Chapter 128
The opened Nine Tails formed a fan shape, and a majestic momentum emanated from it.

Several people, including the summoned beasts, knew that Nine-Tailed Fox was going to make a bigger move.

But the female zombie is not afraid.

It is not even afraid of summoned beasts such as Qilin, let alone the nine-tailed fox.

"Extreme Nether Territory."

The moment the nine-tailed fox finished speaking, a faint blue fire suddenly burst out from where it was.

The blue fire is still spreading, like blue flowers blooming on the ground, beautiful is beautiful, but beneath the beauty is a fatal danger.

The female zombie didn't take it seriously at first, but after feeling the power in the fire, her face suddenly changed.

"Ghost Blue Fire!"

"What is your identity?" The female zombie looked at the nine-tailed fox with sharp eyes.

"Hmph!" The Nine-Tailed Fox, who was still angry, didn't want to talk to her, but increased his power output.

Nine-Tails behind him swiped like a fan, the blue fire spread faster and wider.

The female zombie dare not underestimate this fire.

The Nether Blue Fire is the nemesis of all ghost races. Although she is not a ghost race, she also belongs to the dark forces. The Nether Blue Fire is not small for her.

The nine-tailed fox noticed her fear. The corners of the fox's lips curved up in a mocking arc, and then he put away his nine-tails and jumped.

Jump directly to the female zombie.

The female zombie didn't know what its intention was, but she couldn't help but feel happy.

She is highly poisonous, and any opponent who dares to fight her at close quarters can easily be poisoned by her, so in her opinion, the behavior of the nine-tailed fox is undoubtedly death.

But Nine-Tailed Fox was not stupid, when he was about to touch the female zombie, a ghostly blue fire appeared from his body, and now the female zombie did not dare to act rashly.

The nine-tailed fox waved its claws and grabbed the female zombie. The female zombie did not dare to face it easily, but only dared to fight it with her long nails.

Her nails are sharp, long and black, even the claws of the Nine-Tailed Fox can't break them, they are completely comparable to sharp weapons.

One beast and one zombie fought back and forth for several rounds, and the fights were comparable.

Seemingly knowing that it would be useless to fight like this, the beast and the zombie stopped and continued to fight.

"I underestimate you." The female zombie glanced at the flames on the ground and said solemnly.

Nine-Tailed Fox still didn't bother to talk to him, and once again summoned the Nether Blue Fire and rushed towards the female zombie. The female zombie continued to dodge, so the battle fell into the previous cycle again.

The nine-tailed fox pursued, and the female zombie escaped. They were unable to fly under the fiddling of fate.

However, this was obviously not the way to go. Song Chao looked at the battle in front of him and thought of something. He squinted his eyes and a light flashed in his eyes.

The battle is still a cycle of you coming and going, but changes happen quietly.

When the two beasts were fighting for life and death, Qilin, who had been detoxified after taking the elixir given by Nalan Chun, quietly recovered.

After recovering, it sprawled on the ground, glaring fiercely at the female zombie who had poisoned it, apparently looking for a chance to sneak attack.

But then he received news from the Song Dynasty.

It rolled its eyes, stood up suddenly, and a cloud flew out under its feet. The female zombie reacted quickly, thinking that it was going to attack her, and quickly dodged aside.

But the main target of this attack was not her, but the male zombie next to her!

The male zombie looks completely different from the female zombie, he is silly and dull, like a fool without sanity.

Qilin's auspicious cloud has arrived in front of the male zombie at this time, but he is still stupid and does not make any movements, and does not dodge.

Although he didn't move, the female zombie was in a hurry. She rushed over quickly, trying to block the blow for the male zombie, but there was no time.

The male zombie was hit in the head by Xiangyun first, and there was a sound of "clang--", the sound made when Xiangyun and the male zombie's heads collided was like two metals colliding.

After Xiangyun knocked the male zombie's head to one side, he fell behind him and then came back, hitting the male zombie's back, and the male zombie was directly hit to the ground.

Xiangyun wanted to continue attacking him, but the female zombie had already rushed over.

With a wave of her hand, she directly collided with Xiangyun and knocked Xiangyun down.

The female zombie stopped next to the fallen body of the male zombie.

