They are all in the army, who is in love?

Chapter 407 Holding a halberd and waving arms, blowing the trumpet to join the camp

Chapter 407 Holding a halberd and waving arms, blowing the trumpet to join the camp

After the battalion commanders left the command hall, Chen Ming and all the other commanders stayed behind, and Jiang Zhenjun presided over the meeting to carry out subsequent training and preparations.

A large-scale battle, the higher-ups attach great importance to it.

When grassroots officers know the problems they encountered during this battle, they can rectify them when they return.

But commanders like Chen Ming and others who are higher than the grassroots have a lot to learn and improve.

When Jiang Zhenjun saw all the other comrades leaving the meeting, he stood up and walked to the high platform of the leadership hall.

He casually closed the copied image data on the large screen and said.

"Comrades, I have listened to the content of the review meeting just now. Both the Red Army and the Blue Army have gained something from this battle."

"We are soldiers, shouldering the important task of strengthening the army. Next, I will talk about a few points about the theater's indicators and requirements for your 704th Division this year."

"As for Lao Peng, you guys should listen more. It's okay to fail in the exercise. Behind every sting is the joint growth of combat effectiveness."

"I hope you can make all-round rectifications after you return. As the main force, your performance in this battle was very poor."

"Remember this sentence, only if you train like a war today, can you train like a war tomorrow."

"We must actively participate in combat readiness training, accelerate the improvement of combat capabilities, forge ahead on a new journey with a more high-spirited attitude, and contribute to a new era."

"I hope that this time you, the Red Army, will be aware of your shame and then be brave, and present your gifts to the people with even better results in the future."

"do you understand?"

"Yes, Comrade Chief of Staff, I understand."

Peng Tianzheng, the commander of Hehe 5th Brigade, stood up and nodded, going through the review meeting just now.

He is no longer so obsessed with the outcome of this battle.

There is no shame in losing to Chen Ming.

As a junior, he was able to point out various problems that existed in the Red Army's operations one after another at the conference.

For example, information transmission during wartime is not timely, command and control is insufficient, the use of troops does not focus on key points, especially the inefficiency of artillery firepower use.

After uttering this series of questions, Peng Tianzheng himself felt like his face was burning.

Because he knew all the problems Chen Ming mentioned, and the reason why they appeared was because the Blue Army had been keeping them in check.

Of course, it is also related to his pride, always thinking that taking down Niubei Mountain is equivalent to taking down the entire Blue Army.

What made him even more speechless was that just now it was his turn to point out the shortcomings of the Blue Army's operations, but he couldn't even say a word.

Now that Chief of Staff Jiang is giving detailed reminders and beatings, what else can he say?

Seeing that the Red Army commander had nothing to say, Chief of Staff Jiang looked at Chen Ming again.

He said seriously: "Chen Ming."


"You performed very well this time, but don't be proud. The strategic assault division's combat system is very complete. Brigadier Peng didn't point out your shortcomings just now."

"Now let me tell you something. Of course, this is not a shortcoming of You. It is a problem left by the entire Strategic Assault Division."

"In other words, it is a height that has not been reached. This is also what the war zone requires of you this year."

"The troops not only need to be reorganized. Reorganization is only an initial requirement. What kind of unit is the Strategic Assault Division?"

"I don't need to say more about this, right? Don't use the troops of the new era to fight the wars of the old era."

"There is no point in fighting like that. Troop training can indeed play a role, but you must change your thinking, reform and innovate, give full play to the systematic training, and show your edge."

"From a joint perspective, there is no need to always look at the problem from a synthetic perspective. Focus on the problems exposed in the exercise to examine the actual shortcomings. Why can't you withstand the Red Army's frontal attack?"

"We need to jointly study the method of joint training, study how to break the barriers of joint concepts, dismantle the barriers of system thinking, and achieve combat effectiveness of 1+1>2."

"War Zone defines your rectification this year as "brainstorming."

“What is brainstorming?”

"Chen Ming, can you tell me?"

Jiang Zhenjun looked at Chen Ming with encouragement and expectation in his eyes.

He is just the messenger or guide for the definition of the new year for the 704th Division in the theater.

I can't give it myself, and I don't have the energy to take full charge of things here.

