murder scene 2

Chapter 119 Agen wants to sever the relationship between mother and son

Chapter 119 Agen wants to sever the relationship between mother and son

Tang Lan severely criticized Qingyang for not keeping his promise, and threatened that if he did it again, he planned to close the gallery and go to work with the Qingyang Police Station: "As soon as I get off work, I will go to Long Jie's office and keep an eye on him!"

"Why are you staring at him?"

"I stared at him with the most pure and innocent eyes to see if he had the nerve to let my pregnant wife work overtime again..."

"Holy crap, he didn't arrange for me to work overtime, okay? What does it have to do with others?"

"Isn't he your boss? The boss should care about his subordinates and take care of the pregnant policewoman. Isn't this his responsibility? I will keep an eye on him and let him fulfill his responsibilities. When you work overtime, he will feel guilty!"

Qing Yang's eyes widened: "Are you looking for smoke?"

"You can smoke it, you can smoke it. If you smoke me, I have to protect the interests of my baby!" Tang Lan looked upright and awe-inspiring!

Qingyang was very annoyed, but could do nothing.



As soon as she got to work, Qingyang heard laughter from her detective team before she even arrived at the office. As soon as she heard it, she knew that Wang Yan was talking about her embarrassing incident last night: "Oh, our boss's husband is like this, staring at With cheeks puffed, beard blown and eyes staring, he snatched her away..."

Depend on!Gossip Cop!

Qingyang walked into the office with a dark face. Wang Yan was gesticulating. When he saw her, he turned around and pretended to stretch his arms and legs: "Oh, I didn't sleep well last night. I stretched..."

Qingyang snorted: "The sun is just right outside, do you want me to ask you to go stretch in the yard for two hours?!"

"Hehe, hehe, no, no, the stretching has been completed..." Wang Yan stuck out his tongue and returned to his seat obediently.

Qingyang sat down, frowning and thinking about the case, and made herself a cup of milk powder for pregnant women - this can of milk powder was the one Wang Yan bought for her for testing.

Niu Niu asked: "Boss, I want a drink too. I didn't eat this morning and I'm hungry!"

"Oh, here, rush there yourself!"

Niu Niu rushed and said: "Boss, you have been drinking this milk powder every day for the past two days, and people from other teams have asked me if the boss is pregnant... Don't keep putting it on your table. People will misunderstand it.”

"What's the misunderstanding? It's not like I got pregnant out of wedlock!"

"Well, it's always weird to be suspected of being pregnant, right?" Niu Niu smiled.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense and quickly organize your case materials."

Niuniu refused to leave, holding the milk: "Oh, I was going to report something to you, but I forgot about it when I saw you drinking milk powder."

"what's up?"

"Agen sent a lawyer's letter to his mother and sister, terminating their labor relationship in the massage parlor and ordering Li Yueyan's family to move out of the massage parlor within a time limit!"

Qingyang was startled: "Really?"

"Really, when I called Li Fusheng's family today to supplement the information, Agen's mother cried and told me with runny nose and tears."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Qingyang suddenly stood up and frowned.

Niu Niu was startled: "Didn't you just come in? I haven't had time yet..."

Qingyang put on his police hat and said to Niu Niu: "Come with me to Li's house. We are worried that we have no clues!"

"Ah, will there be any clues once the lawsuit is filed?"

"In extraordinary times, there must be many people who have a lot of troubles to talk about, right?"

Qingyang first went to Li Fusheng's house and met Agen's mother.

Agen's mother seemed to be really sad this time. She curled up on the sofa, tears dripping down the back of her hands. Li Yueyan was wiping her tears next to her and scolding Agen for venting her anger.

"Mom, I told you before that Agen just married a daughter-in-law and forgot about her mother! You have been supporting him. Look at this. Dad just passed away and he is going to kick us mothers out!"

Agen's mother sobbed to Qingyang and Niuniu: "Girls, let me advise you not to give birth to a boy in the future. If you give birth to a boy, he will drink your milk when he is a child, and he will bite your eyes when he grows up. Son!"

Qingyang couldn't help but touch her belly. She couldn't control the birth of a boy or a girl.She and Meimei Bubu are so close and deep, and they really want to have another baby girl... However, Tang Lan may have different ideas. She bought a new cartoon from him yesterday - "Crayon Shin-chan", which she can watch alone. Have fun!

Qingyang couldn't help but smile and hurriedly restrained herself. Mother Li looked at her expression and cried even harder: "You little girls don't understand my sadness now. When you become mothers in the future, look at it." My son and I have become enemies, so you know how I feel!"

Qingyang hurriedly straightened his body: "Auntie, don't be so patronizing and sad, tell us what's going on!"

Mother Li sat up, leaned on the cushion, pointed at Li Yueyan and said, "Tell her to say, my breath is blocked here, I can't go up or down, I'm so pissed off by them, how can I still speak!"

