Top-notch, he wants to make it public every day

Chapter 120 I want to hold them criminally responsible

Northern suburbs.

It took Li Yue nearly three hours to reach the destination mentioned by Huang Ye.

An abandoned factory, surrounded by trees and weeds, no one could be seen, and there was an unpleasant smell of paint.

Li Yue covered her nose in disgust and asked the driver to stop outside and wait for her.

If it weren't for the price, the driver wouldn't be willing to come to such a remote place.

Li Yue opened the door and got out of the car, frowned and walked into the factory, complaining in a low voice: "What the hell is this place!"

There are abandoned machines and parts everywhere on the ground, the walls are peeling off, and the iron on the windows is rusty. It seems that this place has been abandoned for a long time.

The wind rustled the leaves and the old door swayed slightly.

Li Yue felt a little scared and opened the door cautiously.


There was a person sitting inside, wearing a clean T-shirt and shorts, and he looked relatively delicate.

Li Yue was deceived by his face in the first place, and now she was so angry when she saw him.

An annoying voice came out of her mouth: "Long time no see, my baby."

He stood up and walked towards Li Yue, opened his hands and tried to hug her, but Li Yue dodged her, "Get away, where are the videos and photos? Delete them immediately!"

"Why are you so anxious? I said I would delete it and I will delete it." Huang Ye looked at the door warily, "Are you sure you are the only one here?"

"Besides the driver, I am the only one." Li Yue paid attention to see if anyone was following him along the way.

"That's right. After all, you also have a share. You can't be stupid enough to bring the police here." Huang Ye raised the corner of his mouth with an evil smile, "But you are really ruthless. You even cheated your own sister out of her money."

Li Yue glared at him, "What does it have to do with you? Where is the computer and USB flash drive? Don't waste time."

Huang Ye raised his chin and pointed at the old wooden table, "Over there, delete it yourself."

Li Yue immediately went over to open the computer, plugged in the USB flash drive, and deleted all the videos and photos inside. Only then did the big stone hanging in his heart fall to the ground.

"I want to take the computer with me."

Who knows if there are any missing backups in his computer.

"It's up to you." Huang Ye took out a lighter and cigarette case from his pocket, lit a cigarette and clamped it on his fingertips, "Don't forget the 100 million."

Li Yue lowered her eyes to hide her strange look. Since he no longer had any leverage over her, why should she give him 100 million.

Huang Ye is not stupid. This woman even plots against her own sister, which shows how terrifying her thoughts are.

He stretched out his hand and pinched Li Yue's chin and pulled it over with a stern look, "I warn you not to be mean, otherwise I will go looking for you again. I can't guarantee what will happen then."

Li Yue panicked, her eyelashes trembled, and she pretended to be calm and pushed his hand away, "I know, let me go!"

Huang Ye patted her face and smiled again, "Only obedient girls are liked."

However, the smile did not reach half of his eyes.

Li Yue's back felt cold, and she realized that the person in front of her was in danger, so she had to comfort him first, "Don't worry, I will go to the bank to transfer the money to you when I get back to the city, and I won't lose a penny."

Huang Ye let go of his hand with satisfaction, "That's right."

"Then I'll go first."

Li Yue was holding the computer and was about to leave when her wrist was quickly pressed down and rubbed suggestively, "We've come here, so let's do it once before leaving. Just treat it as catching up with old times. After all, we won't see each other again in the future."

Li Yue's expression suddenly changed, "You're crazy!"

Huang Ye squeezed her hand hard, and Li Yue was trapped between his arms and the table.

She struggled hard, thinking of countermeasures in her mind, "I can't come out for too long, my mother and sister will be worried, and you don't want to cause trouble..."

These words spoke to Huang Ye's concerns. After thinking about it, he gave up and just held her back to take advantage of his hands and mouth.

As everyone knows, their conversation has long been monitored.Complete and complete, not missing a word.

Before going out, Li Banxia quietly put the eavesdropping locator into Li Yue's bag.

Zhao Yongcheng glanced at the pale girl next to him and said, "Miss Li, it seems that your sister is an accomplice."

Li Banxia really didn't expect that Li Yue would do such a bottomless thing, and his last bit of kindness towards her was gone.

At this moment, she was extremely grateful that she called the police in advance.

"I want to hold them criminally responsible."

Zhao Yongcheng nodded, "If I remember correctly, according to Article 274 of the Criminal Law, those who extort huge amounts should be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than ten years. Please consult a lawyer for specific circumstances."

Li Banxia: "Okay, thank you, Officer Zhao."

"It should be." Zhao Yongcheng said casually: "Mu Weiliang and I are old classmates. If you have any questions, you can always come to me."

Li Banxia was surprised for two seconds, then thought about it and said, "Can you not tell him about this for now?"

"What?" Zhao Yongcheng knew they were talking because Mu Weiliang showed off in front of him.

Li Banxia explained: "His grandma has been in poor health recently, and I don't want him to worry about me anymore."

Zhao Yongcheng understood, "Okay."
the other side.

Li Yue's face turned red and she couldn't get away, so she could only endure the nausea.

After finally waiting for Huang Ye to stop, she quickly arranged her clothes, not wanting to stay here for a moment.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I walked to the door with my computer in hand, the sound of police cars sounded outside.

Li Yue paused, shock and panic mixed on his face.

Huang Ye pulled her back with his backhand, slapped her hard, and said angrily: "You bitch! Do you dare to play tricks on me?"

Li Yue's face was burning with pain, and his hair was pulled by him until his scalp was numb. "I didn't! I don't know what happened!"

"Don't move!"

Four or five policemen broke in, quickly restrained the two of them, and handcuffed them.

Li Yue was completely confused. She didn't know why the police were here. She was so frightened that she lost her reaction.

The leading police officer gave the order: "Take them away."

Only then did Li Yue come to his senses, cleared the air and shouted: "Comrade police, you are mistaken! This matter has nothing to do with me! He blackmailed me! I am also a victim!"

The policeman said calmly, "We won't arrest people randomly if we have evidence."

"Now you want to put all the blame on me? It's not that good! I will hold you back until death!" Huang Ye glared at Li Yue fiercely, "I have complete phone recordings and chat records on my phone , you took the initiative to collude with me to defraud your sister of her money!"

Li Yue's face suddenly turned ashen.

No, her life has just begun, she can't go to jail!

She struggled like crazy, "I'll give the money back, don't arrest me, you can't arrest me... I want to see my sister..."

The policeman pressed her shoulders and warned: "Be honest and don't move!"
The evidence is conclusive and the results of the interrogation will come out in the afternoon.

Huang Ye did blackmail Li Yue for 20 yuan using her private photos a few months ago. After spending the money, he had another evil idea and went to Li Yue to ask her for another 50 yuan.

Li Yue was angry at first, but then suddenly offered to cooperate with him and increased the amount of blackmail to 500 million. After the incident was completed, Huang Ye received 300 million and she received 200 million, so they acted together in this play.

The miscalculation was that Li Banxia would secretly call the police.

The amount of extortion was too large, and the public security agency has opened a case.

Li Banxia also handed over all relevant evidence to the lawyer.

When Qiao Hui got the news, she almost fainted on the spot. She immediately ran to the Public Security Bureau to learn about the situation and begged to see Li Yue. However, the police refused and her family members who were under criminal detention were not allowed to visit.

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