Chapter 232 Visitors from Taoist Temple
Do a fortune teller?
The proposal came too suddenly.

The small hexagram can predict fortune, and the big hexagram can reveal the secrets of heaven.

Things in the future are unpredictable. Jiang Wan doesn't like divination, and she thinks that Song Longwu shouldn't tell people's fortunes easily.Even a small improvement in someone's fortune must bear the consequences. The price of peeking into the secrets is not something ordinary people can bear!

Moreover, she had heard that people who practice Taoism have five disadvantages and three shortcomings. If they reveal too much secrets, they will not be able to have complete numerology like normal people.

Jiang Wan didn't want to see any of the conditions of widowhood, widowhood, loneliness, independence, disability, lack of money, lack of life, or lack of power come true for Song Longwu, who was soft on the outside but strong on the inside, kind and upright.

After Song Longwu asked that question, he quietly waited for Jiang Wan to think about it.

Jiang Wan raised her head and took a closer look at Song Longwu's expression, and saw that he was calm and serious, exuding an aura that was different from usual.

She originally thought that Song Longwu mentioned it casually because he had just helped Liu Guiyan with a fortune telling, but now it seems that is not the case.

"Brother Xiao Song, if you want to tell me anything, just tell me directly. If you have anything you want to ask, just ask directly."

Jiang Wan said with a smile, but in the end she left the fortune-telling aside.

Song Longwu was stunned.

When Jiang Wan was hospitalized before, he made a fortune telling for Jiang Wan when he went to retrieve the Chongxiao Baojian. Jiang's family just wanted to be safe, but he got a glimpse of Jiang Wan's fate.

He saw that she still had a big disaster in her life, and she also saw that she had many merits and deeds.

It's just that he didn't practice enough and couldn't comprehend too much.

He wanted to tell Jiang Wan what he had discovered, but Jiang Wan didn't seem to be curious about his future fate.

Song Longwu pondered, it would be better to wait until he finds his master. The master is so powerful, he will definitely be able to help Xiao Wan figure out the fate.

"Xiaowan, I actually want to ask about my master."

When Jiang Wan heard what Song Longwu said, sincere confusion flashed in her big eyes, "Brother Xiao Song, I really don't know your master."

"But you know the unknown boy."

As time passed, Jiang Wan's account in Yitianxia gained many more fans.

She was careful not to reveal her identity under the "unknown young general" vest, but looking at Song Longwu's innocent and clear eyes, she suddenly couldn't bear to continue to lie to him.

"Brother Xiao Song, actually..." Jiang Wan pinched the corners of her clothes, rubbed them, and confessed, "I am the unknown young general."

"Ah...?" Song Longwu thought of the posts he had made for a moment, and dug his toes into the ground, feeling extremely embarrassed. Then he remembered again - Jiang Wan didn't know that he was "newborn Xiao Song"!
Yes, he just needs to cover his vest!
Song Longwu praised his acting skills unnaturally: "So Xiaowan, you are an unknown young general! You are so awesome!"

Jiang Wan pretended not to notice his flawless acting skills and asked him: "Brother Xiao Song, why are you so sure that the unknown young man is related to your master?"

Jiang Wan had this question a long time ago.

Song Longwu said it was because he made a divination when he suspected that the unknown boy was his master. The divination showed that if he wanted to find his master, he had to find the unknown boy first.

In other words, the unknown boy can guide him to his master.

"My hexagram is quite accurate." Song Longwu said not modestly.

Since there was no possibility of miscalculation, Jiang Wan became even more confused.

Their eyes faced each other, their minds empty.

Finally, Jiang Wan promised Song Longwu to help him find it.

But it’s easier said than done in the huge crowds of people?

Suixuzong is quiet and peaceful in the afternoon.

There is a sweet-scented osmanthus tree planted in the atrium, with slanting branches and a long and fragrant fragrance. The sunshine is clear and bright, and the noisy chickens, ducks, geese and dogs all calm down and lazily bask in the sun.

Until an early autumn shower came quickly and urgently, interrupting this half-day leisurely life.

There were some dried flowers and hay drying in the backyard. When the rain fell, Jiang Wan was pointing out Song Longwu's shortcomings in drying medicinal materials, and got wet.

Just as he changed out of his wet clothes, Jiang Wan heard the barking of dogs coming from the gate.He Yufu whispered, "Sister Xiaowan, is the rhubarb wet from the rain?"

Jiang Wan listened carefully and said, "The dog will find a place to hide from the rain. It sounds like a stranger is coming."

Who will come?

The scenery at Yonghuai Mountain is pretty good. Maybe you are a mountain climber who wants to come to the Taoist temple to take shelter from the rain.

Or maybe they are people who come to the Taoist temple to have something to do.

Jiang Wan put on her shoes, walked to the front holding hands with He Yufu, and saw a strange man and woman.

They were all soaked, not like they had been soaked by the autumn rain, but more like they had just been fished out of the water.

The two were holding hands, looking very affectionate.

The man's face was pale and covered with a layer of gray life, and he was talking to Liu Guiyan.

Jiang Wan felt a little uncomfortable. The man reminded her of Doze who drowned.

"...We are looking for the Taoist priest of Suixu Sect. Are you filming?"

Liu Guiyan explained: "We are the program team of "Cute Baby Starts Again", and we collect materials from Suixu Sect. Don't worry, we won't let you be in the camera if you don't want to."

"Cute baby?" The woman saw Jiang Wan and was a little excited: "Ah, I know you!"

Jiang Wan greeted without timidity: "Hello, uncle and aunt."

"Hello, hello." The woman raised her hand to brush away the hair sticking to her face, revealing her delicate face. She bent down and greeted Jiang Wan, He Yufu, and the boys who came to join them with a friendly smile. .

As she moved, a purple-red patch appeared on the skin on her chest from under the collar of her dress.

Just when Jiang Wan was about to take a closer look, the woman straightened up quickly.

Jiang Wan frowned, it seemed like...

"Auntie, you are all wet."

"I'm going to catch a cold!"

"The program team has plenty of dry towels, please wipe them off. Do you have a change of clothes?"

The children and the program team took care of the strange man and woman enthusiastically, but Song Longwu, who had just changed his clothes, arrived belatedly.

The first time they met, Song Longwu felt that the faces of this man and woman were mixed.

He then placed them in the guest room in the front hall, which was far away from the back room, and asked them to change and tidy up.

There were guests in the Taoist temple, so Liu Guiyan did not let the children run around, but detained them in the back room.

Jiang Wan didn't wait long until Song Longwu came to find her.

Song Longwu came to move the reinforcements.

It turns out that the man's name is Wang Yue and the woman's name is Du Yu. They are a couple who have been in love for many years and plan to get married at the end of this year.

However, Wang Yue was dying soon and there was no cure for it. They heard that Suixu Sect was very effective and had a very powerful Taoist priest, so they came here with the intention of giving it a try.

"...You mean, it's men who are sick?" Jiang Wan felt something was wrong, "Only men? What about women?"

She was thinking about the spots on Du Yu's chest, which looked like corpse spots...

"Only Wang Yue, Du Yu didn't say whether she was sick or not." Song Longwu frowned: "I checked Wang Yue's pulse, but Wang Yue's body was cold and swollen, her limbs were a little stiff, and her pulse was so weak that she could hardly feel it. , like..."

He didn't say the rest of the words, but Jiang Wan understood.

- Like a dead person.

(End of this chapter)

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