipper and pulled out a black lightweight down jacket.

After struggling to put the down jacket on her body, Qi Yan was so excited that she hugged Jiang Yuan and kissed her hard on the face.

"I knew you would definitely come to me!"

Jiang Yuan waved her hand and didn't want to say a word, she didn't even have the strength to stand up now.

Xiao Chen came back with a dark face, "One died and the other escaped."

Meng Ying stood up and looked around, "We can't stay here anymore, we have to get down the mountain quickly."

Qi Yan weakly raised his hand, "There is still someone alive in the mine."

Meng Ying said "hmm" and looked at Xiao Chen, "I'll deal with that person. You can escort them down the mountain first."

Xiao Chen nodded. He would put Jiang Yuan's safety first at any time.

"We'd better go together. If anything happens, we have more people and more strength." Jiang Yuan was helped by Qi Yan to get up. Meng Ying turned around and was about to carry her on her back. Xiao Chen kept silent. Lift her in front of her.

Perhaps because he had just experienced such a thrilling situation, Jiang Yuan's nerves were tense and suddenly relaxed. In addition to his limbs becoming weak, Jiang Yuan's eyesight also turned dark.

In her heart, she kept spurning her behavior of delaying her legs, and she was determined to work hard to exercise her body in the future. Even if she couldn't help, she must be fast enough and have enough stamina when she escaped.

Meng Ying held a gun on guard at the end, while Xiao Chen carried Jiang Yuan on his back and held a branch in his hand. On the other end of the branch was an exhausted Qi Yan. A group of four walked towards the abandoned mine.

The man in the mine hadn't woken up yet. He looked upright like a corpse. Qi Yan quickly raised his hand to cover Jiang Yuan's eyes to prevent her from seeing such a bloody scene.

 Today's update is relatively early. Remember to vote for me.

(End of this chapter)

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