Dali Temple has his Lord Luo

Chapter 132 The kidnapper breaks up the vote

Chapter 132 The kidnapper breaks up the vote
"Didn't you say when the handover will take place?"

Luo Ning had a headache with this clueless blackmail letter.

"No, you just asked me to prepare money, and I don't dare to neglect it!" Mrs. Mou replied sadly.

"Did you bring the letter?"

Mrs. Mou nodded and took out a piece of Zou Zou Baba's paper that had been rubbed out from her pocket.

"Mr. Mou, have you ever heard of any enemies in your daily life?"

"Well, when it comes to enemies, there is competition among colleagues. A man named Brother Shui has always been very dissatisfied with the master."

Luo Ning motioned to Song Zhuer to write it down and frowned.

"After receiving the extortion letter, Madam, did you prepare the ransom according to the amount?"

"Everything is ready, sir. Although our store is small, I am afraid that something might happen to him. I prepared the ransom the night before, but no one has contacted me."

"Mrs. Mou, now that Mr. Mou has passed away, this kidnapping case has turned into a murder case. Our Dali Temple and Jingzhao Mansion will also open a case and solve the case as soon as possible!"

When Mrs. Mou heard what Luo Ning said, she cried even more sadly:
"Sir, it's all my fault. I just wanted to get money to get rid of the problem. I should have reported it to the police, so that the master might be fine!"

Mrs. Mou blamed herself deeply.

In fact, everyone is the same. When something happens, most people feel that they can do it. Only when things happen in the opposite direction will they regret the second plan they did not choose.

However, who can be sure that the other choice made at the beginning is guaranteed to be fine?
Luo Ning patted her arm to comfort her:
"Mrs. Mou, please go back first. If you have any news, please tell us immediately."

Mrs. Mou staggered out of Dali Temple, and the ministers gathered around her.

"Sir, what should we do now?"

Song Zhuer asked with her eyes wide open.

Luo Ning picked up the blackmail letter and looked at the light:
"Meng Sizhi, take the letter paper to Zhiyixuan and ask Boss Xu. This letter paper has no provenance and it should be cheap. See if Boss Xu can tell anything. Where are these inferior papers sold?"

Meng Si passed the letter directly and took the order to go out.

Song Zhuer asked: "Sir, is there something wrong with the letter paper?"

"You can't tell it yet, but the letter paper should be inexpensive. The lower right corner of our Zhao Guo letter paper has the private seal of the official kiln. If there is no imprint, it is small workshop paper, and it is not promoted among the private sector!"

"In this way, we can determine the source of the paper and determine the scope of the kidnapper's operations!"

Song Zhuer's eyes were filled with stars, why is Lord Luo so powerful?

Luo Ning asked Song Qingsong: "Master Song, did you find anything where Master Mou's body was found?"

"It's not the first scene, it's just a corpse dumped at Taihu Lake not far from the official road."

"How did Mr. Mou die?"

"Strangulation is a common hemp rope that everyone has. Dong Wuzuo said that the murderer must be very strong and very ruthless. Mr. Mou did not fight back and was killed directly!"

Luo Ning was puzzled and asked everyone:

"The murderer had a motive in the kidnapping case. Since Mrs. Mou did not report it to the government and prepared a ransom, why did the murderer kill Mr. Mou?"

This is what everyone thinks. The murderer just handed over the letter and took the ransom, so why did he kill Mr. Mou?
"Sir, could it be that the murderer originally wanted to kill Mr. Mou, but disguised it as a kidnapping?"

Song Zhuer’s bold analysis made everyone’s eyes brighten with her ideas, which made sense.

The key is that there is no need for the murderer to send a kidnapping letter and then quarrel with each other. If so, the purpose is obviously not money!
Luo Ning looked at Song Zhuer with approval:

"Zhu'er's idea is very possible. Yao Sizhi, go to Mr. Mou's wood processing workshop and ask the helpers in detail to see if you can collect evidence!"

Yao Huan also went out.

Luo Ning opened the file that Song Qingsong sent over. There was an autopsy report in it. Luo Ning looked at it carefully.

After watching for a while, Luo Ning said to Song Qingsong:
"Master Song, Mr. Mou hasn't eaten since he was arrested."

"Lord Luo, what do you mean..."

Luo Ning knew that Song Qingsong was waiting for her to answer the question, so he said:

"Dong Wuzuo recorded Mr. Mou's condition in detail. There was no residue in the stomach during the autopsy, indicating that Mr. Mou had not eaten at all in the past two days, and his lips were chapped, indicating that he did not drink water."

"Sir, is it possible that Mr. Mou hasn't eaten since he was caught by the murderer?" Song Zhuer asked.

"It's possible. No matter how detailed it is, Dong Wuzuo hasn't sorted it out yet."

"Lord Luo, what is your inference in this case?"

Song Qingsong also read the files, but he didn't find any clues.

Luo Ning frowned:
"This shows that the kidnappers never wanted to keep Mr. Mou alive from the moment they caught him! This further verifies our inference just now that the kidnapper's goal is not money."

Several people were horrified.

In this case, this case is no longer a simple kidnapping case!This is murder!

Luo Ning then ordered Wei Yan:
"Wei Sizhi, go and find out about the interpersonal relationships around Mr. Mou. The more detailed the better, we want to investigate the suspects with motives!"

Wei Yan also took the order.

Luo Ning looked at Song Zhuer:
"Zhu'er, let's go meet that Brother Shui!"

Song Qingsong also stood up: "Then I'll take my leave. What's the progress of the case? Mr. Luo..."

Luo Ning then smiled: "Don't worry, Mr. Song, I will inform you of the information immediately!"

Luo Ning took Song Zhuer to inquire about Brother Shui's address and came to another wood processing workshop.

It's not far from Master Mou's shop, Song Zhuer kept it in her heart.

Brother Shui is a tall and mighty man with a beard. He is very puzzled when the adults from Dali Temple find him while investigating the case.

"The adults are looking for the little one, what's wrong?"

Song Zhuer said softly to Luo Ning: "Sir, Brother Shui is tall and tall, very similar to the murderer Dong Wu judged."

Luo Ning smiled and whispered: "Then let's verify whether he is a suspect."

Luo Ning looked directly at Brother Shui:

"It's like this. Mr. Mou, a lumber shop not far from here, was kidnapped a few days ago and was found dead this morning!"

Unexpectedly, Brother Shui opened his mouth wide with a look of disbelief:

"You mean Mou Qingping?"


After hearing this, Brother Shui put down the tools in his hands and still couldn't believe it: "How...how did he die?"

"Death by murder!"

Luo Ning and Song Zhuer both heard him sigh.

Song Zhuer was a little disappointed. Brother Shui's expression showed that he had no knowledge at all, so his judgment was wrong.

Luo Ning secretly patted Song Zhuer's arm to comfort her, and asked Brother Shui at the same time: "I heard that you and Mr. Mou are not happy in business, can we talk about it?"

Unexpectedly, Brother Shui said in a loud voice: "Everyone is dead, what's the point of being in harmony or not?"

"Of course it makes sense, so that we can determine the motive and identify the murderer."

Luo Ning said firmly.

(End of this chapter)

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