People in Datang, start with a golden hoe

Chapter 201 201 Land Acquisition

Xiaolan takes action, one against the other two.

A banquet of poems about the twenty-four solar terms, where the guests and hosts rejoiced. The number of new poems produced on the table is no exaggeration. It is no exaggeration to say that with the paper layout of the Tang Dynasty, there would be absolutely no problem in publishing a single thin volume of poetry. The day after the banquet, people from all three parties sent their servants to ask for yesterday's poem.

Cai Xiaolan was well prepared and gave them three stacks of rice paper that she and Xu Xiaoqin had copied early in the morning to take back. As for whether the courtiers like their overly crafty calligraphy, that is their business.

Within a few days, perhaps because Mr. Caihou’s reputation had spread, the head manager of Yahang came to visit in person and said, “It’s done!” They have already applied for this piece of land to the government on behalf of Cai Xiaolan.

"Master Caihou, we have put a lot of effort into acquiring this piece of land from you. We asked someone to go to Huke to intercede and clear up the misunderstanding on the map. We also expressed our intention to buy the land in your name. . The manager of Huke has agreed, but the land is so big that you still need to put some effort behind your back."

"Thank you!"

Cai Xiaolan thanked the manager and went to the government office with him.

The steward of the Hu Ke University of the government office has been waiting for you for a long time.

Marquis Cai shared her inner thoughts with the stewards of Huke, hoping to get their approval. However, she could see at a glance from the big and small eyes of the stewards that no one understood her. what was said.

"A light industrial town, an industrial area with cotton as its core..." She repeated the key words again, but the people in the audience still looked like "you are right"!

Wine and rice bags. Cai Xiaolan despised the ancient employment system in her heart.

"I'll go find Chang Shi and talk to him about this matter!"

When the steward heard this, he immediately told her where Chang Shi's office was.

The meeting with Chang Shi was particularly smooth, and the cotton town project received his full support. He called people from Yahang to package and sell the four to five hundred acres of land on the right side of the official road to Tianfu Jucaiju to Cai Xiaolan.

"Your Majesty was afraid that you would be jealous, so he did not give you a fief. This land will be sold to you at half the price!" Zeng Changshi waived half of the money for Cai Xiaolan with a wave of his hand. Then he turned to look at the steward who came from Yahang and said, "Steward Guo, please accompany Master Caihou to calculate the specific acres of land. How much farmland and forestland are there in these four to five hundred acres? , draw the map, calculate the price, and finally give it to the governor for his signature."

"Here!" The big steward nodded one after another.

Why does Yaxing have this power?

On the surface, Yaxing is under private control, but in fact, anyone with a little experience knows that it belongs to the imperial court. The imperial court gave them monopoly rights in land, commerce, leasing, population, etc., allowing them to handle matters that were inconvenient for the government to handle.

Guan Guo left in advance, and Cai Xiaolan was about to leave when Zeng Changshi called out to him again.

"One more thing. The imperial court issued an official document to set up a defense department under the Engineering Department. Governor Lu said that the source of cotton cloth is in Yangzhou Prefecture. Compared with other prefectures, it has already seized the opportunity. It is bound to take advantage of this to do something. Merit. So he wanted to hire Mr. Hou to be the steward of the Textile and Textile Department, and be fully responsible for cotton planting, technology promotion, weaving and other matters."

Mr. Caihou was unwilling to take on this matter, but he thought that if he were in charge of the Textile and Textile Department, the development speed of the cotton cloth industry would be accelerated many times.

"I agreed, but only for one year!"

Zeng Changshi was overjoyed when he heard this, "Sure, in one year, we can seize the opportunity and train new managers!"

It wasn't until she walked out of Chang Shi's courtyard that Cai Xiaolan snorted coldly, "Huh, do you want to seize the opportunity, or have you already earned enough merit for the three-year exam? Do you want to train new managers, or leave enough time to press?" Need to be allocated? There are no less than thirty or fifty managers in the Nuo Da government office, and how many of them are selected based on their abilities?"

The world is like this.

Just say what you said behind your back.

In the afternoon, people from Yaxing arrived at Tianfu Jucai Residence. I don’t know whether it was intentional or intentional, but just in time for the meal, three carriages came and more than twenty people jumped out. If Manager Guo hadn't been the first in line, Cai Houye's golden hoe would have been smashed down. There were more than twenty people, and before they started working, each of them ate two bowls of vegetable rice and a big piece of meat. The cooks and waiters had trembling hands and feet when cooking and delivering food. The lower-class people working near the city, especially those who signed the contract at the tooth shop, who has not suffered from their sins!

There is strength in numbers, about twenty of them, after two hours of busy work at Tianfu Jucai, they drew a map and used wooden sticks to mark the boundaries of the circled land of 500 acres. Good marks. As soon as Cai Xiaolan has paid off the money, they will be replaced with stone piles and a boundary monument will be erected at the same time.

Real estate sales are extremely complicated. Paddy fields, dry fields, forest lands, residential areas...all have the same price. Moreover, their respective acres are not presented as integers, but as zeros and integers. Even though most of the twenty or so people brought by Guo Daguo were computational talents, they stayed up until late at night to calculate the final amount of money.

"Reporting to Lord Marquis, we have finished the calculation and the total amount is 8,742 guan." Steward Guo walked up to Cai Xiaolan with the map and land deed and gave her two pieces of paper.

"Is the river behind our house included in the five hundred acres?" Cai Xiaolan asked.

"It doesn't count!"

"If you take it into account, the river will also appear in the title deed."

"It's not done like this!" Guo Daguan was helpless. If it was a pond, he put it in it. But the river is not within his jurisdiction.

Cai Xiaolan observed that his expression didn't look like he was lying, and nodded in agreement. After making an appointment with him to go to the bank to withdraw money for transactions the next day, Yahang and his party left together.

"Finally gone!" The cook sighed sadly, her trembling legs finally couldn't support her upper body, and she fell down. Cai Xiaolan was startled, and she quickly felt her pulse. It was confirmed that she was overly frightened and uneasy, so she felt relieved.

"It scared me to death. I thought I was going to become a sinister boss!"

"How can Mr. Xiaolan be a black-hearted boss? There are no books in the world about your kindness." The cook's voice was weak, but extremely firm.

"Yes, we are afraid of those people just now, they are simply the skin-picking devils in hell..." Another bold guy whispered.

When it comes to the people who work in the dental industry, the hired workers have endless bitterness in their hearts. A group of people talked about the stars dimming and the morning light suddenly rising.


Cai Xiaolan's eight thousand seven hundred and forty-two strings of money were thus put into the treasury. Manager Guo took the receipt and went to Lu Qingyun with Cai Xiaolan, "Sir, the money has been put into the treasury, the map has been drawn, and the contract has been drawn up. Please review it."

Lu Qingyun took the three pieces of paper and reviewed them one by one. Even if he had his heart set on picking Xiaolan, he couldn't be careless in the slightest. After the verification was correct, he took out the official seal of the government and stamped all three pieces of paper. He also left a mark under the official seal with his private seal.

"Master Caihou, the land is yours! As for the land deed, I will send someone to give it to you after it is made."

As long as the Tang Dynasty was still there, this land deed would always be valid. Something that needs to be passed down for hundreds of years requires very high quality of dyes and paper. To complete it, the craftsman had to work for several days.

Cai Xiaolan already knew this from Guo Da's office, so she wasn't too curious.

Suddenly she thought of a question that had been bothering her for a long time, and she happened to ask it in front of Governor Lu today.

"Lord Lu, I wonder where the former governor has moved?"

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