Chapter 102 Chapter 102

When Qin Xiaoxiao got up the next day, he heard the sporadic rain outside.

Qin Xiaoxiao got dressed, opened the door, and looked up at the sky.

The sky is quite overcast, but the rain is not heavy. It seems that the rain will not stop for a while, and it may get worse in the afternoon.

Would she still go into the county in such weather?
Her grandma wouldn't be willing to let her go, would she?

Qin Xiaoxiao frowned, went to the firewood shed to get some firewood, burned the kang, boiled water to fill a thermos bottle, and made a cup of soy milk powder with the remaining water to dry.

I went into the space and fried two small fried dough sticks. Seeing that there were still some small jade cakes I ate last time, I took two more pieces out of the space.

After finishing her breakfast, Qin Xiaoxiao put on her raincoat and rain shoes and went out. She walked around the front yard first and found that Miao Feifei hadn't returned all night. She turned back to the backyard and left the educated youth spot through the back door.

She didn't go to Qin's house, because she was afraid that her grandma would not let her go to the county seat, and she hadn't given a perfect explanation for the incident on the wall yesterday, she just fooled it temporarily, and she was afraid that her grandma would come to ask her again, what should she do? answer it.

In my last life, I have been in the last days, I have learned military boxing, Muay Thai and long boxing, I can play Wu Qin Xi, I have a black belt in Taekwondo, and I have won the provincial karate champion?

I'm afraid it won't scare her grandma to death!

Although she has so many names on her head, it is of little use, otherwise she would not have been in the apocalypse for only one year and then died.

Who told her to avoid the zombies and just think about how to stuff materials into the space, she had never fought against zombies at all, and even a third-level zombie could kill her twice.

Are you saying she is weak?Not weak, but it depends on who you fight with.

When fighting with people, she really doesn't fear anyone, anyone dares to reach out and gesture twice, she is not even afraid of killing people.

But she didn't know what was going on, as soon as she saw the zombies running over with their teeth and claws, her legs trembled in fright, and she couldn't move when she was nailed to the spot. No one around her helped her, and she would die if she could start the game.

Thinking about what was on her mind, she arrived at the county seat without knowing it. Only then did Qin Xiaoxiao realize that she was actually walking.

Recalling that there was not a single bullock cart at the entrance of the village, and not even a human figure could be seen on the road, if she had known this, it would have been great if she had taken out a bicycle or a battery car from the space to ride!

Fortunately, the road is not far away, otherwise she would have to go and vomit blood!

To inquire about people, you naturally have to find someone who is well-rounded and well-informed. Who else could this person be compared to her second aunt?

Qin Xiaoxiao went directly to the supply and marketing cooperative, found Sun Zhirou, and told her future plans. Sun Zhirou asked for leave from the leader on the spot and took Qin Xiaoxiao to the Public Security Bureau.

The couple hid in the alley opposite the Public Security Bureau and looked at the main entrance of the Public Security Bureau, but no one came out for a long time.

Sun Zhirou frowned, "Someone came out! If we continue to wait like this, how long will we have to wait? No, little one, we have to find a way to get in, and we can't waste time here."

When Qin Xiaoxiao heard it, she felt that it made sense.

Whoever runs outside on a rainy day is sick!

"Yes, yes, but second aunt, what excuse can we find to go in?"

Sun Zhirou rolled her eyes and her plan came to her mind.

"It's up to me, follow me."

Sun Zhirou led the way, followed by Qin Xiaoxiao, and the two entered the gate of the Public Security Bureau one after the other.

Entering the small building, a female police officer walked towards me.

"What's wrong with you?"

Sun Zhirou said with a smile: "Hello, comrade, I want to report something to you. Look, who should I tell?"

The female police officer had a very good attitude and immediately smiled and said, "Just tell me. Come on, let's talk inside."

After letting the two people sit down and pouring them a glass of water, Sun Zhirou began to speak.

"That's right, our family lives in Mazi Hutong not far from here, and a few days ago I noticed there was movement next door to my house.

Oh, by the way, there used to be a couple living next door to my house. The husband was a teacher. A few years ago, they were sent to the lower levels. Both husband and wife left, so the next door to my house was vacant, so there should be no one there.

But after nine o'clock in the evening for two days, I found that there was movement in the house next door, but there was no movement during the day, and the door was locked.

At first I thought I had heard it wrong, so I asked my guy if he heard it.

It turned out that my husband heard it too, and so did my son and daughter.

I thought, this is wrong, there should be no one inside!

Later, I went to the street to ask, and the street said that the family did not arrange to live in it.

I was surprised, there is no one here, why is there movement at night?
I'm afraid that there are bad people doing bad things inside, so I came over quickly to tell you. Would you like to go and see for yourself? "

Qin Xiaoxiao was dumbfounded.

Does her second aunt still have this ability?Lies come out of your mouth without blushing.

Qin Xiaoxiao's face was full of admiration, but when he turned his head, he was replaced by worry.

When the female police officer heard this, she realized that the matter was not very simple, so she quickly reported it.

Taking advantage of the time when the policewoman left, Qin Xiaoxiao said in a low voice: "Second Aunt, you are so amazing, what you said seems to be true, I was deceived by you."

Sun Zhirou glanced at Qin Xiaoxiao, "Do you think I'm joking? Come to the Public Security Bureau and just joking, why am I looking for shit?"

Qin Xiaoxiao was shocked, "Is this really the case?"

Sun Zhirou nodded, and said softly: "What do you think, I didn't want to care about it at first, but just happened to meet you, so I just said it out, if there are really bad people, it can be regarded as eliminating harm for the people."

The key is that her home is safe, and the movement next door is a time bomb. If something happens one day, they may also be implicated.

I lived so close and didn't hear anything. Who would believe it?
Qin Xiaoxiao stopped talking and waited honestly for someone to come.

After a while, several people came down from upstairs, and the leader was a little old man who looked rather dignified.

The little old man was not tall, he was chubby, and he looked quite festive, but he was stern and serious.

The little old man looked at the two of them, and finally fixed his gaze on Sun Zhirou, "Did you report that thing just now?"

Sun Zhirou and Qin Xiaoxiao stood up, nodded at the little old man, and Sun Zhirou hurriedly said, "It's me, I said it."

The little old man stretched out his hand and said, "Hello, I am the director of our county's Public Security Bureau. The matter you just mentioned is taken very seriously by the bureau. Don't worry, we will follow up. If there are really criminals inside who are causing sabotage. , we will not let it go."

Sun Zhirou let go of her heart, smiled and shook hands with the Chief of Public Security, "I'm relieved when you say that. I'm also timid, and I'll make a fuss if there's any movement. It's best if nothing happens. I hope I'm too sensitive."

The two exchanged a few words, and Sun Zhirou was ready to go back.

Qin Xiaoxiao stood on the side without saying a word, but glanced around, and did not see the person who had dinner with Miao Feifei that day among these people.

He doesn't show it on the surface, but he is puzzled in his heart.

How not?

There are not many people in the county public security bureau, there are about 50 or [-] people in total. What the second aunt said is not a big deal, but it is not a small one. Logically speaking, if such an incident happened in this peaceful little county, it would have to attract attention no matter what. People are curious, right?
There were not many people in the room and not many people outside. It seemed that not everyone had strong curiosity.

(End of this chapter)

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