However, it is easier said than done.

It's easy to hide from open guns, but hard to guard against hidden arrows, not to mention the conspiracy that will never stop until Li Shou ascends the throne, and is being plotted all the time.

After Meng Meili finished speaking, she felt that what she said was actually not easy.

She lowered her head, lowered her eyelashes, and ate the cake quietly.

After eating the cake, she returned to her Wanfei courtyard.

In the courtyard, Mrs. Wu had been waiting for Wu Xia Tang. Meng Jingmei asked in surprise: "Mother? Why are you here?"

"Waiting for you." Wu beckoned, "Come and sit down. I have something to ask you."

At the same time, as soon as Meng Meili left Taichen Courtyard, Meng Shisan was sent by Mrs. Meng to invite her to Changchun Courtyard to have sex.

The two sisters were in different courtyards and were asked at the same time what happened when they attended the banquet at Prince Jing's Mansion today.

They didn't hide anything, so they told the story about Meng Shisan's almost being plotted in the water garden of Prince Jing's Mansion.

What happened to Meng Shisan, she told Mrs. Meng in more detail.

Meng Meili only listened to Meng Shisan's rough description of the process, and then relayed it to Wu, it was only a rough process.

Wu was shocked after hearing this: "Why do these Second Highnesses target Yaoyao?"

"I don't know." Meng Meijing shook her head, "I also asked my sister, and she said it's probably because we both have the surname Meng."

"My surname is Meng?" Mrs. Wu nodded, thought for a while, and then nodded again, "Your sister is right. Beautiful scenery. When you go out from now on, you have to follow your sister closely. You must not be tricked by anyone!"

The stepdaughter was almost tricked into losing her innocence. If she was really tricked, it would ruin her life!

Just thinking about how her biological daughter might encounter such a trap made her scalp numb.

"Don't worry, mother, I know." Meng Meili smiled and snuggled into Wu's arms, "My sister is treating my daughter very well now. With my sister protecting me, everything will be fine. You don't need to worry."

Wu patted Meng Meili's little hand: "That's good."

On the upper side of the room, Mrs. Meng's face turned gloomy after hearing this, and she didn't speak for a long time.

For a long while, Meng Shisan didn't speak. He looked at his nose and eyes, and his eyes and his heart, completely waiting.

Mother Liu was waiting on the side with her head down and her eyes buried.

During this period, there was no movement at all in the upper room.

Shang Xia and Shang Qiu, who were guarding the porch outside the door, looked at each other and felt that they were too embarrassed to breathe.

After more than a quarter of an hour, Mrs. Meng finally spoke: "Yaoyao, you are also tired today. Go back and rest early. Don't be afraid of anything. As your general said, the troops will stop the water and the earth." Just cover it up. Our Meng family, as the outside family of the East Palace and as the successive mother clans, has experienced many storms and waves, and it is inevitable to suffer man-made disasters. Just remember one thing, we don’t cause trouble, but we are not afraid either. thing!"

"My granddaughter, please remember your grandmother's teachings." Meng Shisan then left Changchun Academy.

When we returned to Taichenyuan, Kite had already returned from outside. Meng Shisan went to wash up and change into a comfortable home-style shirt and skirt. Then he went into Mingxiao Hall and sat down, letting Kite start to tell his story.

Kite immediately reported: "Miss, what you expected is true. As soon as the painting was handed over, the Fifth Prince's side was completely gone. I looked at the slaves at the shopkeeper's side. It should be fine. As for shopkeeper Liu's death, The case has been closed, and the murderer was dealt with in the afternoon today. Officer Wu reported the case to Lu Fuyin, and the case was quickly closed."

Baozhu, gold, silver and Shangchun were all waiting by the side, and they were all listening.

Meng Shisan asked Cui Yu: "Is there any news from Shopkeeper Jin?"

"Since the last time it was reported that Master Cui Qi had arrived in Jinling, Shopkeeper Jin has not heard from him again. I guess nothing happened." Kite replied.

Sometimes there is no news, but there is good news.

With this thought in mind, Meng Shisan calmed down and gave one more instruction: "Go to Quexian Tower more often. Once there is news about Jinling, come back and tell me immediately."

"No." Kite accepted the order.

After this period of time, Meng Shisan felt more and more that the short-lived fate between Cui Yu and her should have ended long ago. Cui Yu could no longer be allowed to lose precious mortal years because of her.

Every time she thought about this, she always sighed.

This moment is no exception.

After entering the world and returning to the ancestral cave temple, Meng Shisan never met the people in the past again. Because years pass easily and mortals grow old easily, she is a great demon who can live a long time. When she comes to the world again, The people she met were already piles of bones.

Therefore, she didn't know if there were people as stubborn as Cui Yu in the past years.

He actually wasted a lot of time just to meet her for a short time.

Baozhu and others didn't know what Meng Shisan was sighing, so they couldn't help but look at each other.

Meng Shisan sighed and said: "Shopkeeper Liu's death has come to an end, but in the painting left by Shopkeeper Liu, the valley in the painting points directly to Shi Er, which is enough to show that Shi Er is not just a boudoir lady. . Because of me, Second Young Master Lu used means to force Shi Er to hand over the ancient objects in his hands. Whether Shi Er really loved Shi Wu and had to do it, or there were other reasons, in short, Second Young Master Lu has already... I offended Shi Er and Shi Wu. Shi Wu is not something to be afraid of, but Shi Er has some tricks. Besides, Shi Er has His Highness Five behind him."

At least Li Luo took the lead in the matter that was intended to be detrimental to her, and Shi Lanxi also played a role in building a bridge between the two sides. Therefore, the matter failed, and only Shi Lanxi was exposed to Shopkeeper Liu.

As for Li Luo, she had to spend a lot of effort to track him down.

After finishing what she said before, she then ordered: "Kite, you and Naishe, who is next to the second young master Lu, worked together to save the second brother that night. You can be regarded as getting to know each other. Tomorrow, you can go find Naishe and remind him to protect Lu." Second Young Master. If necessary, you can help me to repay Second Young Master Lu a favor for helping me get the small red flower porcelain bowl."

"No." Kite accepted the order again.

Shang Chun heard something fishy: "Miss, do you think that the Fifth Highness will be like the Second Highness today, remembering the grudge that the matter was exposed, and looking for opportunities to take revenge?"

She had already heard Baozhu describe everything that happened at today's lotus banquet in detail.

While listening, she felt a cold sweat for her young lady.

"I think so." Meng Shisan did have the worries that Shang Chun said in his heart, "But after all, the second young master Lu's surname is Lu, and he is the younger brother of the current queen. Shi Er really wants to take revenge, and the fifth highness really has something to do with it. Any action must be concealed. Just like the roundabout trap that His Highness set up today to plot against me, he did not hesitate to expose the two informants buried in Prince Jing's Mansion."

"Fortunately, the lucky lady has her own destiny!" Thinking about it now, Jin Yin is still very frightened. He feels that his young lady is really in trouble, but she always turns the bad luck into good luck and is very blessed in the future!

Kite said at the right time: "But His Highness was defeated, and he lost two informants who had finally planted themselves in Prince Jing's Mansion."

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