The strength of the male zombie is obviously much weaker than that of the female zombie, and after being hit by Xiangyun just a few times, the vitality is already too weak.

The female zombie hugged his body tremblingly, and patted his face with her hand.

"Fengfeng, how are you?"

Although the male zombie called Feng had a weak breath, he couldn't help turning his eyes to her after hearing her words.

He just stared at her blankly without saying a word.

The female zombie didn't speak, and just looked at him affectionately.

After a while, the female zombie seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly lowered her head and kissed the male zombie.

"Uh..." Song Mu felt a chill all over his body, and everyone at the side couldn't help shaking their bodies.

But the female zombie is not as simple as just kissing him. As time goes by, the male zombie's vitality becomes more and more full, while the female zombie's momentum becomes lower and lower.

A large black fog surrounded the figures of the two zombies.

"How is this going?"

Everyone was shocked by this scene and even forgot to attack.

Immediately afterwards, the black mist disappeared, and the two zombies that reappeared were no longer the same as before.

It turned out that the blue-faced, long-toothed, scary-looking male zombie turned into a pale-faced zombie who was not much different from normal people.

Ebony black pupils, a tall and heroic nose, and seductive red lips, all show that this male zombie was a handsome man when he was alive.

As for the female zombie, although she could still see her original appearance clearly, her face turned black and her teeth turned into fangs.

The two zombies seemed to have reversed their appearance.

Seeing that he had returned to his original handsome appearance, the female zombie looked at him longingly and reached out to touch his face.

The recovered male zombie also regained consciousness. He froze for a moment, and then turned his head in disgust when he saw the hand stretched out by the female zombie.

"Feng, I'm Pingping."

"I know." The male zombie's voice was surprisingly nice, but his tone was full of disgust.

"Wind?" The female zombie looked at the indifferent male zombie blankly.

"Is it you who turned me into this?"

The male zombie didn't answer her, but looked into her eyes and asked this question.

"Fengfeng, please listen to my explanation." The female zombie became panicked. She hurriedly grabbed the male zombie's arm, trying to explain to him.

But was thrown away by the male zombie.

"Where are the others?" The male zombie tilted his head and asked her.

The female zombie fell silent.

The male zombie understood, and he turned his head to look at the Song Dynasty people.

"Are you foreigners?"

Several people hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

The male zombie has a clear face.

"Get out of here." He calmly said to several people.

"Wind!" the female zombie called out to him.

"Yu Ping, you are enough!"

The female zombie looked at the male zombie in disbelief.

A strange atmosphere formed between the two zombies.

After a while, Yu Ping cautiously raised her eyes and asked the male zombie.

"Brother Feng, do you still love me?"

"Love?" The male zombie seemed to have heard something funny. He asked sarcastically and then continued.

"How can a man and a monster fall in love?"

"Monster?" Yu Ping pointed to herself and asked the male zombie, "You say I'm a monster?"

"Otherwise?" The male zombie didn't even give her an extra look.

"Hahahahaha, you say I'm a monster!" The female zombie was a little crazy when she was stimulated by these words.

"But don't forget, you are now a monster like me!" Yu Ping's eyes turned red, and she stared at the male zombie with a particularly mocking tone.

The male zombie's face instantly became ugly.

"You bitch!"

"If I hadn't turned you into a zombie, you would have turned into a dead person like your clansmen. You should thank me!"

The more Yu Ping talked, the more excited she became.

The male zombie looked at her with a complicated expression.

"But I'd rather die."

The expression of the female zombie suddenly became stiff.

She looked at the male zombie blankly, and the corners of her mouth moved slightly, as if she wanted to say something, but she didn't say anything in the end.

"Get out of here, human!" The male zombie turned around and left after saying these words.

"and many more!"

He was stopped by the Song Dynasty.

"can we talk?"

The male zombie glanced around at the people behind Song Chao, finally set his eyes on Song Chao, and nodded.

"Come with me." The male zombie walked forward after finishing speaking.

Several people followed closely behind.

The female zombie froze for a moment, but hurriedly followed.

The closer you are to the crater, the stronger the hot feeling, but the male zombie still goes towards the crater on its own.

