witch doctor and queen

Chapter 394 Yin Zhen

Chapter 394 Yin Zhen
Yinxiu couldn't help frowning at his words, no one had ever spoken to him in such a tone, like treating a pet, he had a sudden realization that the person in front of him seemed to know his identity.

But how is this possible?

Yinxiu was absolutely sure that they had never seen each other before. Even after searching his guts, he couldn't find anyone with such strength.

The vortex in the center of formation was on the verge of collapse and could collapse at any time, but Yinxiu's actions seemed to be paused. He knew that this was the suppression of the man's domain in front of him, and it was the first time he was so controlled by others.

The more tense the situation became, the calmer Yin Xiu became. His eyes were as dark as ice, but there was no emotion on his face.

The man in black didn't seem to want to deal with it anymore. His eyes fell on Wu Mo, who had been silent, and he said: "Come here."

The two words sounded like a magic voice, and Wu Mo was about to take a step again, but was still held back by Yinxiu.

The man in black robe finally became impatient, and a cold snort escaped from his throat. He raised his hand and waved an attack. The attack was a black energy, which he swung out at will, but the momentum was overwhelming, hitting Yinxiu's hand that was holding Wu Mo hard. superior.

Yinxiu couldn't dodge under the domain, so he accepted the attack abruptly.

Wu Mo felt that Jun Ci's hand holding her wrist had lost its strength in an instant. Wu Mo could not see Jun Ci's expression, but could feel his body tense for a moment.

Without Yin Xiu's restraint, Wu Mo no longer stopped him and walked towards the man in black robe uncontrollably.

But just after Wu Mo took three steps, the temperature inside the cave suddenly rose, and then a huge fire tongue attacked the black-robed man with its teeth and claws.

The tongue of fire came fiercely, and the arrogance was stronger than when Yinxiu used it to attack the heart of the formation.

But the man in black reacted very quickly, he sideways avoided the attack of the flames, he seemed a little surprised, his voice was full of surprise: "The sun is really hot..."

Although I couldn't see clearly, I could feel that his eyes were shining at this moment. His tone was very surprised, even a little crazy: "I have been looking for so long, and it turns out that you are here..."

He didn't finish the rest of the sentence, because the flames attacked him again.

Wu Mo's heart skipped a beat when she heard the man in black robe say, 'The sun is really fire'. She seemed to have thought of something, but as soon as the thought came to her mind, there was another irreversible force that suppressed her thoughts.

That power wanted to control her thinking, and Wu Mo felt like her brain was being torn in half. One half was rational and the other half was vetoed by instinct.


The pain made Wu Mo couldn't help but let out a low cry, and amidst the extreme tugging, a clear boy's voice pierced through the fog and sounded in his memory - "It is possible to kill the master."

It is possible to kill the master.

Wu Mo's brain was quiet for a moment, and at this moment, Wu Mo uttered two words with trembling lips: "Yinzhen..."

Her voice was extremely soft, but everyone present was extremely powerful and heard her words.

The man in black paused for a moment to avoid the flames, and then looked at Wu Mo, seemingly in disbelief. His tone was not as relaxed as before, and he said angrily, "Shut up!"

But Wu Mo didn't listen to his order this time. She felt her mind was in chaos, but she still murmured: "Yin... so true..."

Based on the relationship between her and Yinzhen, Wu Mo doesn't really hope that Yinzhen will help her, but this is her only way to save her at present.

"Hahahaha... So you haven't completely subdued it..."

After Wu Mo called twice, Yin Zhen hadn't appeared yet, and the man in black immediately saw the reason, so he laughed and said, "You Ming, you are still so ignorant, have you forgotten who its real owner is?"

"You should remember that the sword of a servant can never be directed towards the master."

Wu Mo couldn't help but close her eyes, but she still called out: "Yinzhen..."

Wu Mo let out one sound after another, and finally at the fifth sound, the temperature plummeted, and purple-red flames shot up into the sky, part of which enveloped her whole body, and the other part, like Yinxiu's strange fire, turned into a huge flame. Tongues of flame went straight towards the man in the black robe.

(End of this chapter)

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