Li Yueyan sat down: "That's it. I received a letter from a lawyer early this morning. It turns out that Agen went to find a lawyer the day before yesterday. He doesn't want us to go to the massage parlor anymore. He wants us to move out of the massage parlor within a time limit to make it clear. He owns the massage parlor! Otherwise, he will sue us for misappropriating his property! This white-eyed wolf, he has forgotten who gave him the money to open this massage parlor!"

Li's mother also said excitedly: "After I heard what Yueyan said, I ran to Agen's house and knocked on the door. I wanted to judge him in front of the neighbors. With an unfilial son like him, I just died, so I took care of my mother." Are you rushing out? Huh, it must be all the fault of that little bitch Sun Xiaomian!"

"Ah, you went to find them?"

Li Yueyan curled her lips and said, "Huh, they've gone and hid somewhere. The neighbor said they saw the couple carrying their luggage and leaving yesterday, and they never came back, and they didn't answer their phone calls!"

Before Niuniu came to Li's house, he called Sun Xiaomian. Sun Xiaomian said that they were currently living in a small hotel. Knowing that the Li family was going to make trouble, Agen was afraid that the last violent incident would happen again, so the two of them decided to hide outside for a while. Hiding, they said they had hired a lawyer to negotiate the matter.

Sun Xiaomian said calmly: "I am very happy that A Gen can make up his mind to assert his rights this time!"

Niu Niu made an appointment with Sun Xiaomian and his wife to meet them at this hotel after leaving Li's house.

Li Yueyan regarded the Agen couple's avoidance behavior as guilty conscience and fear: "They want us to move away? We have to go to court to sue them for abusing the elderly. How can we not give Agen a few slaps in the face! They eat everything inside and outside the house!"

Mother Li sobbed and said, "The old man has just died and his body has not yet been buried in the ground. My son is here for me. My life is so miserable. I might as well have strangled him to death when I gave birth to him!"

Li Yueyan said: "That's all because of your partiality, and you have spoiled A Gen! It was wrong for you and your dad to invest all your money in the massage parlor. You really are. Why did the legal representative write A Gen's name?" , if we write about you or dad, they won’t kick us out!”

Mother Li patted her legs: "Your father and I feel sorry for his bad eyesight. We should support him with a family business so that he can be self-reliant!"

Li Yueyan complained: "It's better now. I am now self-reliant. I don't need your mother to take care of me anymore. I will file it for you directly!"

Qingyang waited for the mother and daughter to finish speaking and asked, "What does Agen's lawyer's letter say?"

"He said that because his pregnant wife's milk powder for pregnant women was poisoned, he suspected that it was done by family members who have always been prejudiced against his wife, and that they also beat his pregnant wife and so on. He said that these behaviors were unacceptable to him. ...Also, our position in the massage parlor is not suitable. For the development of the massage parlor, he asked us to walk! Oh, they complained first! It is said that someone poisoned his wife, oh, please help, What good do we gain from harming her?!"

"Then if he terminates your labor relationship, there must be compensation, right?"

Li Yueyan went back to the room and took a piece of paper and handed it to Qingyang: "Here, see for yourself, I didn't see that A Gen was so evil. He really thought this massage parlor was his!"

Qingyang read the lawyer's letter at a glance. As for compensation for his mother, Agen's proposal was: the massage parlor should be owned by him. In addition to the purchase of real estate, Agen's profit from the massage parlor over the past few years has been a joint passbook of more than 50 yuan. It will be kept by Li's mother. He is willing to transfer all the money to Li's mother as alimony. The house where his parents live has always been in his name. The market price is 80. He is also willing to transfer it to his mother... and promises to follow the instructions. Mother's standard of living expenses, to fulfill the obligation of support.

Wang Yan was also watching: "Well, I think this condition is more generous than the dismissal of employees by a multinational company... Isn't all the money earned going to you, auntie?!"

Li Yueyan jumped up: "What? Is this kind? What about the massage parlor? He will give us at least 50% of the shares, and then he will pay us dividends every year! Why should such a big money tree be considered his?"

―――――――――――PS dividing line―――――――――

I feel like this chapter has been revised a bit early in the morning.

Thank you dear Linglong for promptly conveying the opinions of professionals on dissolving the parent-child relationship:

"According to the laws of our country, if the mother and child are related by blood (biological mother and child), no law has procedural provisions for dissolving the father-child relationship. Only under certain circumstances, the rights and obligations between biological parents and children can be eliminated. For example, when a legal adoption relationship is formed between a minor child and another person, the biological mother-child relationship is eliminated when the adoption relationship is established. In addition, the relationship between biological parents and children cannot be eliminated. Because it is formed by blood, blood relationship It cannot be eliminated.”

Xiao 7 made some changes and changed the severance of mother-child relationship to a lawyer's letter. Thank you for correcting me!

PS: The chapter title should be changed to: "Agen is going to kick me out." VIP himself cannot change the title, so he has to apologize!

(End of this chapter)

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