murder scene 2

Chapter 113 Blind Agen Xiaohai

Chapter 113 Blind Agen Xiaohai
Qingyang Wang Yan insisted on talking to Xiao Hai alone, but Li Yueyan and his wife couldn't help it, so they specifically asked: "Officer, this child is a little timid, please be gentle."

Qingyang: "Don't worry, we are police, not robbers, we won't scare him."

Li Yueyan and his wife went to the room, where Qingyang, Wang Yan, and Xiaohai were sitting on the sofa in the living room.

Seeing her mother closing the door, Xiaohai shrugged: "They are always like this, they think I won't grow up!"

Xiao Hai's facial features look very similar to his uncle A Gen, with delicate features, fair skin, and a somewhat shy expression.

Qingyang smiled: "Yes, we know that you are over age and should enjoy all adult rights!"

Xiaohai blushed.

Wang Yan asked: "Xiao Hai, I heard that you also work in a massage parlor. What do you do?"

Xiaohai rubbed his fingers and said: "Most of the masseuses in the massage parlor are blind. I take care of them and guide them to the designated massage room. If the customers have anything to do, such as buying cigarettes, running errands, etc., they always ask me to go there." …”

Qingyang smiled: "Do you have a lot of errands to do? Your mother said you are attending night school? Do you have time to read?"

Xiao Hai liked the kind female police officer more than the serious male police officer. Xiao Hai smiled at Qingyang and said, "Sometimes when I'm not busy, my parents are at the massage parlor. They often urge me to read books and then help me with the massage." Let me get rid of the college affairs, so that I can study with peace of mind."

Qing Yang nodded: "A family of three works together and takes care of each other. Is it an ideal way of working?"

Xiao Hai pursed her lips and smiled, her long eyelashes flashing, what a beautiful child!Qingyang thought, if Agen's eyes were fine, he would be a handsome and clear young man...

"Xiao Hai, where do you usually read? Is there room in the massage parlor?"

"In Uncle's lounge, there is a large writing desk. Uncle is very busy during the day. When he is away, I use this desk."

"Oh, there are so many people in the massage parlor, even uncle's lounge can't be quiet, right?"

Xiaohai said "Yeah": "The employees of the massage parlor won't go there, just my grandparents. When they have nothing to do, they sit on the sofa and chat and drink tea... As soon as they chat, I can't stand reading, so I go outside to work for a while."

Xiaohai looked at the amiable Qingyang and added childishly: "As soon as my mother saw me coming out, she would know that my grandparents were chatting in the lounge, so she would find an excuse to coax them out and then push me in. ……hehe"

"It's said that nephews are uncles, does Xiao Hai like uncles?"

"Well, I like it. My uncle is very capable and strong, and he treats me very well."

"Where's aunt?"

Xiao Hai stopped talking and finally managed to say something: "That's fine..."

"You're not familiar with your aunt, are you?"

Xiaohai nodded: "Well, I don't see her very often. She is a middle school teacher. I'm a little scared..."

Since Xiao Hai took the initiative to mention middle school, Qing Yang took the opportunity to ask: "Xiao Hai, why did you drop out before finishing high school? There are not many children like you in the city."

Xiaohai's face turned even redder, and he lowered his head, feeling uneasy: "Well, I got into a fight with someone, and the beating was pretty severe. Our school doesn't want me anymore—"

"You really don't look like a child who can fight, why? Compete with others for girlfriend?" Qing Yang said in a joking tone.

Xiao Hai immediately blushed and argued: "I won't fight over a girl - I have never had a girlfriend! My mother bought me a new watch. I haven't worn it for a few days. She put it on the desk and asked me to watch it with her. The table hit the floor and broke—"

Wang Yan said: "Just for this?"

"My parents are both workers. To buy this trendy watch like mine, my parents spent all their food money for a month."

"Well, so you were very angry at that time? Did you punch or kick?"

"I just took a bench and hit him on the head——"

Qingyang shook his head: "Young man, impulsiveness is the devil!"

Xiaohai lowered his head: "Actually, I regret it now. Many of my classmates have been admitted to college, and the classmate who was injured by me has also been admitted. He came to see me two days ago - we are still friends now. Nothing in this world has changed except my place—”

Wang Yan smiled: "Why is there no place for you? Such a big massage parlor has so many seats, whichever one you want can't do it!"

Xiao Hai said childishly: "I wish I were blind, just like my uncle, I can be a successful blind masseur!"

"You can't be a masseur if you're not blind? Blind people can do good things, and healthy people should do them even better!"

"But if you have good eyes and become a masseur, you will be laughed at. I am not a massage girl!"

Qingyang smiled: "The self-esteem of this young boy is quite strong! So you chose the 'Business Management' major in night school and want to be a business manager?"

"This is not what my parents have discussed. They said that if I learn well, I can manage this massage parlor in the future, expand its scale, and become the boss." Xiao Hai said seriously.

Wang Yan said in a joking tone: "If you want to be the boss, then where will your uncle go? Don't he be so impatient?"

Xiaohai was confused: "My uncle, he is a very good masseur. He can be the chief masseur in a massage parlor -"

Wang Yan continued to attack this boy: "Even if your uncle is willing, where are your grandparents? Doesn't this massage parlor belong to them?"

"Grandpa and grandma are always too old to move - of course, it will be many years later." Xiao Hai smiled pretending to be mature.

Qingyang nodded: "So, you should prepare early, start with night school, and wait until then to take over, right? Haha, this must be the life path your parents planned for you. Well, it sounds good, not better than you How bad are those classmates who went to college!"

Wang Yan also nodded: "You are such an ambitious child. I understand what you said just now, what does it mean that there is no position for you? It means that there is no suitable position, right? For example, the position of the boss?"

Xiaohai blushed: "Actually, that's not what I meant - I want to be the boss, and I don't necessarily need to be in this massage parlor - but my mother said -"

Qingyang said: "Mom said this massage parlor is better. I can have a great masseur like my uncle to help me, right?"

Just when Xiao Hai was about to say something, Zhang Feng, who had been eavesdropping at the door of the room, suddenly opened the door and came out with a blushing face: "Officer, you can't do this, inducing a child to say what you want to hear! This is too much!"

Wang Yan stood up: "Zhang Feng, I've said it several times, but you still don't understand: Zhang Xiaohai is old enough to exercise his civil rights and assume his civic duties independently. What are you referring to? It was Li Yueyan who asked us to speak softly just now, so is speaking softly an inducement?"

―――――――――――――PS dividing line―――――――――

Well, happy weekend!Rest tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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