Chapter 157 The Thrilling Moment

Yinxue let out a long hiss, raised her front hooves slightly, and jumped out at a faster speed in the next second, riding on the wind like a shooting star, surpassing the eighth princess in an instant.

The eighth princess, who was forced to eat a mouthful of wind and sand, was stunned and did not respond for a long time. It was not until Xie Lanting rode her horse across the line of the first lap that she yanked the rein in anger.

They were so far behind, yet she was still overtaken by her!The eighth princess glanced at the emperor, unwilling to reconcile, it is not easy to have the opportunity to show herself today, she must not let Xie Lanting steal the limelight!

Jiaping came back, and her father's attitude towards her was obviously better. It's hard to say what will happen to her in the future.

She was anxious in her heart, and her attacks became more and more indiscriminate. The bloody horse itself is fierce, and now she was stimulated by her, and she ran a little frantically.

At the beginning, the eighth princess didn't feel anything wrong, she thought it was normal, until she ran the first lap, she couldn't do it even if she wanted the horse to slow down, and she realized that something was wrong!

The people behind didn't notice anything wrong, a girl passed by her on horseback, and when she was about to overtake her, Princess Eight's horse didn't get out of the way, but ran straight towards the girl!
The girl didn't know if she was frightened, she stared blankly and didn't move.

Xie Lanting watched from behind and frowned: "Get out of the way!"

This yell made everyone wake up like a dream, the girl immediately pulled the rein and wanted to turn the horse's head to avoid it, but the speed of the eighth princess was too fast!

The people in the outfield couldn't sit still, they stood up one after another, even the emperor tensed up, "Come on—"

Just as he was about to order the guards to go in to save people, he saw a whip flying out of nowhere and wrapped around the girl's waist. At the critical moment, the girl was thrown backwards. Xie Lanting took this opportunity to gallop forward, "pull Hold my hand, hurry up!"

At the juncture of life and death, people's potential is unlimited, the girl grabbed Xie Lanting's hand with her strength, and Xie Lanting's hand directly pulled the man onto her horse!

But because of her inertia, she leaned forward and almost threw herself out!

Wen Shuang couldn't help but exclaimed, Qin Mingzhou stared at Xie Lanting closely, and said in a deep voice, "Sister Ting will be fine."

Wen Shuang glanced at her after hearing the words, inexplicably feeling that the current Ning and Princess are a little scary, but the situation is critical, and she didn't have time to think about it, so she turned her head and looked at the racecourse.

Sure enough, as Qin Mingzhou expected, Xie Lanting stabilized her body at the critical moment. The girl who was rescued was also a quick-eyed and quick-witted girl. Seeing that Xie Lanting was unstable, she quickly reached out and grabbed her belt. Immediately stabilized his figure.

Xie Lanting let out a sigh of relief and pulled the rein to stop Yinxue.

The girl gasped in shock, her face was pale, her gaze was still out of focus, she was almost, just a little bit, she might be about to fall off the horse and be trampled!

If she was lucky, she might be trampled on a few footprints, but if she was unlucky... She shivered, maybe she was trampled out of shape, right?

Thinking of this, she looked at the only eighth princess who was still galloping on the racecourse, and found that her horse hadn't stopped yet.

"This horse..."

Xie Lanting glanced at her: "Going crazy, can you let go of your hands now? My belt is about to be torn off by you."

Her tone was flat, but it made the girl blush with embarrassment.

(End of this chapter)

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