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Chapter 135

Chapter 135
Yushu looked at Li Yan. Li Yan watched the manservant go out. He stayed for a moment, picked up his chopsticks, and concentrated on eating.

It's not that Pei Qing doesn't want to kill her, but... he can't... The reason why he wants to kill her is probably the same word... What secrets are hidden in Duoyun Villa?
At dawn, the ship docked in Yingchuan. Pei Qing did not come back. He only sent a message. Li Yan did not ask for a doctor and ordered to continue on the way. In the next few days, the ship kept going day and night. The days on the ship were dull and peaceful. Pei Qing never appeared until the ship entered Runan.

The boat entered the border of Runan in the middle of the night.Li Yan had just eaten, and was drowsy. After so many days of calm, she was getting farther and farther away from the capital, and her heart was already at ease.

Pei Qing directly lifted the curtain and entered the cabin, bringing in a strong cold air, "Go and tidy up for the eldest lady." Pei Qing first ordered Yushu, and then turned to look at Li Yan, "Let's go by land and get off the boat now. The sooner the better.”

Li Yan nodded to Yushu, then stood up and put on his shoes, "What happened? Didn't you say you entered Runan?"

"Before entering Duoyun Villa, don't be careless." Pei Qing looked very unhappy, with a hint of anger. Li Yan stared at him for a moment, took the thick cloak from Yushu, put it on himself, and then He took the hand stove and followed Pei Qing out of the cabin.

There was no moon or stars outside, and even the ship lights that were usually hung on the side of the ship were not lit. When Li Yan came out of the bright cabin, his eyes were suddenly pitch black, and he couldn't even see Pei Qing who was right in front of him. Walking forward, he stopped suddenly, turned around and grabbed Li Yan's arm, "Raise your feet higher, this way."

Li Yan heaved a sigh of relief, and followed Pei Qing for a few steps. Pei Qing paused, "I'll carry you off the boat."

The springboard stretching from the boat to the shore was narrow and long. Li Yan, who was as blind as a blind man, could only take a few steps without missing a step and falling down.

Li Yan didn't say anything. Pei Qing picked her up and got off the boat in a few steps. He simply carried her all the way to the car and put her in the car.Yushu hugged a small bundle and followed closely behind, also getting into the car.

The car started moving forward almost immediately. Li Yan reached out and touched around the car. There was a slightly hot smoker, a thick mattress, and complete cushions and quilts.

Yushu dodged Li Yan, who was fumbling with his hands, opened the drawer embedded around the carriage, found a candle, a tinder, and started to light it. Before lighting the candle, he hesitated and asked: "Miss, you can't see, do you want to light the candle?" ?”

"No need." Li Yan had already touched the car window, opened it halfway, faced the cold wind that was shaving his face, and looked out into the darkness for a while, then closed the window, "It's too dark, there is light. If so, it’s too eye-catching.”

"I think so too." Yushu put back the candles and other things, moved over and put the cushion on Li Yan's back, "Miss, would you like some soup? There is one in the car."

"No need." Li Yan shook his head, the car was going fast, and she didn't want to be troubled by drinking too much soup.

Li Yan leaned his head on the pillow, and following the extremely bumpy car, he swayed back and forth wondering, what happened?Pei Qing's expression seemed a little different from usual...

"Miss!" Yushu, who opened the car window and looked out, suddenly called out with a bit of fear, "Come and see!"

"How..." Li Yan rushed over in a hurry. Before he could finish his words, he saw a huge fire rising in the distance.

"Where is that?" Li Yan asked with a tight throat. She thought about where the fire started, but she couldn't believe it.

"Our boat." Yushu replied in a low voice.

"Perhaps it was Pei Qing who set the fire." After a long while, Li Yan and Yushu whispered something, and Yushu closed the car window. In the darkness, Yushu's face was full of sadness, he was dazed, and he didn't know what he thought of.

At dawn, the car turned into an inn, the door was opened, Pei Qing lifted the curtain from the outside, looked at Li Yan who was a bit haggard, frowned slightly, and looked very guilty, "You look bad... I didn't arrange it well. ..."

"It couldn't be better to have bedding, a stove, hot tea and hot soup." Li Yan straightened up with some difficulty, tied up his cloak with Yushu, and moved towards the car door.Pei Qing looked at Li Yan who was struggling to move, hesitated, reached out to hold Li Yan's arm, and helped her out of the car with a little force.

It was convenient to wash up in the inn, and after another meal, Li Yan got into the car and left the inn to continue southward.

Li Yan moved to the car window, opened it a little, and looked carefully at the long servants riding horses outside one by one. After reading it here, he moved to the other side and looked again, and he was sure. The middle-aged servant who delivered the meal that day was at least not among the people outside.

She only saw that person once that day, and every time after that, it wasn't him. She also went to the kitchen for an excuse. A cook, a cook's apprentice, without him, who is that person?Did it sneak in, or... is it Pei Qing's servant?What did he mean by that?
After seven or eight days of bumping around in the car, Li Yan got on the boat again at a small dock. Of course, this was another half-old boat.

The layout of the boat was similar to that of the burned boat, but this time Li Yan boarded the boat, but his body was not as good as the last time he boarded the boat.Last time, she could easily walk onto the boat by herself, but this time, she was half dragged and half carried into the cabin by Yushu.

Li Yan didn't see when Pei Qing boarded the boat, and she hardly cared about other energies.

Li Yan leaned on the couch, leaning against the stove, and slowly ate half a bowl of rice. After a break, she drank another half bowl of chicken soup. Although she had no appetite, she had to eat well. She wanted to live well. , live until the day it becomes clear.

From the crack in the window, Pei Qing looked at Li Yan who was trying to swallow his food one bite at a time. He couldn't understand what he felt in his heart. There was admiration, sighs, disdain, emotion, irritability... and he was jumping one after another. I feel so distressed and unbearable...

Seeing Li Yan eating a good meal and finishing the half bowl of clear chicken soup, Pei Qing walked around to the cabin door, knocked on the door, and lifted the curtain to enter the cabin.

Li Yan looked at the dusty Pei Qing compared to the first time he left the capital, supported the couch with both hands, tried his best, then fell back, looked at Pei Qing with a wry smile, "I can only be rude. "

"It makes you so tired..." Pei Qing couldn't bear to look away, "Gao Liang said that your pulse is fine, but you are just too tired. You should take a good rest on this boat for the past few days. It will take about a month before you can go back. Cloudy Mountain Villa, I’m afraid we’ll have to travel by land for a while.”

Li Yan smiled and nodded, raising his hand to signal Pei Qing to sit down and talk. "You have also seen that if I can eat one more mouthful, I will eat as much as I can, and if I can sleep for a while, I will try my best to sleep as much as possible. No matter whether I can make it to Cloudy Villa alive or not..." Li Yan paused, choked for a moment, and then continued. : "I will always try my best. If Master Seventeen has nothing to do, please come and talk to me."

(End of this chapter)

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