witch doctor and queen

Chapter 407 "After 1 year, don't go to Twin Valley."

Chapter 407 "One year later, don't go to Twin Valley."

After pouring three bottles of psychic liquid into the center of the formation, and a layer of spiritual waves erupted from the formation, the space-time formation was completely set up. Yinxiu turned his head and looked at Wu Mo who was talking with Lan Zhuxi.

His ears were very good and he could hear the conversation between the two. He was surprised by Yun Nianxi's attitude towards Lan Zhuxi. This was the first time he had seen Yun Nianxi behave like this since they met. Treat people with sincerity.

Although Yun Nianxi has always been very approachable and gentle-tempered, Yin Xiu knew that she had always had a hidden layer of protection around her.

Even in front of Shen Lingqi and Su Qi's group of friends, she never took off this protective layer.

Yinxiu couldn't describe the feeling. It was as if a high wall had been built in Yun Nianxi's heart. She kept the right distance from everyone. Except for the cat, almost no one could really get close to her.

However, this high wall disappeared in front of Lan Zhuxi.

"The array is set up." Yin Xiu said.

Hearing Jun Ci speak, Wu Mo glanced in his direction.

She didn't expect the formation to move so quickly. Looking at Lan Zhuxi who was standing quietly looking at her, Wu Mo fell silent for a moment.

In fact, she had nothing to say to Lan Zhuxi, but she felt that she should say something.

During the 300 years of the melting furnace, whenever she had a splitting headache and was nearly collapsed by the ghosts, she was always protected by the Holy Light. Even now, Wu Mo could feel the presence of the Holy Light in her body .

That was Lan Zhuxi's Yuanling, stained with Lan Zhuxi's aura. It guarded her mind and allowed her to retain her clarity.

For countless days and nights, Wu Mo had been thinking about one thing: why Lan Zhuxi would abandon Yuan Ling to protect her.

She knew that Lan Zhuxi liked her, but she always felt that it was the ignorance of the young girl Huaichun, the dim throbbing that occurred under her rescue. She never thought that this love would be so serious and heavy.

It was also at that time that Wu Mo felt that she might have never understood Lan Zhuxi.

She took Lan Zhuxi's love for her too lightly.

Lan Zhuxi saw Wu Mo staring at her for a moment, but his gaze was insubstantial, as if he was reminiscing something through her, so he couldn't help frowning slightly, and called: "Sister?"

Wu Mo came back to her senses after hearing the sound. She smiled and said warmly: "I'm leaving."

Lan Zhuxi knew that the fairy sister in front of her was going to leave in formation with the man, but she didn't expect that it would be traveling through time and space. She only thought it was a teleportation formation. When Wu Mo said this, she didn't show it on her face, but she felt a surge of emotion in her heart. Unable to conceal her disappointment, she looked at Wu Mo and said, "Can we meet again in the future?"

Wu Mo's smile paused slightly.

Lan Zhuxi's question reminded her of her ending.

For a moment, Wu Mo suddenly thought, if Lan Zhuxi had not met him when she was 14 years old and had not had so many interactions with her at that time, would Lan Zhuxi not have feelings for her, and would she not have feelings for her? Will it end like that?

Time flew by at this moment, and Wu Mo's answer to Lan Zhuxi was stuck in his throat.

While she was silent, Yin Xiu walked out of the formation. He came to Wu Mo, took her wrist and said, "It's time to go."

Yin Xiu's tone was normal, but if he listened carefully, he could find that there was some inexplicable meaning in it, as if he could see Wu Mo's hesitation.

Wu Mo didn't expect that Emperor Zun would come to pull her. She looked at her wrist in confusion, and then looked at Yin Xiu along her wrist.

She knew that Jun Ci didn't want her to stay in this time and space any longer, let alone talk to Lan Zhuxi more.

But facing Lan Zhuxi, who was only 13 years old, and facing the present when the tragedy had not yet happened, the idea of ​​changing Lan Zhuxi's ending rose up, like stars starting a prairie fire, burning into Wu Mo's mind.

Wu Mo couldn't control himself not to think about it.

Yinxiu knew that Yun Nianxi cared about Lan Zhuxi very much, and he also knew that Lan Zhuxi's final outcome was to die as a sacrifice. At this time, he saw Yun Nianxi staring at Lan Zhuxi with a worried look. Yin Xiu had a bad premonition, fearing that Yun Nianxi would say something he shouldn't have said and something might happen, so he simply took her wrist and walked towards the formation.

Lan Zhuxi watched the man pull the girl away suddenly without any explanation, and couldn't help pursing his lips tightly.

She could feel that the noble and powerful man didn't want Sister Yun to get along with her, but she didn't know why.

Yin Xiu pulled Wu Mo straight to the center of the formation. After the two of them stood on it, the formation immediately surged with ripples and a layer of leaf waves.

"Lan Zhuxi..."

At this moment, Wu Mo, who had been in a daze just now, finally spoke.

Through the flying sand leaves, Wu Mo looked into Lan Zhuxi's eyes.

The emotions in her eyes were so complicated and tangled that Lan Zhuxi looked at her unexpectedly and was stunned for a moment.

Wu Mo didn't seem to feel the futile increase in strength on her wrist, and ignored Emperor Zun's warning to her. The moment before the formation was fully activated, she finished her words: "In one year, don't go to Twin Valley!"

At the same time as she finished speaking, the fallen branches and leaves sweeping across the sky also stopped, the spiritual waves disappeared, and everything returned to calm.

When Lan Zhuxi looked again, there was nothing in the place.

(End of this chapter)

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