Chapter 131 Deep talk 2
Pei Peng actually had a lot to say that day, she wanted to first show that she had no intention of threatening her with kindness, and also wanted to make sure whether Chen Song had any resentment because of Pei Rong's matter, and then explain how she could give Chen Song The benefits and freedom provided by Song, if Chen Song still hesitates, she is going to analyze his situation as follows for this nephew, so that he can realize that after leaving him, he will not gain the trust of others.

However, she only said the beginning of this bellyful of words, and was stopped by Chen Song. His state at that time almost had a feeling of "I will die soon after hearing the Tao", and the Tao he yearned for was Cheng In Fei's mind.

How to put it, objectively speaking, Pei Peng understands Cheng Fei's preciousness better than anyone else, and understands that the world she mentioned was indeed developed and prospered by the "Tao" that Chen Song longed for, but, Pei Peng As long as she turns her head and sees Cheng Fei's expression, she feels absurd—is it because of such a person that Chen Song chooses to stay?

What's Cheng Fei's expression?

She felt ashamed at first, and then felt shy. When Chen Song said, "As long as she can keep giving me advice, I will stay," Cheng Fei suddenly felt panicked. Her family knew about her family affairs, and the science she had mastered The level of knowledge was high school level, entry level, and there were some parts of it that she couldn't remember accurately.

One year, two years, even three or four years, Cheng Fei felt that her inventory could still fool Chen Song, but what about the future?Even if she was hollowed out, she could not provide any more guidance.

What will happen then?
This man has such a cruel heart. He has cleverly transferred his responsibility and choice to himself.

If she can't keep Chen Song when the time comes, wouldn't it be her fault?

Pei Peng really couldn't figure out what Cheng Fei was afraid of, but she did understand the fear in Cheng Fei's eyes.

Fortunately, Chen Song didn't notice that after he made his ambition, he pushed forward the progress of the issue on his own, and asked Pei Peng for a hiding place:
"Aunt, that's what I think. In fact, I don't have many requirements for going out every day, and so do others. We are all used to staying in the house.
They only occasionally go down the mountain to do some shopping, but now they don't actually need to. It's enough to arrange enough reliable people to be responsible for providing us with the items we need.

Therefore, you can build us a Taoist temple in the mountains, and send some people to protect, deliver messages, work, and purchase items, and that will be enough.

If we want to go down the mountain, I will tell you that you can send someone to follow us for protection. "

Although Chen Song spoke bluntly, he was clear in his heart. It was impossible for him to do whatever he wanted now, and Pei Peng was definitely worried that he would go out to meet visitors at will.

It just so happened that his interest in doing research recently had overtaken his need for other forms of entertainment, so he might as well take a step back and let Pei Peng feel at ease.

As for the thoughts of those Taoist priests, what can they think?They were originally raised in the temple, doing some Taoist daily chanting lessons, occasionally doing some Taoist rituals for the mansion, and telling scriptures and myths and legends to the female family members in the back house. Their main purpose was to spread and perform religious culture, and there was no There is no personal freedom at all.

Cheng Fei suddenly interjected:
"However, many people in the mansion know that you and a group of Taoist priests are working in the back yard, so after the news spreads, people with ideas must go to the Taoist temple to find people, and it's too unsafe."

"What does Miss Cheng think?"

"Otherwise, let's build a temple for you. Who would have thought that a Taoist priest would live in a temple?"

Chen Song spoke with difficulty:
"Ms. Cheng, don't you believe in Tianzun and Buddha?"

If you believed it, how could you say such treasonous words?

But if you don’t believe it, where did Mrs. Cheng’s magical powers come from?Is it possible that there are some truths among the people that he has not heard of?
She didn't want Cheng Fei to shatter the faith of Chen Song, a little Taoist priest, so she quickly stopped Cheng Fei.

Pei Peng turned to Chen Song gently:
"Don't listen to her, she's just joking. I already understand your needs and will try my best to meet them and make arrangements as soon as possible. During this period of time, you should come back first. The Chinese New Year is almost here anyway."

Chen Song counted the days, indeed, he readily agreed, and asked again:
"Then, do you want to sell these fireworks? Mrs. Cheng once said that these can replace firecrackers and be used to celebrate the New Year. Isn't this just right?"

Pei Pengxin said that apart from the beautiful scenery and the sound of explosions, these fireworks have many more important uses, such as giving them to the guards and soldiers to warn the city; for example, they can be used to send signals during wars; , as a miracle came...

Why did Cheng Fei choose the most useless one? Could it be that there is no war and no religion in her world?
This was what she was thinking, but Pei Peng didn't say it out loud. She planned to ask Cheng Fei about it later, so she just answered Chen Song's question:
"Whether it can be used as firecrackers is not mentioned for the time being. If the fireworks are given to others, can they detect the ingredients in them? If they can, then they can't sell them, and they can't even give them away easily."

The communication function of fireworks is secondary, but Pei Peng has not forgotten that fireworks and things that can create explosions have some of the same raw materials.

There are always smart people in this world. Through the sound and the state after the explosion, she can think of its effect in combat. Can others not think of it?

If you think of it and study it, in this unstable world, you will stoke a hornet's nest.

If there is another idiot who leaks the formula and shows it to foreigners, it will be even more sinful.

Chen Song and Cheng Fei fell silent at the same time. Chen Song was thinking about how to further encrypt the formula so that outsiders would not be able to study the true ratio through the contents even if they bought it back.

As for Cheng Fei, she first thought, how was this formula encrypted in the previous life?Later, she was surprised again, why did she encrypt it? If the basic formula was encrypted, what did she study in high school chemistry?

Therefore, it was due to the control of raw materials and the evolution of weapons in their time that the basic version of gunpowder had long been eliminated.

Pei Peng can't do the former, but what about the latter?Can Chen Song do it?
As long as they are one step ahead in the development of weapons, they will have the confidence not to use them first, but will definitely make others dare not act rashly.

(End of this chapter)

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