The fate of writers

Chapter 114 Reunion and Zhao Ruyi's Letter

Chapter 114 Reunion and Zhao Ruyi's Letter

〖Later, Brother Zhang Pan and Zhu Zi reunited as a pair of friends. The two shared their experiences over the years, some good and some bad.

As they chatted, they talked about Chu Le, that is, Jin Shang, she is the real legend.A sense of levitation arose in the hearts of the two of them, as if a friend I knew had become a big shot. It was really incredible.

"I don't know if we can meet again." Brother Zhang Pan sighed.

"Ah, who knows?" Zhu Zi didn't know if they would have a chance to meet again despite time, space, people and things.

The opportunity presented itself five years later, in response to the incident, and the Queen abdicated.This was a bloodless coup, and the conditions for the Queen's willingness to "take it easy" included allowing the children of the clan who planned the incident to be alone with her for three months.

Chu Le's youngest son agreed without hesitation. It was a good thing not to be at odds with his mother, otherwise it might not look good in the history books.

Has Chu Le, who has been fighting for half his life, softened his heart in his later years?
No, her youngest son will face even more exciting political struggles in his later years. This is her revenge.

After abdication, the queen picked up her childhood dream again and continued to measure the world with her feet.

This time the starting point is the original end point.Chu Le didn't deliberately look for it, but it was such a coincidence that the three met by chance in the Taoist temple, and this moment was just like that moment.

"Long time no see." The three of them spoke at the same time, looking at each other and smiling. The barriers of time, space, and changes in people and things quickly disappeared at this moment. 〗

When Jiang Ling finished writing and was considering whether to add two episodes, there was a knock on the door

Button button -


"Miss, it's me. Letter from Editor Zhao."

It turns out to be a vial, Editor Zhao?It's no coincidence that she just finished writing My Fair Lady in one go, so she doesn't have to hide all the time.


Xiao Ping walked in and handed the letter to Jiang Ling, then came to the window and opened it. A ray of sunlight came in directly and shone on Jiang Ling's face. Jiang Ling subconsciously blocked it with her hands. She blinked and felt she got used to it. After that, he put down his hand.

"Miss, people should see more sunshine. You always stay in the study every day. There is plenty of charcoal fire in the room. Open the windows for a while and let the air flow..." Xiao Ping started to read casually again.

At this time, a small wind blew from the northwest, bringing fresh air into the room. Jiang Ling, who was used to staying in a room with no windows open, felt that it was really cold. She opened the letter and went to read it in front of the stove.

Seeing a letter is like meeting, spreading a letter makes you look good...

This is a letter of invitation and a letter of farewell.Zhao Ruyi is leaving. If she doesn't leave, her family will force her to leave.

Before leaving, Zhao Ruyi planned to hold a small banquet, the number of people was only eight or nine, and the time was three days later.

The letter also expressed concern about the current situation, and hoped that Jiang Ling would make a plan early, and if he had nowhere to go, he could come and join her.

At the end of the letter, I expressed the regret and resentment that I didn't see the ending of "My Fair Lady", which can be regarded as a soft reminder.At the same time, Zhao Ruyi also introduced a person to her - Xie Peiling.

Zhao Ruyi's letter didn't seem to have a good word for her, but the familiarity in his tone and the trust in his words showed that the relationship between them was not bad.

Is Zhao Ruyi going to entrust her to Xie Peiling?
That will be the future editing, so we have to understand it well.

Jiang Ling read it again after reading ten lines at a glance.

Xie Peiling is a widowed woman in her thirties. According to Zhao Ruyi, she is the type who can be bullied and is a true gentleman.

(End of this chapter)

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