Chapter 121 The name of the restaurant

"Um, its name is SpongeBob SquarePants, you can just treat it as a doll!" Zhou Yue gave a brief introduction, and she didn't know how to explain the characters in the cartoon to her, so she could only say the name.

"SpongeBob SquarePants? This name is so strange, but it's quite cute after seeing it too much. Let me try it!" Wu Yushuang said.

This thing doesn't look difficult to make, just need to cut the fabric.

Wu Yushuang took a few pieces of cloth and left. Zhou Yue felt that she would definitely be able to make them, because her needlework was really good, and girls generally dabbled in calligraphy and painting, so it was easier to cut them out according to the drawings.

Zhou Yue watched the women in the village get together, talking and laughing as they cut the fabric, but she didn't intervene and let them try.

Back on the bullock cart, Zhou Yue entered the space. She planned to make some VIP cards and hold an event on the opening day of the restaurant.

After thinking about it carefully, the VIP card needs to be special and cannot be imitated at will. How to make it needs to be carefully considered.

Zhou Yue walked back and forth in the space, looking for suitable materials, and suddenly saw some plastic bracelets that she bought when she went to a tourist attraction.

"This thing is suitable!" Zhou Yue picked up the bracelet, the pink bracelet is like a pink crystal, crystal clear, and there are green and yellow ones.

Using this as a token of honored guests, it looks very high-end, the most important thing is that there is no imitation here, it is plastic!
Thinking of this, Zhou Yue quickly took out the strings from the space, and took out a few strings of different colors, which can be used to distinguish VIP users of different levels.

"By the way, the name of the restaurant hasn't been chosen yet!" Zhou Yue slapped her head.

Zhou Yue got out of the bullock cart, walked to Zhou Jiacheng's side, and said, "Dad, what is a more appropriate name for our restaurant?"

Zhou Jiacheng was digging a hole with a hoe, when he heard Zhou Yue's words, he stopped, "What's the name? Zhou's Restaurant?"

When Zhou Yue heard it, she glanced at Zhou Jiacheng, "Father, this name is so earthy, I have to choose a tall name."

"Tall? What do you mean?" Zhou Jiacheng thinks that many restaurants have such names?Why is it so boring?
"It just needs to be high-end and classy, ​​so that business can be booming!" Zhou Yue explained.

Zhou Jiacheng understood and scratched his head, "I really don't have any good ideas about choosing a name."

Zhou Yue sighed, "I see..." Judging by the names he gave to the four brothers and sisters, you can tell they are useless names!

Zhou Yue gave up discussing the name with him, "Father, please do your work first, I'll ask others if they have any good ideas."

After finishing speaking, Zhou Yue turned around and left, and came to Zhou Ming who was closest to her.

Zhou Ming was instructing people to draw lines on the ground, "Yes, go a little further to the right, okay, this is it!"

"Third Brother!" Zhou Yue called out to him.

Zhou Ming turned around, "Yueyue, is there something wrong?"

"Third brother, what do you think is a suitable name for our restaurant?" Zhou Yue asked.

"The name of the restaurant? You want me to think about it? Why don't you ask dad?" Zhou Ming frowned, why don't you just let dad do the naming?
"Father's name is too rustic, he actually called it Zhou's Restaurant!" Zhou Yue said with a look of disgust.

"Ah..." Zhou Ming replied in embarrassment. Fortunately, he asked one more question, otherwise he would have just said "Zhou Ji Restaurant" came out, only one word missing, and he would definitely be disgusted by the younger sister.

"Third brother, isn't this name very earthy?" Zhou Yue asked.

Zhou Ming nodded bravely, "Well, dirt..." Who cares, the little sister is definitely right!

"Then do you have any good suggestions?" Zhou Yue looked at Zhou Ming, wanting to see if he had any good ideas.

Zhou Ming bowed his head and pondered for a while, "How about calling it [April Spring Breeze]?"

"Spring Breeze in April? It feels pretty good. Why did you choose such a name?" Zhou Yue thought the name sounded pretty good.

"You are the fourth child in our family, and your name contains the word "month". April is spring, so why not call it April Spring Breeze." Zhou Ming explained the source of his inspiration.

Zhou Yue patted Zhou Ming's shoulder and looked at him appreciatively, "Third brother, your inspiration is good, I think it's good, let's order this! Our restaurant is called [April Spring Breeze Restaurant]!"

Zhou Yue decided on the name. She guessed that the eldest and second brothers couldn't think of any fancy names, so this was it!
Zhou Ming smiled, "Yueyue, as long as you like it." Fortunately, he can think quickly, otherwise, he would be like his father and be disgusted by his younger sister.

"Second brother, I'm going to the county seat. I'm going to put up the plaque of the restaurant today and hang it up tomorrow." Zhou Yue turned and left after finishing speaking.

Zhou Ming breathed a sigh of relief, and continued to direct people to draw lines on the ground.

Zhou Yue entered the space on the carriage, used the computer to select the font, and printed out the name of the restaurant. When she arrived in the county town, she found a shop that made plaques and handed the drawings to the engraving master.

After paying the deposit and agreeing to pick it up tomorrow, Zhou Yue went to book a lion dance team, including gongs and drums.

After finishing the atmosphere group, Zhou Yue went to the ceramics shop and bought a carriage of wine glasses, plates, chopsticks, bowls and other tableware.

After delivering it to the door of the restaurant, Qian Ruiping and others moved all the tableware to the kitchen.

Zhou Yue drove a carriage to a cloth store and bought several uniform styles of ready-made clothes. She planned to give them to them as work clothes.

After preparing all kinds of utensils and it was getting dark, when Zhou Yue drove the carriage back to the village, she saw some children in the village squatting together, chattering without knowing what to say.

After getting out of the carriage, Zhou Yue walked over and found that they had written a row of words on the ground with branches, and several children were reading the words on the ground.

It was getting dark, the words on the ground could not be read clearly, they were still learning, Zhou Yue frowned, she forgot to give them some paper and pens, writing on the ground is worse than writing them down clearly in a notebook.

Zhou Yue took out some notebooks, pencils and erasers from the space, and came to them, "Get up first!"

The children stood up immediately when they heard Zhou Yue's voice. They admired Zhou Yue immensely. Zhou Yue spoke better than his parents.

Looking at the group of people standing in a row, Zhou Yue held up the notebook and pencil, "This is a notebook, and this is a pencil. You can write on it. Look, it looks like this." Zhou Yue demonstrated.

Kids staring and writing on paper without ink?Just use that little stick?
Zhou Yue raised the eraser in her hand, "This is an eraser. If you wrote a wrong word with a pencil, you can use it to erase and write again."

Zhou Yue demonstrated it again, and erased the words she just wrote on the notebook.

The children's eyes widened even more, "Is this a spell?" One child murmured.

(End of this chapter)

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