The weak princess is super fierce

Chapter 167 Change the Rules

Chapter 167 Change the Rules

Xiang Zheng's heart felt like being pierced by a knife at this moment, the blood dripped terribly, the pain was so painful that she couldn't bear it physically and mentally, her mind was buzzing, and her body couldn't help shaking.

"Miss!" Her eldest maid, Lingqin, quickly supported her.

Looking at this scene, Xi Yanxi felt that Miss Meng had nothing to do today, and she would have to become Miss Xiang Liu's number one rival in love from now on.

I couldn't help praying for the sick and weak Meng Shisan.

After all, what happened today had nothing to do with Miss Meng, but because she couldn't bear them being used by Qiao Sang, she stepped forward to complain on their behalf. This aroused Qiao Sang's dissatisfaction and caused Qiao Sang to knock off the bridge and fall into the water.

This favor, she wrote it down!
After Meng Liangchen is rescued, she will go to Xinyang Street in Dingyaofang tomorrow, and go to the Yuelao Temple to put three pillars of high incense and add sesame oil. The family lives smoothly and smoothly, and after entering the Town God's Temple next door, add three pillars of high incense and add sesame oil, and ask the City God to bless Miss Meng's safety and safety, and don't let Xiang Zheng hurt Miss Meng!

In the end, I got to go straight to the Taoist Temple.

She heard that the spiritual soil of the Taoist temple was very efficacious. As long as it was put into the peace talisman sincerely, the person wearing it would be able to protect the wearer from illness and disaster.

She had never asked for it before, so she asked for a few along the way, and prepared them for her family and Miss Meng.

Unlike Xi Yanxi who had silently decided in her heart what Meng Shisan must do after being rescued, Jiang Ziyao was completely still in the shock of Lu Luo jumping down to save Meng Shisan.

It was rare that her mind became clearer, and she remembered that she had caused trouble to Meng Liangchen without authorization. After her cousin found out, he reprimanded her and said that he could not listen to cousin Rong's words in the future, let alone provoke Meng Liangchen again.

When she heard these words, she thought her cousin was afraid of Meng Liangchen.

Now I know that my cousin is not afraid of Meng Liangchen, but has other thoughts about Meng Liangchen!
But can the Lu family and the Meng family get married?

She thought in a daze, thinking of Lu Pingting flexibly, which was rare.

Cousin Rong is pleased with His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, and she wholeheartedly wants to marry into the East Palace. If she can succeed, then the two houses of Lu and Meng are going to get married.

She also thought of Lu Sen, her eldest cousin who was above Lu Luo.

The eldest cousin has always known about cousin Rong's thoughts, but he has never stopped or objected. This shows that a marriage between the two families is not impossible.

That's it... If the cousin really rescued Meng Liangchen, he could marry Meng Liangchen.

Didn't Meng Liangchen become her little cousin?
Jiang Ziyao sorted out the messy threads in her mind, and after clearing them all, she couldn't help but feel annoyed again. If she had known that Meng Liangchen would become her little cousin, she really shouldn't have treated Meng Liangchen badly.

My cousin was right to teach her a lesson!
Li Shou jumped into the water earlier than Lu Luo.

There is only a water corridor between the water pavilion where Li Shou is located and the lake where the painting boats are located. At the moment when Meng Shisan was suddenly knocked off the bridge, his heart was almost frightened to a sudden stop.

Without any hesitation, he jumped into the water and swam quickly to the middle water gallery, swimming under the water gallery. This was the closest distance he could swim to his eldest cousin.

He must never let anything happen to her!
Chang Qing didn't have time to stop him, and he didn't expect that once Meng Shisan fell into the water, His Royal Highness would not even care about his precious body!

It was already too late when he heard the sound of porting into the water.

"Your Majesty... Young Master! My noble Young Master!" He jumped to the point of being anxious.

After jumping, he hurriedly ran out of the water pavilion, ran up the water corridor, and ran along the water corridor to the water corridor on the other side of the stone bridge. He was so anxious that he couldn't stop chanting while running: "If you make any mistakes, old slave Even if he apologizes with death, it will be difficult to atone for one of the tens of millions of his sins!"

The moment Qiao Sang bumped into Meng Shisan, all the thoughts circling in his mind were that if Meng Shisan hadn't been involved and meddled on the bridge today, the matter wouldn't have gotten bigger and bigger. In the end, she revealed her old background!
Since the sick man won't make her feel better, then she will kill the sick man!

So after falling into the lake, she didn't care whether Meng Shisan would swim or not, she wanted Meng Shisan to be buried with her, so she grabbed Meng Shisan by the cuff and pulled Meng Shisan into the water .

Cui Yu was also frightened by the scene where Meng Shisan was suddenly knocked off the bridge by Qiao Sang. He clutched the window lattice. When he saw two figures below going into the water to save people, he relaxed slightly.

But immediately, his brows furrowed again.

The first person to jump into the water was Li Shou, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of the East Palace. The second person to jump into the water was Lu Luo, the uncle of Xiao Guo, the second son of the Lu family. No matter who rescued Meng Liangchen today, her marriage in this life would be ruined. Set it down!

As long as he thought of this, he could no longer stay in the wing without doing anything.

For the first time, Cui Yu was dissatisfied with the rule that only one servant girl can be brought into the garden: "From now on, you can bring two servants into the garden."

"...No." Hu Qiao responded vaguely. He had no idea why his master would improve the rules of the garden. Moreover, this rule had been set for seven years, so why did he think of changing it just now?
"Go and bring the kite in." Cui Yu and Zeng Chongjin thought about going together, and issued this order one after another.

Hu Qiao promised again, turned around and walked out of the wing room, out of the flower pavilion, and went straight to the gate of the manor.

The same journey, the lead time before and after, the orb was running, and the lake was steep and running and flying. The two of them arrived at the side of the gate of Bixu Manor at almost the same time, and at the same time they found the kite waiting for Meng Shisan to come out. .

When Baozhu saw Hu Qiao, he immediately recognized him as Cui Yu's entourage. However, the situation was urgent and there was no time to greet him, let alone ask Hu Qiao why he came to find the kite.

As soon as she saw the kite, she succinctly recounted what happened in the garden: "The lady is still in the water, although the second young master Lu and another young master from an unknown house have jumped into the water to save her. , but the young lady is still an innocent girl waiting to be married. It would be best if you can rescue the young lady before they do. If not, you must rush to cover it up as much as possible. No matter whether it is your life or your name, it is absolutely impossible. There is a mistake!”

Bao Zhu was on the bridge all the time, and his attention was also on his young lady. Naturally, he didn't see that except Lu Luo, it was Li Shou who first jumped into the water to save her.

But Hu Qiao followed Cui Yu standing on the top of the flower pavilion, but she knew it.

It's just this moment, not the time to explain.

His seventh master didn't give any orders, so he shouldn't talk too much.

Besides, he was not familiar with the maid next to Miss Meng.

After Baozhu finished speaking, Kite was so anxious that he wanted to run into the manor, but he didn't forget to take a look at the cliff of the lake.

Hu Qiao just nodded: "Same."

He came and did the same thing as the jewel.

Baozhu said it, so he didn't have to repeat it.

Kite realized it, so she didn't delay anymore, performed lightness kung fu, and went straight into the manor as light as a swallow.

Baozhu followed the kite with her eyes, seeing that the kite did not enter through the gate of the manor, but entered through the side wall, she felt suspicious and said, "Huh?"

(End of this chapter)

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