There is a huge hole on the top of the volcano, which is the crater.

Below the crater is the raging magma. White smoke rises from above the fiery red magma. The white smoke slowly runs out from the crater, making the entire volcanic top smoky, which looks quite special.

At the crater, the male zombie finally stopped.

He stood on the edge, looked down at the magma inside, and then opened his mouth slowly.

"I know what you want to ask."

After saying this, he stopped talking again.

He just slowly raised his head and looked at the sky, just when a few people thought he would not speak, a faint voice came from his mouth.

"My name is Lin Feng, and I am a member of the Fire Clan. Our family is the Fire Clan. We have always lived and lived on fire."

"This small world is the living territory of our Fire Clan. It wasn't like this before. It used to be full of flowers and plants, and insects and birds looked up. It's very beautiful."

When Lin Feng said this, he paused for a while, as if he was recalling something.

"Actually, the environment here is not suitable for other species to survive, but because our clan has a treasure called the Fire Spirit Pearl."

"It can not only balance the hot environment here, but also suppress the magma of the volcano so that it does not boil, thereby preventing the eruption of the volcano."

"In addition, our clan can also use its power to fight against powerful enemies, but also because of it, we have a rule here that we can only enter but not exit. If we want to go out, we need to ask the patriarch to control the fire spirit orb, and temporarily release this place. It can be said that because of the existence of the Fire Spirit Orb, we can live here safely, but also because of its existence, we are isolated from the world."

"But although we are isolated from the world, we live in peace and ease."

"But one day, it all broke down."

"That day, Yu Ping suddenly landed here."

"She was disguised as a fairy who accidentally strayed here. She was so beautiful that she gained everyone's goodwill, including me."

"As time went by, we fell in love little by little, and she also agreed to stay here for me. I thought our life would be so happy."

"But one day, she suddenly disappeared."

"It just disappeared suddenly, and no one could find it. I kept looking for it, and even went to the patriarch for it. I wanted him to help me control the fire spirit orb and break the rules here so that I could leave here."

"My family told me that Yu Ping couldn't break the rules and leave here, but for some reason, I just firmly believed that she had left here."

"The patriarch couldn't resist me, so he finally went to the bottom of the volcano and took out the Fire Spirit Orb."

"After that." Lin Feng's voice suddenly became extremely painful, as if he was enduring great pain.

"Afterwards, Yu Ping appeared again, but with her were countless zombies and the Goddess of Darkness." After finishing speaking, Lin Feng hugged his head with both hands in pain.

Seeing him like this, Yu Ping couldn't help but stepped forward to hug him, but Lin Feng quickly stood up and pushed her away.

"After that, I lost consciousness."

"But I saw her true face before I lost consciousness, right? Monster Yu Ping."

Lin Feng looked at Yu Ping coldly, his eyes were full of hatred.

Yu Ping couldn't help shaking her body.

"It's not like that, listen to me."

"What if it's not like this? Didn't my family die because of you? Didn't you come here with a purpose? Also, you stole the Fire Spirit Orb, too."

"You took advantage of my love for you to let the patriarch take out the Fire Spirit Orb, and then tried to take it away. You failed to seize the treasure, and in the end you wanted to destroy my whole clan. Yu Ping, you are disgusting, you are simply heartless!" beast!"

Yu Ping wanted to say something, but seeing Lin Feng hating her so much, she still didn't say anything in the end.

After a while—

"I'm sorry." Yu Ping's guilty voice came.

Lin Feng's expression was unnatural for a moment, and then he returned to indifference.

"If I'm sorry, can my dead people come back to life?"

Yu Ping lowered her head, and finally whispered something.

"Your people are not dead."

"What?" Lin Feng strode up to her, grabbed her shoulders with both hands, and questioned her loudly.

"What do you mean my people are not dead?"

"They didn't die, they just turned into zombies. You would have been controlled and taken away as a zombie. I volunteered to stay here to guard and hide you here."

"It's just that because the Fire Spirit Orb was taken away, the environment here suddenly became extremely harsh. In order to let you survive, I had no choice but to turn you into a zombie."

"Brother Feng, you believe me, your people are not dead, and I can help you rescue them!"

(End of this chapter)

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