They are all in the army, who is in love?

Chapter 423: The strong wind rises suddenly, the beginning of the climb of ten thousand lions

Chapter 423: A strong wind rises, and the beginning of a million lions’ climb

There is no smoke without fire, and the candidates for many positions are not improvised.

Wang Junwei was able to get this kind of information, which means that regarding the military training plan, the above planning may be more than three years, or even a five-year plan, a ten-year plan and so on.

At the theater artillery headquarters, Chen Ming muttered to himself.

I can measure the importance of it.

Blue Army Brigade, Niutoushan, the final pilot result was so arranged. Chen Ming shook his head and couldn't help but sigh, the three or four years of preparation was really not easy.

Seeing Chen Ming's silence, Wang Junwei didn't want to stop at this topic. He pointed at the documents on the table and said, "Don't think so much about the military training plan above."

"After returning, we will focus on the formation of Skynet. By the way, in response to the request from above, the battalions under our brigade, including those under the division, as well as ourselves, will all undergo an assessment in the near future."

"The year-end assessment is held in November every year. After arriving here, many arrangements are not in place and the management is not tight."

"But it won't work this year. Everything must be implemented. You go back and discuss with the brigade political department to evaluate the merits. Each regiment, battalion, and company, from officers to soldiers, will prepare for the assessment in a unified manner."

If you don't have enough physical support, if you drive a tank for a long time and it chokes, there won't be a battle at all.

Regarding these arrangements, Chen Ming didn't feel much pressure, because other units had assessments every year, from generals to privates, without exception.

Don’t think about military assessment. Physical fitness cannot be avoided no matter how you go about it. Don’t think that physical fitness is not important in the information age. It is precisely because hunting weapons are becoming more and more high-end that the intensity of wars will become greater and greater.

Seeing his familiar old comrade with two bars and four stars hanging on his shoulders, Chen Ming couldn't help but stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder, saying: "Old Zhang, no wonder you were so happy when you came here."

Chen Ming had nothing to arrange for the physical fitness test. He just changed the soup without changing the medicine. Coming here is nothing more than a three-thousand-meter run, a five-kilometer cross-country, push-ups, sit-ups, 100 meters, horizontal and parallel bars, a four-hundred-meter obstacle course, etc.

But the assessment is not only about physical fitness, but also about professional subjects.

He has worked his way up from the grassroots level, and he knows very well how troublesome it is for those below him to face similar assessments.

Chen Ming stood at attention again and saluted.

Everyone must participate and it is an assessment for all members.

"That's right." Zhang Jintao raised his chin proudly, glanced at the division headquarters, then looked at the document in Chen Ming's hand, and asked, "Are there any new instructions?"

The scope is very wide. Whatever major you study will depend on the content of the major.


But there is no way. Learning without taking exams means not learning. Whether it’s cheating or memorizing, it can play a lot of roles after all.

But the theory test is different.

These are all professional assessments after the physical assessment, followed by theoretical assessments.

Chen Ming walked out of the division headquarters with a smile on his face and met Zhang Jintao waiting outside the gate.

Each person is given a paper and sits in the auditorium or electronic classroom to fill in relevant regulations and professional theories.

What is supposed to come will eventually come, and it is not uncommon for soldiers to have year-end assessments.

racking your brains to think of ways to cheat.

This time it seemed there was no way to escape.

The purpose is to test the results of one year's training. The purpose of Niutoushan is probably to test the results of recent years.

Chen Ming had no impression of the first two items, because in the army, only a few people would be particularly nervous about physical fitness and professional examinations, and the vast majority would not take them seriously at all.

Chen Ming remembers clearly that when he was in the Second Battalion of the Artillery Brigade, many veterans were not afraid of physical fitness and professionalism, but were afraid of theory.

Assessments are not all bad things. If the army wants to evaluate merits and awards, the assessment results are the basis.

In the past, both rectification and military training were carried out, mostly focusing on political ideology, doctrine and regulations, and there were assessments but they were not comprehensive.

No matter what kind of military service or unit, physical fitness assessment is a must.

It also contains some political education content.

"You should really be happy."

Physical fitness is the foundation at all times.

In those days when the exam was approaching, everyone in the company went to great lengths to show off their magical powers in order to pass the exam.

