murder scene 2

Chapter 151 Azhe is a BJ person

Chapter 151 Azhe is a BJ person

Azhe's three rooms were all connected, with a guest room in the middle, a study room and a bedroom on both sides. Azhe took the three of them to the living room, asked them to sit down, and went to get a water glass.

Ding Linngling came in with the tabby cat in her arms and fetched the cat food and cat bowl from a small cupboard in the living room in a familiar manner: "Come on, Xiaoxiao, let's have lunch!"

Niu Niu wandered around the living room for a while, looking at Azhe's house. The furniture and furnishings were simple and simple, with white gauze curtains, white chandeliers, and maple-colored furniture, with obvious masculine features.

Standing in the living room, she could see Leile's bookshelves in the study and the large bed covered with white sheets in the bedroom. Sketches were hung in several conspicuous places in the room. There was a sketch of Azhe in the living room: he was standing against the bookcase, smiling slightly. With an expression on his face, the big cat "Xiaoxiao" squatted on the bookcase.

There is also a picture on the bedside of the big bed in the bedroom, which is a close-up of a pair of crossed hands tied up with ropes. The fingers in the painting are long and slender, twisted in the ropes, struggling and desperate.

What a strange painting!
Azhe brought out a tray. On the tray were three white porcelain teacups, filled with steam and the faint aroma of green tea.

Azhe placed a glass in front of each girl in a gentlemanly manner. The way he held the glass was particularly skillful and confident, and it looked like he was used to it in bars.

He glanced at Xiaoxiao who was eating: "Lingling, you feed it cat food again! I didn't give it lunch on purpose - its stomach and intestines are not very good recently, maybe it will be better after two meals."

Ding Linngling pouted: "I'll just give it a little bit... I think its stomach is flat! If your stomach is not good, go to the doctor. Why should you starve it? You are so cruel!"

Azhe shook his head and turned to Niu Niu and Sheep: "What do you want from me?"

When Ding Linngling called, because she was afraid that Azhe would disagree, she didn't dare to say that the Niuniu people came to ask about Linglong. She only said that two girls from big cities were looking for him.

Niu Niu cut to the chase: "Azhe, we're here to ask about Linglong."

Azhe's eyebrows twitched: "Linglong? Who are you?"

He stared at Ding Lingling, who blushed and told Niu Niu's identity: "They said they wanted to find out for themselves. I know you don't want the neighbors to pay attention to you - if strangers go around asking about you, you Isn't it more annoying? I brought them here... I also told them about Linglong."

Azhe frowned, and Ding Linngling quickly added: "An Niuniu is a criminal police officer in S City. She said she felt there was something suspicious about Linglong's case and she wanted to help..."

Azhe interrupted her: "Lingling, what do you mean by Linglong's case?"

Ding Linngling said timidly: "That's the woman's corpse in Shen Tang yesterday..."

Azhe looked at Ding Linngling: "Who can prove that the female corpse is Linglong?! Just based on those few things?"

Seeing that Ding Linngling didn't dare to speak anymore, Niu Niu smiled: "Whether that female corpse is Linglong or not, it is a fact that Linglong has been missing for a long time. It is reasonable for our police to come to find out about a missing person - Azhe , can you tell us about Linglong?"

Azhe said calmly: "Linglong often disappears for a long time and disappears for a while. It is a common thing for her!"

Yangyang was very disappointed with the behavior of the man in the romantic couple: "Don't you ever worry? Ding Lingling is very worried about her friends..."

Azhe still said calmly: "I'm not worried. Linglong is a woman who can take good care of herself and live happily and comfortably wherever she goes."

Niu Niu: "So, Azhe, are you a couple?"

Azhe glanced at Ding Lingling, who lowered his head. Azhe sighed: "Well, it used to be."

Niu Niu: "You mean, you guys broke up? When did it happen?"

Azhe looked at the tea cup in front of him: "I proposed it last summer, and Linglong agreed. We didn't keep in touch much after that."

"Can I ask why you broke up?"

Azhe looked calm: "As I said just now, she often disappears and has no news for several months. This really tests my patience and perseverance, so I decided to break up with her."

Niu Niu nodded: "I understand, having such a willful and willful girlfriend is really a headache! But, I think, Linglong didn't become like this recently, did she? The girl you fell in love with at that time was also a free and unrestrained girl. A girl, right?"

Ah Zhe's expression changed, he lowered his head to cover up, took a sip of tea, and said after a while, "That happened a few years ago. When a person matures, his thoughts will change."

"Azhe, can I ask where you are from?"

Ding Linngling answered for him: "Azhe is from BJ, a true northerner!"

Azhe glanced at her: "Yes, I am from BJ, there are not many people at home, and I like to walk around. I came to this town four years ago to travel, and I felt that this was the paradise in my mind, so I decided to stay here and start... opened a bar, bought this little house."

Niu Niu smiled: "I think you and Linglong are actually very similar. They are both romantic, casual, free and uninhibited people. Otherwise, it would be difficult for a BJ person to suddenly fall in love with a girl thousands of miles away. town and immediately decided to stay.”

Azhe frowned: "I have traveled to many places just to find an environment that suits me. When I first saw the clear river water and the white walls and green tiles of this town, I knew this was what I wanted! "

Yangyang smiled softly: "Just like when you met Linglong? You are such romantic and uninhibited people, it must have been love at first sight, and you hate meeting each other too late, right?"

Azhe said nothing and twitched his eyebrows.

Niu Niu asked again: "Azhe, are you a bartender in BJ?"

"Well, it's a bar of a friend of mine. I work as a bartender in it. I'm very familiar with bars, and I've always wanted to have a bar of my own. The town is small, and the land and rent are very cheap, so I can easily achieve it. this dream.”

Yangyang looked at him: "But the consumption level and consumption habits here are different from those in big cities. Aren't you afraid that if you open a bar, no one will care about it, and there will be no consumer group?"

Ding Linngling interjected: "How could it be? As soon as Azhe's bar opened, business was very good. Young people in our town all like to go there - everyone lives a monotonous life and lacks such entertainment venues. Azhe's market awareness The vision is very accurate!”

After the tabby cat finished eating the cat food, Shi Shiran came over and squatted in front of Niu Niu with a serious expression.

Niuniu lowered his body and touched its head: "Xiaoxiao, how are you doing here? Do you miss your master?"

Azhe and Ding Lingling looked at each other and their expressions changed.

―――――――――――PS dividing line―――――――――

There was no update yesterday, sorry, sorry!

Today I got up at four o'clock in the morning to code, and Xiao 7 is already dizzy.

The work is so intense that it makes people crazy, and there is no time to breathe... I still don't know if there will be an update tomorrow...

Dear friends, please understand!
(End of this chapter)

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