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Chapter 133 Wake up

Chapter 133 Wake up

Yushu held the car window tightly with one hand, and clutched the quilt tightly wrapped around Li Yan with the other hand. Li Yan was so pulled by her that he couldn't stretch out his hand, wrapped in the quilt as if swinging on a swing.The sound of raindrops hitting the roof of the car seemed to be louder. The violent bumps of the car made it almost impossible for Li Yan to listen to the sounds outside.

"Miss, there is a shelter from the rain ahead! We'll be there in a while." Sun Rong's voice was thinner than before, and it was already raining heavily.

Just as Li Yan was about to breathe a sigh of relief, the car jolted violently, the roof of the car made a harsh cracking sound, and rain poured down.

Yushu rushed forward to block Li Yan, but she couldn't stop it, the pouring rain drenched the already damp quilt and mattress in the carriage almost in the blink of an eye, Li Yan simply put Throwing away the quilt, Yushu was already drenched, and when Li Yan was barely wet, the car rushed forward and stopped, and the rain on the roof also stopped.

Almost at the same time, the car door was opened from the outside, and Sun Rong was drenched worse than a drowned chicken, "Miss..." Sun Rong looked at the miserable scene in the car, and was stuck for a moment, "Get out of the car first."

Li Yan supported Yushu to get out of the car. Sun Rong looked at Li Yan who was so cold that he couldn't stand up. He opened his mouth but couldn't speak. Fire, warm up, dry clothes... However, they are not far away from the capital at the moment. In such a plain area, there is a fire on a dark rainy night, which can be seen from several miles or ten miles away. Take risks.

"Let people..." Before Yushu could finish his words, he was pulled by Li Yan, "Lighting a fire is too eye-catching, I'm fine."

"Thank you, Miss, for your understanding. It's really..." Sun Rong looked at Li Yan, unable to explain what was going on. Li Yan held Yushu's hand convulsively, interrupting Sun Rong's words: "It's dark, Find a way for people to find out what this place is, is it safe, it's raining heavily, don't collapse..."

"It's very strong, it won't collapse." Yushu turned his head and looked around, "It seems to be a ruined temple, built under a tree, that tree is really big, miss, there is no wind in the corner, maybe it can be warmer , let's go over there."

Li Yan was already a little bit confused from the cold, and was dragged by Yushu to the corner of the best room in the whole temple, huddled in the corner, in a daze, thinking of Pei Qing, if she froze to death here, it should be very suitable for Pei Qing Qing wanted her to die, but he didn't want to have any hope of responsibility.

"Go find some firewood, remove the roof of the carriage, and block the two sides..." Sun Rong ordered repeatedly, but he was still hesitating in his heart, not because of what to do if a fire was found, but because Yes...he could still see a little bit of my master's thoughts...but why he wanted to light a fire now, he couldn't explain clearly.

Li Yan leaned against the corner of the wall, a small pile of fire was blocked by the removed car roof and compartment panels, and the heat was surrounded inside, and he could feel it even on his back. Li Yan shivered and took off his outer clothes, signaling Yushu not to use it. No matter, she only needs to bake her own clothes. At this moment, it is the best choice for the two of them to bake their own clothes.

Sun Rong handed Yushu a small pot of rice wine, two pieces of cakes and a few pieces of bacon. Yushu put the rice wine by the fire to warm up, and took a sip with Li Yan, and drank the wine with the bacon in mouthfuls.

After half a bottle of wine and half a piece of bacon, Li Yan suddenly felt warm from the outside to the inside.He listened to the violent wind and rain outside, moved and sat down, closed his eyes, Yushu watched Li Yan close his eyes, and moved to her side, paying attention to the movement around him.

The big tree in the storm was surprisingly quiet, and the green leaves kept the storm out.There are faint stars in the distance, the dawn after the storm, a piece of crystal...

Li Yan opened his eyes, touched the dried clothes, and while slowly putting them on, he whispered to Yushu, "The rain is about to stop, and the sky is about to dawn. It's freezing."

Sun Rong, who was not far from Li Yan, could hear these words clearly. Looking at the dimly lit corner of the room, she was a little dazed. This girl Li, who grew up in Duyun Villa and suddenly everything was cleared up, had a strange feeling on her body. There are more places than he thought...

When it was almost dawn, the rain stopped, and when it was dawn, the ground was already frozen. The roof and body of Li Yan's car were removed and used as a match. Fortunately, Yushu was very good at riding. Li Yan and her were on a horse, mixed with the guards, and moved forward faster than when they had a car.

It took another whole day to walk, and when it was dark, I finally figured out the boundaries of the capital, and drove a dozen miles forward, and stayed in an inn in a small town.

Li Yan quickly took a hot bath, changed into the clean clothes that Sun Rong got from somewhere, came out and sat beside the charcoal basin, drinking a cup of hot tea, feeling like he was in heaven.

After bathing and changing at the inn, Li Yan ate a hot and sumptuous meal, then got into the cart that Sun Rong found again, and continued on his way.

At noon the next day, the car stopped beside a semi-old boat by the river. Li Yan got on the boat, opened the curtain to enter the cabin, and saw Pei Qing when he looked up.

It was very warm in the cabin, Pei Qing was wearing a sky blue gown, and was sitting on the couch writing something, when he heard the sound, he didn't lift his head, and only motioned for Li Yan to sit down.

Li Yan looked around the inside of the cabin. Unlike the inconspicuous exterior, this cabin is considered luxurious, with thick felt blankets on the floor, and the brass smokers with a height of half a person at two corners exuding warmth and freshness. Xiang Xiang, on the couch where Pei Qing was sitting, there was a piece of snow-white fur on either side of the couch, she couldn't tell it was animal skin.In front of the couch, there is a round stool on one side and an armchair on the other.

Li Yan glanced around, walked over, and sat opposite Pei Qing, took the tea from Jindou, sipped the tea, and looked around more carefully.

"Send it to Mr. Chen, the sooner the better." Pei Qing wrote it quickly, folded it up, sealed it, hot-painted it, handed it to Jindou, turned to look at Li Yan and explained with a smile, "Chen Yanfeng doesn't trust you, let me When I receive you, I will write a letter to tell him right away." Before Li Yan could answer, Pei Qing frowned slightly, with a bit of distress, "Your complexion is very bad, it's only been two or three days, you seem to have lost weight .”

"It's okay." Li Yan looked down at the cup in his hands, "You know my body, it's already very good to be able to do this, this time I narrowly escaped death, thank you."

"Miss is serious." Pei Qing bowed slightly.

"It's not serious, it's more terrifying than escaping from death. If you don't come out of the palace, you probably won't die if you die. But if you are locked up for a lifetime, it's better to die. Locked up in a small courtyard and sit in prison for the rest of your life. It would be better to die." Li Yan continued with some words in his words.

(End of this chapter)

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