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Chapter 131 Alert

Chapter 131 Alert
Yushu kept nodding, Li Yan confessed, tilted his head back, looked at Yushu, trimmed her hair, knocked hard on the car door, opened the door, put his head out, rushed to ride on the horse, and was looking over Sun Rong beckoned, "Sun Guanshi, I have something, I have something in a store in the capital, and I have to ask Yushu to come and get it back, can you give her a horse?"

Sun Rong barely hesitated, nodded, and signaled the guards next to him to untie a horse, Yushu jumped out of the cart to take it, got on the horse, turned back, and headed straight for the capital.

Li Yan lifted the curtain, watched Yushu ride away with the smoke and dust, looked away, and looked around.

The slightest bit of fish belly white just appeared diagonally ahead, a thin layer of cold and silent fog clung to the vast plain, and pieces of dry and straight tree trunks stood upright in the morning mist.Li Yan gently inhaled the morning mist that smelled of smoke and dust. She had seen this scene in the Central Plains countless times. The time was different, the space was still the same space, and the scene was still the same scene.

Li Yan put down the curtain and looked around. It was probably a temporary car. The interior of the carriage was very simple, except for a thick quilt piled up in a corner of the carriage. , the other half was wrapped around her body, curled up in it, drowsy like sleep.


Farther and farther away, there is the capital city. At this moment, horses are riding around, and the whole city is on alert.

There are not many guards scattered around the Huainan Palace, but there are enough guards in front of the palace to guard the entire Huainan Palace. At the gate of the mansion, several rows of guards stand straight. Check it out one by one.

Li Yan and the Huainan Palace were old acquaintances. Before the fire, he had been living in the Huainan Palace. It is not an exaggeration to check the Huainan Palace carefully.

Zhou Rui and Yu Shu hid in the tea house opposite the Huainan Palace, watching the movement of the Huainan Palace from a distance, Yuan Tingwei had already arrived...

This search is necessary, just like searching the Li family, nothing will happen to the Li family, let alone the Huainan Palace, Zhou Rui is not worried about the Huainan Palace, he is only worried about Miss Li, thinking of being brought into the palace by Empress Wu Miss Li in the movie, Zhou Rui felt anxious for a while, what happened?How is Miss Li doing now?

"Master Zhou, someone is looking for you downstairs. They say it's a neighbor from your house. There's something urgent." Dr. Cha knocked on the door and reported respectfully. Si, Zhao Si also saw him, stepped forward hurriedly, bowed his body and smiled: "Master Zhou, you are indeed here, there is a woman outside who says she is a relative of your family, she seems very anxious..." Zhao Si said, pointing at the Yushu standing outside the tea house from a distance.

Zhou Rui was startled when he saw Yushu. He subconsciously wanted to look around. He was about to turn around but hurriedly held back. He raised his hand and patted his forehead and said with a smile, "It's my cousin. She sent me a letter a few days ago." , said she wanted to come over, look, I actually forgot such a big thing, thanks to Fourth Brother Zhao for bringing her here, otherwise... Many thanks to Fourth Brother Zhao."

"Master Zhou, you are being polite. Alas, such a big event in the house...Master Zhou must not be polite. Our neighbors...then I will go first. If there is anything, Master Zhou, just speak up." Zhao Si and Zhou Rui said a few words politely, bowed his hands and left.

Zhou Rui walked towards Yushu, with a smile on his face as usual, but he looked around from the corner of his eyes, "Forgive me, sister, there is something wrong with the house, I forgot about your coming... come in quickly... sister is tired Bar……"

Zhou Rui signaled Yushu nervously to come in quickly, and led her to the private room on the second floor.

"Why are you here? You?" After entering the private room, Zhou Rui closed the door with his backhand and asked hurriedly.

Yu Shu, who was sipping his tea and sighing, looked at Yushu, blinked his eyes for countless times, and pointed at Yushu, "'s not...not..."

"Yes." Zhou Rui responded briefly and pointed to his lips, signaling Yu Shu to be silent.

"Why do you..." Zhou Rui didn't finish his question, but was interrupted by Yushu with a calm expression, "Miss asked me to come, Miss said..."

Yushu looked at Yu Shu, Zhou Rui seemed to know what Yushu was going to say, and hurriedly nodded to Yu Shu, "What's in the lake? He knows, just talk about it."

"Well, Missy said, if you find something in the lake, it will be stored with you first, and you can get it later. Also, Missy, the less people who know about it, the better." Yushu immediately went on to explain. .

"Please don't worry, girl. Is your girl... still in the palace now? How is she? She hasn't suffered much... right? She..." Zhou Rui agreed and asked urgently how Miss Li was doing.

"It's already gone, the girl is fine, it's okay, I have to leave quickly." Yushu turned to leave, but was grabbed by Zhou Rui, "How did she come out? Where are you going? Just the two of you? Now..."

"The eldest lady didn't say anything. Anyway, it's okay." Yushu shook off Zhou Rui and turned around to go out and go downstairs. Zhou Rui took a step after him and then stopped. He stood there for a moment and let out a long breath, as if he was relieved, but also like It was a sigh of great concern.


Li Yan curled up in the car with his eyes closed, and the wheels rolled on the hard dirt road. The sound was dull, mixed with the sound of horseshoes around him, like an ugly tune with no tune.

She came to the capital in a daze and left in a daze again.Find nothing and know nothing.It was a complete failure.

Why is this happening?Li Yan curled himself up a little tighter.This was the coldest time of the day. The car was going very fast, and the wind came straight through the gaps, bringing a deep chill and taking away the little warmth from Li Yan's body.

Li Yan was getting colder and colder, but more and more awake.

Her failure was because she didn’t know who she was and continued her previous understanding. She thought that she was the same as before, as small as sand. It didn’t matter what she did. Whatever she did was as small as sinking into the sand of the Ganges River. Pick up a grain of sand...

she is not.

She should have understood this on the first day. She came back from the dead, which in itself was extraordinary. And Yushu, from the first day, the people she met, Pei Qing, Chen Yanfeng, Zhou Rui, Yongle The eldest princess, Shao Cong Shao Yu...

Pei Qing...

The compartment was knocked lightly a few times, "Miss, I found a hand stove, Miss will use it first." The curtain lifted a small corner, and a new but rough red copper hand stove was handed in.

Li Yan got up and took it, "Thank you, Manager Sun."

"Don't be a villain." Sun Rong's voice sounded a little frightened.

Li Yan held the warm hand stove in his arms and couldn't help but sigh softly.

Pei Qing, she needs to think about Pei Qing, he and Duoyun Villa may be the starting point of everything, or even the cause...

(End of this chapter)

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