This is the most troublesome test for many soldiers. Chen Ming's impression of the theoretical test is that it is basically equivalent to the final exam in school.

"You can't just train hard. It's not the drill that can verify the results. You can arrange the overall assessment at the end of the month."

All kinds of cheating tricks make Chen Ming feel dumbfounded now when he thinks about them.

The hygienist major is tested on how to rescue and transport the wounded, and the cook major is tested on how to cook a big pot of rice.

"Go back, there's nothing else to do." Wang Junwei waved to see the guest off.

Some people wrote the answers on their clothes, and some wrote them on their palms. I remember that Wang Shuaibing was the weirdest at that time, and he wrote them on his belly.

Of course, there are also those who don’t cheat, just memorize the answers bravely, and after training, go to a place with few people to memorize them, and memorize them when the alarm goes off at 5 o’clock in the morning.

Form cannot exist without it.

Then he turned and left the division office.

For example, if you are a professional car driver, your driving skills and troubleshooting will be tested.

"Colonel, it's not easy."

"Tell me what Master Wang has arranged."

"Official business." Chen Ming handed the document to the political commissar casually, "This is the theater's detailed interpretation of the brainstorming plan. I didn't read it."

"The other thing is to arrange for the whole brigade to conduct a comprehensive assessment according to the year-end assessment standards, and to evaluate the merits of each battalion and each company."

"The other thing is..." Chen Ming paused. Lao Zhang was not an outsider, so he continued: "The other thing is that the troop training plan has been finalized."

"The title of the 169th Pilot Brigade will no longer be cancelled, and the position of the brigade chief of staff will not be fixed. It may be changed every three years. Master Wang said that I may be transferred to the theater artillery headquarters by then."

After Chen Ming finished speaking, he glanced at Zhang Jintao and suddenly realized that this guy was not surprised at all.

His expression was calm, as if he had heard something insignificant.

"What? Aren't you curious?" Chen Ming asked in surprise.

"Is there anything strange about this? There has been a spearhead for a long time." Zhang Jintao spread his hands and did not take the document handed over by Chen Ming.

"You are a fan of the authorities, and before the cadres from other units withdrew some time ago, you were preparing for the competition."

"When I'm ready, I'll go to the competition again. We'll all stay here, and the information we know will definitely be more comprehensive than yours."

"The theater will implement the Niutoushan troop training plan sooner or later. I have guessed it since I knew you were going to serve as the brigade chief of staff."

"Otherwise, Director Chai, the old man will be busy and arrange you to the fire department. If you don't enter the Blue Army Brigade, will it be in vain?"

"Finally being able to let you in means that some of the decisions above have been finalized. In addition, the name of the pilot unit has never been removed. This result is not surprising at all."

"The only thing I didn't expect was that you would be transferred to the Theater Artillery Command. I thought that according to normal procedures, you would be assigned to the Army Staff Headquarters and given a deputy chief of staff job."

"You can also go to the artillery headquarters. You have completely entered the core department."

Depend on! !

Chen Ming silently despised him.

It's true that bystanders know better. He has been busy worrying about other things and has not thought about this.

When most policies appear, there will be early signs.

After hearing the main content of Chen Ming's meeting, Zhang Jintao pondered his thoughts and said with a smile: "You don't have to worry about the assessment."

"Leave it to the brigade political department to notify, and the staff department will ask Lao Dan to cooperate with the work."

"Your focus is still on the construction of Skynet."

"We are not familiar with the engineers from Longya and can't command them. The astronomy department of the meteorological department here in Fuzhou also wants you to run."

"Leave the assessment to me. When you need to be assessed, I will give you an answer in advance. Just take the time to memorize it."

"Well, then I'll thank you." Chen Mingle said.

Originally, he had no intention of taking care of these matters. Wang Junwei only informed him about the assessment in advance.

There will definitely be a follow-up meeting to make specific arrangements.

But that has nothing to do with him.

He still has a lot to do.

Time flies, spring passes and winter comes.

Soon another year passed.

The Skynet system in Niutoushan was finally completed.

During this year, Chen Ming became so busy that he wished he could grow four legs and eight eyes all day long.

The Skynet Building of the Brigade Headquarters, Fuzhou Meteorological Department, Astronomical Department, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Tanzhou National University of Defense Technology, Academy of Sciences. In short, wherever he can contribute to Skynet, or when he encounters problems, Chen Ming will serve as a representative figure and hire people from all over the place.

