Dali Temple has his Lord Luo

Chapter 146 Site Investigation

Chapter 146 Site Investigation
After Mrs. Zhou finished speaking, she pointed to the door of the inner room where Zhou Bing's family was killed.

"Is this door ajar?" Luo Ning asked.

Mrs. Zhou thought about it carefully and said with certainty:
"It's half open."

"How old are the two children?"

"The eldest baby boy is 13 years old, and the second baby girl is four years old!"

"What kind of person is Zhou Bing's wife Yang Li?"

"He's quite filial. He doesn't talk much on weekdays, and he's polite to me. He has a pretty good temperament!"

"When Zhou Bing encounters such a big thing, is Mrs. Zhou suspicious of anyone? For example, she is dissatisfied with Zhou Bing, dissatisfied with Yang Li, or has other entanglements with Zhou Bing?"

Mrs. Zhou shook her head:
"Bing'er has been running a private school and is a scholar. Apart from his children, he has no other contacts."

It's always like this. It's rare to be able to directly clarify the direction of a case. Luo Ning thought in his heart that there was no other way, so let's investigate step by step!
At this time, the windows on the second floor were blown again. Luo Ning asked Mrs. Zhou:
"Is that window always open?"

Mrs. Zhou looked at it and shook her head:

"It's rarely open like this, I just open it for a while when cleaning!"

Luo Ning looked back at Zhou Bing's house, walked over and asked Song Qingsong:
"Master Song, the room at Zhou Bing's house is very messy. Has Mrs. Zhou checked it out? Is it possible that valuables and money have been lost?"

Song Qingsong patted his forehead:
"Look at me! I'm just waiting for Mr. Luo and I'm not doing anything else."

So Song Qingsong signaled two government officials to take Mrs. Zhou to check every room, and said to Mrs. Zhou:

"Don't worry, old man, Dali Temple and Jingzhao Mansion will do their best to solve the case!"

Mrs. Zhou was stumbling and looked very weak.

Luo Ning walked to Dong Mingfeng and Feng Lin:

"How is it? What findings were made? Is there any conclusion on the cause of death of the deceased?"

Feng Lin pointed at the two children: "Dead of suffocation."

He also pointed at Zhou Bing and his wife:
"All of them were stab wounds, and the methods were very bad. Zhou Bing was dismembered and almost all of his body was separated. Mrs. Zhou suffered repeated blows to the back of the head, and only her upper limbs were dismembered!"

It was extremely brutal!

"Can you determine the time of death?"

"After noon, about four hours from now!"

Dong Mingfeng said with certainty.

Song Qingsong came over, heard Dong Mingfeng's words, and began to analyze:
"So the murderer is lurking in Zhou Bing's house? If something happened at noon, how did the murderer get into Zhou Bing's house?"

Luo Ning went to check the door lock in the yard. It was intact, and then asked Dong Mingfeng:

"Can you tell the order in which Zhou Bing and his wife were killed and the children were killed?"

Dong Mingfeng shook his head.

Luo Ning was thinking: It would be great if one day there was an advanced inspection method that could determine the chronological order of the victims!

She must have never imagined that in the next few thousand years, human beings would realize her original dream, and their criminal investigation capabilities and investigation methods would become very scientific and advanced.

Luo Ning pointed to the door lock:
"Look here, there are still two possibilities: the murderer knows Zhou Bing, visited before noon, and was already in the room before committing the murder; the other is to jump in from the window on the second floor."

Song Qingsong's jaw:
"This also explains why the door lock is intact!"

"Yes, the murderer left and left the door ajar. It must have been the strong wind yesterday that blew the door open. That's why when Mrs. Zhou came over this morning, the door was ajar!"

Luo Ning said as he walked to the place where Zhou Bing fell:
"On the other hand, it also shows that the murderer was very calm when he left!"

She saw a small table next to where Zhou Bing fell, with a teapot and a teacup on it. There was half a cup of tea left in the teacup. She touched the teapot and found it was hot.

Luo Ning looked back at Song Qingsong:
"Master Song, the teapot is hot!"

Song Qingsong, Dong Mingfeng, and the Jingzhao Mansion officials present were all surprised.

What does this mean?
If Zhou Bing's family was killed at midnight, but the murderer did not leave immediately, but boiled water, made tea, drank the tea and then left!

"Now, take away the bodies of Zhou Bing's family, Mr. Song, and let's check each room one by one to see if there are any clues left by other murderers!"

Everyone walked up to the second floor. When Dong Mingfeng walked out of the door, Luo Ning suddenly remembered something:
"Master Dong, the two children died of suffocation. Were they suffocated in their sleep, or were they struggling?"

"The boy Zhou Dabao died in his sleep, and the girl Zhou Dabao should have gotten up after hearing the sound, so the boy died on the bed and the girl died on the ground. The girl was young and had a struggle, but the traces were not obvious."

Luo Ning felt sad, and waited until he went to the second floor, which proved Luo Ning's inference. The window of the boy Zhou Dabao's room was wide open.

It was the window I had just seen in the yard.

Opposite the boy's room is the girl Zhou Zhoubao's room. The girl's death position has been marked by Dong Mingfeng. It seems that she got up after hearing the sound and was killed.

At this time, a yamen servant shouted in the boy's room:

"Lord Luo, there is something discovered here!"

Luo Ning walked over quickly, and the yamen officer pointed to the corner of Zhou Dabao's bed near the bookcase, where there was a ball of bloody clothes.

He signaled the yamen servant to open it. It was an ordinary man's double-breasted shirt. The fabric was very ordinary and the style was ordinary, but it was covered with blood stains.

"This is very important physical evidence. It should have been left by the murderer. Please send it to Dali Temple later!"

The officer nodded and continued searching.

Since he suspected that the murderer broke in through the window, Luo Ning stood in Zhou Dabao's room and checked carefully.

Zhou Dabao's room is on the second floor. Looking out the window to the right, it is the corner door between the two houses.

Next to the corner gate are three main rooms, which should be the place where Mrs. Zhou lives, and the other two are private schools.

Directly below the window is the courtyard wall of Zhou Bing's family. The top of the wall is not high. The distance is filled with rocks and soil, and it is desolate. Beyond that is the west gate of Anyang City.

Luo Ning stood here thinking that if the murderer came in from the outside, it would be entirely possible.

Thinking of this, Luo Ning took a closer look at the window bolt. At this glance, Luo Ning realized that he was wrong.

The window in Zhou Dabao's room is an outward-sliding window, which cannot be explained.

The window is pushed from the inside out, so how does the murderer open the window from the outside?Was the window open at that time?
This doesn't make sense, Luo Ning frowned.

Now that the weather is getting cooler, no one sleeps with the windows open.

Besides, Zhou Dabao died in his sleep, how could he get up and open the window?

Luo Ning had no choice but to question the murderer's method of entering the house.

At this time, another yamen official shouted: "Masters, there is something discovered here!"

Song Qingsong and Luo Ning walked over. There was a vacant utility room between the two children's rooms, which was filled with toys and clothes that the children did not use on weekdays.

Here, there are two clear bloody footprints, and there are several long blood stains on the layer of stacked clothes.

Song Qingsong quickly ordered the yamen servants to rub the footprints, and was puzzled by the blood stains on his clothes:
"Lord Luo, these footprints are undoubtedly left by the murderer. What are these blood marks?"

Luo Ning made a gesture with his hand, and Song Qingsong realized that the murderer had put his hand on the clothes and wiped it back and forth several times.

(End of this chapter)

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