These two are amazing.

If it were anything else, she would definitely not want it.

But this one~

It must not have been passed down from an older generation in their family, because it was painted by her great-grandfather himself!

There is a pair of such big cats hanging in the living room of the old house in Xiangjiang!
The middle-aged man hurriedly continued: "Last time someone came to my house to collect this painting, we didn't sell it. I heard that the price you gave was right, so we came to ask, how much did you give?"

She didn't mention the money and asked her questions first.

"Let me ask you, how many years has this painting been in your home?"

The man immediately replied: "I heard from my father that it has been around since the Qing Dynasty. It has been up to now. The ancestors of our family have told us that these words are very valuable. Let me put them away and keep them for the younger generation to use. of."

The signature is Tang Yin, Tang Bohu.

Her great-grandfather imitated the tiger descending the mountain in a very artistic way.

If she hadn't been able to see the mark left by her great-grandfather, this painting would have been a real painting!

"Did you just say that anyone else has seen this painting?"

The man immediately said: "It was last year."

Fang Zongtang: "Tell me what happened, be careful!"

The man recalled for a moment and said quickly: "It was a person from out of town and a local. They heard that there was a painting in our house, so they came to our house and said that after seeing it, if it was true, they would give it to us 2 Ten thousand yuan!”

The middle-aged woman immediately sighed.

"Twenty thousand bullshit, they are just lying. When we came back for the first time, we all agreed, but when we came back the second time, we changed our minds. We have all the food and wine prepared. Aren't they just playing tricks on us? "

Fang Zongtang understood clearly that this was someone trying to change the situation!
The person who replaced him is a master.

She actually recognized her great-grandfather's high imitation.

"I'll give you five hundred for this painting." She said a price.

The middle-aged couple were a little disappointed when they heard this.

"Ours is from the Tang Dynasty, so it's only five hundred. I heard that if you collect bottles from the Qing Dynasty, you'll be given ten to twenty thousand. Ours is much longer than the Qing Dynasty." Fang Zongtang didn't hide it either. They are.

"This is a fake."

The middle-aged couple were stunned.

"What's a fake?"

Fang Zongtang explained to them.

"A counterfeit is fake, but this painting is a high imitation and very authentic. I like it very much, so I give it five hundred."

The middle-aged couple immediately said in a tone of disbelief: "It's fake, how could it be fake? We took this from the cemetery, and no one has ever touched it."

Fang Zongtang: "As you just said, someone has seen it, even twice. I won't lie to you anymore. Your painting was changed. If there is someone you know who can pull the strings, you can go find it. That person!”

The middle-aged couple didn't believe it, but it was the woman's brother who was the one pulling the strings.

Middle-aged woman: "How could my brother lie to us? You don't want to deliberately lower the price, do you?"

For the sake of Big Cat, she could understand a little bit about the middle-aged couple's mood.

"I'll point you to a clear place. There is an archaeological team in Fuma Village. Just take the painting and ask the experts. See if what I say is true or false."

The middle-aged woman looked at her unconvinced: "Who knows if you guys are in a group and want to deceive my family into painting?"

Fang Zongtang: "That's a state unit. If you can't trust others, can't you trust the country?"

"If you don't trust the archaeological team, wouldn't you ask a few more people?"

"Let's ask clearly. If you want to sell it, call Master Liu or come to the Fuma Village Archaeological Team to find me!"

There's no need for her to bother!

They will definitely sell the paintings.

Don’t worry about selling her. Grandpa has made countless imitations in his life. Without the big cat, there are other things.

Her last wish has been fulfilled, and she no longer has to worry about these little things!

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