Let him experience the busyness of Monkey Sun in seeking scriptures from the West. The Niutoushan Skynet covers nearly a thousand square kilometers and is also used in wars.

This is no small project.

Today's Niutoushan does not need any sand table map. In the Skynet Building, as long as the target is larger than the small yellow basin and faster than the turtle, it can be locked by the radar.

Civilian satellites and military satellites can locate in real time, and even drones can call out Red Army troops entering the combat range at any time without having to dispatch them.

During the establishment of Skynet, some unpleasant things naturally happened.

But with today's national defense intensity, if there is any change, hundreds of thousands of troops in the entire eastern theater will be ready and ready, and it will not be our own side that will be unhappy.

Some clowns can imitate the croaking of crows, but they don't have the guts to do it for real.

Of course, during this year.

Chen Ming was not only busy with official matters, but also made progress in his family affairs. Chai Shuyao gave birth to a son, and the old man named him Chen Ao himself.

The unruly Ao, many famous generals in ancient times had this word in their names.

As soon as the little guy was born, he was favored by both families, especially Chai Shuyao. Chen Ming was thirty-one years old this year and had been in the army for twelve years, while Chai Shuyao was thirty-five years old.

Although her face does not look old and is still beautiful, her age shows up after all.

She gave birth to a son in her thirties, which was so much love that Chen Ming even stepped aside.

Lao Xiong and Wang Shuaibing are already veterans of the fourth phase. Bald Man is a few years younger and two years late in joining the army. There are still two years until the end of the third phase.

But he had no plans to be promoted to the fourth term. He had mentioned to Chen Ming privately that he wanted to change careers after completing the third term, return to his hometown to work in the establishment, marry a wife and have children, and live a normal life.

In fact, his hometown did introduce a blind date, and both of them got engaged. Chen Ming had met the woman, and she was a living girl. Her leg was injured when she was a child, and the conditions were not good enough for treatment.

Left with some disabilities, slightly lame.

But it doesn't affect life, he is also very kind, and he is a few years younger than Bald Man. As soon as the two met and went on a blind date, Bald Man recognized her.

He even took advantage of his vacation to take it to Fuzhou to show Chen Ming.

According to Bald Zi, he did it for the country. Youth is limited, and there is only so much he can do.

Later, he wanted to serve his two elders well, raise his children, and continue to serve the country in the future.

Chen Ming was speechless.

Everyone's choice is different. If you stay, he can help. If you leave, he won't hold you back.

Being able to choose or choosing independently may be the best.

Old Xiong is still the same, but he no longer works in the staff department. He has been transferred to the Skynet Building as a radar technician. There is not much change in his work.

It is still Chen Ming's document, because the Skynet Building is still the brigade headquarters, and it is the same family as the staff headquarters.

With excellent skills at his side, even if Chen Ming does not work in the Strategic Assault Division in the future, he will be able to stay here well on his own.

As for Wang Shuaibing.

During this year, he still behaved like a bird, an old bachelor who only had enough to eat and the whole family was not hungry.

There is no target, no plan, and no future goals.

The main thing is that there is no one.

Step by step.

Now he is working as a maintenance worker in a special operations camp. He is a fourth-term veteran noncommissioned officer. He lives a more handsome life than other private soldiers. He is like no one else all day long.

Whenever he had nothing to do, he would drag the recruits to brag about his heroic deeds back then. However, many soldiers didn't believe in his virtue and just listened to him as fun.

He himself was quite happy with it.

Tang Zhen, the brigade commander of the artillery brigade that Chen Ming joined when he first joined the army, has been transferred to logistics and will also change jobs this year.

The good partner I met during the competition, Guo Canhui, the brigade chief of staff of the Baiyun Mountain Regiment of the Southern Xinjiang Military Region, has only been in the past two years.

In today's Eastern Theater Command, when talking about Chen Ming, everyone only knows him as the Chief of Staff of the Blue Army Brigade of the Strategic Assault Division, but not the young man who was promoted to the front line.

Time has changed too much and covered too much.

A lot of that has dissipated.

704th Division Headquarters.

Early this morning, the division headquarters notified the convening of the plenary meeting.

