Chapter 137

Chuxiang Garden.

After Chu Nanli asked Zhuang Muyan a lot of questions, he felt completely relieved and his eyes were filled with relief.

"Very good, your savvy and talent are outstanding, but the most important thing is that you are eager to learn."

Zhuang Muyan's baby face turned red little by little in the woman's sincere tone.

According to his understanding, the master he shamelessly recognized was one year younger than him, but when he spoke to him, he made people feel stable and mature.

There was a very contradictory but harmonious feeling, which also made his eyes... attracted uncontrollably.

"Thanks to Master for not dismissing my stupidity and willing to teach me." After Zhuang Muyan finished speaking, his ears turned red.

At this time, breakfast is ready.

Chu Nanli stood up and greeted Zhuang Muyan: "Eat breakfast first. After eating, you can ask me if you don't understand anything."

Zhuang Mu said: "Will it delay Master's affairs?"

"I don't have any important arrangements in the morning, so it doesn't matter."

Zhuang Muyan followed Chu Nanli obediently, and his tone could be heard with pleasure: "Then I will shamelessly take up Master's time this morning."

The breakfast in the kitchen is very light. Since Chu Nanli suffered from morning sickness, Yan'er specially told the kitchen to cook less meat.

"Are you used to it?" Chu Nanli asked.

Zhuang Muyan said hurriedly: "It's delicious."

Halfway through breakfast, the nauseating feeling in Chu Nanli's stomach came again, she forcibly endured it, and even took two sips of bitter gourd soup to relieve it.

Zhuang Muyan didn't notice anything unusual, so he asked a question in order to find a topic.

"Master, do you like bitter melon soup?"

"Well, not bad."

Chu Nanli wiped her lips with a handkerchief to cover up the slightly twitching corners of her mouth.

In fact, she neither liked nor disliked bitter melon, but she had never made a pot of bitter melon soup in the morning before.

This is because she suddenly discovered that the taste of bitter melon can relieve morning sickness last night, so she ordered Yan'er to add bitter melon to future recipes.

And bitter gourd is just an ordinary vegetable. Even if someone with a heart finds out that she eats bitter gourd every day, they will not think about pregnancy.

"Then I'll have a bowl too. I used to feel like crying, so I never ate it at home." Zhuang Muyan smiled shyly, and got himself a bowl too.

Then, take a sip.

Chu Nanli watched helplessly as his baby face wrinkled into a bun, and couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Zhuang Muyan's face boiled hot, he didn't put it in the bowl, he didn't drink it, he could only embarrass himself: "Bitter melon soup is much more bitter than stir-fried bitter melon, haha, it has a different flavor."

Yan'er was on the side helping to prepare the vegetables, seeing this, she forcibly held back her laughter.

Mr. Zhuang doesn't know, the bitter gourd soup stewed by the master has doubled the amount of bitter gourd in the ordinary recipe, can it not be bitter?

This meal can be regarded as a "pleasure for the host and guest".

After the meal, the master and apprentice returned to the courtyard, and Zhuang Muyan took out something from his sleeve.

When Chu Nanli looked over, Zhuang Muyan explained sheepishly: "I wrote down all the questions I didn't understand in the past two days to avoid missing them."

Suddenly, Chu Nanli felt that she had picked up a good candidate who was diligent and motivated.

This one-sided instruction from the master to the apprentice lasted for an hour before it ended.

When Zhuang Muyan left, he solemnly made a master-disciple ceremony to Chu Nanli and said: "Master, you don't need to pay attention to the unfriendly voices from the outside world. One day, your light will be heard by everyone. See."

When he said this, he felt real distress in his heart. It was the first time he realized that the house was a cage trapping women, and he once again couldn't figure out how Ye Yunting could be fascinated by Lin Fuying.

With his heart full of worries, Zhuang Muyan left the God of War Mansion.

When he got on the carriage, Ye Yunting happened to be riding back home from the other side and saw his profile.

The man's eyes darkened slightly, and he asked the guard at the gate after dismounting.

"The son of a scholar from the Hanlin Academy has been here?"

"Yes, I came to visit the princess."

"How long have you been here?"

"About an hour and a half."

Ye Yunting looked slightly cold and felt depressed in his heart.

He spoke well of Chu Nanli in front of his mother and concubine, but this woman chatted with that so-called male apprentice in the mansion.

Really good!
(End of this chapter)

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