On the road.

Zhang Jintao, political commissar of the 169th brigade, breathed out hot air, rubbed his hands that were almost frozen, and complained: "His grandma said it was the beginning of spring today. Why is it the beginning of spring? Why is it still so cold?"

"Old Chen, what do you think the division headquarters is holding an all-staff meeting to do this time?"

"It's been a long time since we've had such a big battle."

"What else can we do?" Chen Ming smiled and looked at the rows of poplar trees on the way. The dry branches rustled in the cold wind.

Said: "The Skynet system has been successfully established and can handle a large-scale battle."

"Underground passages are also more extensive than before. Some small ridges have been leveled and turned into ravines. Small lakes have also been filled in to take advantage of the winter drought."

"Now it has become a natural battlefield. Coupled with Niutoushan's extraordinary strategic position, it can simulate tactical actions under various terrain conditions."

"The electromagnetic environment application system has also been fully deployed. How can it be possible to sit on it?"

"You mean, we will usher in the third red-blue confrontation?" Zhang Jintao asked thoughtfully.

Indeed, as the brigade chief of staff, Chen Ming has not been idle this year. The Skynet system can cover the entire combat area, and the electromagnetic application system has also been integrated into the Skynet.

It can be said that if now, a combined battalion rushes in here without the commander and soldiers being familiar with the terrain of Niutoushan.

Chen Ming can make the entire army "blind" without moving, and all electronic instruments will be blocked.

The communication equipment was instantly paralyzed, covering thousands of square kilometers. To attack from any direction, you need to travel at least more than 30 kilometers to enter the Three Gun Gate.

Without electronic equipment and without the assistance of reconnaissance intelligence, they could not even find the gate of the Blue Army's station.

Today's Niutoushan garrison is no longer the garrison a year ago.

There is no need to swarm out the Red Army at every turn to scare the Red Army. You only need to mobilize targeted firepower to easily wipe out several battalions without leaving home.

Jamming equipment is buried everywhere in the ground, and skynets are deployed everywhere.

It is not an exaggeration to say that allowing the Red Army to enter Niutoushan during the exercise is like facing a national defense force and a real battlefield.

How could it be possible to sit on top under such circumstances?

"I'm afraid it's not just the third time. A truly frequent and complex battle period has come. This time there won't be a single battle, giving us a chance to rest for a year or two."

Chen Ming shook his head slightly. He had a premonition, but he was not afraid. After working for so long, wasn't it just to test the experimental results?

It is obvious that the strong winds will rise and Niutoushan will no longer be quiet.

Even Chen Ming could imagine that what followed might be dozens or hundreds of fierce battles, with countless commanders leading hundreds of thousands of troops to launch attacks again and again.

The training base is going to be lively.

"Hey, that's right." Zhang Jintao nodded and then fell silent.

The original intention of establishing the Niutoushan Garrison Base from the beginning was to train troops. It has been several years since we came there, and we have fought twice.

Not even the first game, it just shows that the newly combined troops are just stitch monsters and have no ability to cooperate at all.

It doesn't even have the title of whetstone.

It's different now.

Zhang Jintao feels that soldiers still need to practice more, fight more, and hone themselves more.

Otherwise, after a long period of indifference, I suddenly heard Chen Ming analyze the purpose of this conference, and the Red Army was likely to arrive again.

Not only was there no expectation in my heart, but there was also some worry.

This is not the thought that a political commissar of the Blue Army brigade should have. Actively facing the battle and fully preparing for war, that is what he should do.

If he doesn't even have the thoughts, how can he ensure the next thoughts?

Chen Ming didn't notice Lao Zhang's little thoughts. He was different. He had been looking forward to the arrival of the Red Army.

If they don't come, wouldn't the network system and the electromagnetic application system be designed in vain?

The division headquarters meeting was quite lively this time, with all regiments, battalions, and commanders gathered together.

169 Brigade Commander Xu Wenqian, Political Commissar Zhang Jintao, and Chief of Staff Chen Ming were sitting in the front row of the auditorium on the first floor of the division headquarters.

The rear division is directly under the command, and the officers of the battalions under the brigade are ready.

Now that we are here, no matter how large the reflection arc is, we can still guess the next layout.

A sudden strong wind is the harbinger of millions of lions climbing the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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