Wang Junwei, Xu Wenqian, and Xu Guoyang are all old comrades with outdated ideas. The reforms in the new era may be too difficult for them.

For Jiang Zhenjun, the newly appointed political commissar of the 169th Brigade, Zhang Jintao, was promoted simply because of his qualifications. There was really no suitable person.

It is not enough to shoulder the heavy responsibility of reform.

Therefore, at present, he hopes that Chen Ming will have his own opinions. This is the theater's requirement for the 704th Division this year.

Upon hearing the inquiry, several officers in the command hall all looked at Chen Ming.

There are also some doubts in my heart.

It is impossible for the superiors to influence things based on their own likes and dislikes. At this time, it seems that the tone of the superiors has changed again.

Does this mean you want to connect with Chen Ming?

Wang Junwei narrowed his eyes, somewhat confused about the idea above, and quietly touched Chen Ming with his elbow, telling him to just say what he had to say.

I can't support the bold, I can't support the capable, I'm afraid of a ball!

"Report, know something."

Chen Ming stood up and responded loudly.

"Well, you can talk about it, but it doesn't hurt." Jiang Zhenjun looked at him with a smile.


After brainstorming, Chen Ming pondered for a moment. In fact, this thing sounds high-level, but it sounds difficult.

In fact, the soup is changed without changing the medicine, and some names are deducted.

Niutoushan is not the only exclusive blue force in the army, and the other one has long been at the forefront.

Relatively speaking, they are still immature here.

After sorting out his thoughts, Chen Ming said confidently: "Reporting to Comrade Chief of Staff, the brainstorming as I understand it will be carried out from two aspects."

"Learn from Zhu and the Blue Army and focus on systematic training. The previous idea was to insist on actual combat testing, combat-style drills, combat-style guidance, and group training methods. These are all inseparable from the directing department."

"Although there is no script for combat, everything from code names to large rules for drill operations must be planned by the director department."

"This is equivalent to limiting the combat capabilities of both sides' troops in some aspects."

"Brainstorming must first start with self-direction and self-performance by the troops, and self-evaluation of information. It must be separated from the director's department, and training and examinations must be separated. The function must change from phased support training to full-load training throughout the year."

"Achievement evaluation has changed from manual evaluation to computer evaluation, and scientific and technological training results have changed from experimental demonstration to forming overall combat capabilities."

"This is focused on military training, and brainstorming is also the most important. I think it is a large-scale reform and a complete transformation to a systematic and three-dimensional approach."

"The Niutoushan garrison base has complete units, so it must reflect new methods and new elements. Only in this way can we ensure that it can bring greater pressure to the comrades of the Red Army during combat."

"The endless variety of tactics and unpredictable changes allow the Niutoushan Garrison Base to truly fulfill its role, which is to allow participating troops to perceive the most realistic future battlefield in advance."

"Well, you are right. Do you know how to unfold it specifically?" Jiang Zhenjun nodded slightly, obviously very satisfied with Chen Ming's understanding.

With such officers in charge here, the war zone can also save a lot of worry.

Otherwise, relying on these old comrades to implement some new policies will be far less efficient than implementing them with their own understanding, and they will be completed faster.

"Report to the Chief of Staff, I also know something about this."

"Well, tell me."

Wang Junwei, Peng Tianzheng and the others all turned to look at Chen Ming, knowing that this boy was very capable before.

But those are very general concepts, the result of word of mouth. After all, their reputation is there.

Today, they felt it for themselves.

They didn't understand what Chen Ming said, and they all knew it. However, the war zone did not give too detailed tasks. How did this guy lead him here based on a reform?

Look at the satisfied expression on Chief of Staff Jiang's face.

Chen Ming got it right.

"Report, if you want all the Red Army troops who come to the Niutoushan garrison base to feel the real situation of the future battlefield."

"Then we must first make full use of some of the special combat units here, such as the electronics brigade, drone brigade, and radar brigade to form the Skynet system."

"All Red Army troops entering here will be enveloped by Skynet."

"To give an example, every move they make cannot escape the quagmire brought by Skynet. In the past, when a single machine went deep into the enemy's hinterland, it was basically like a meat bun beating a dog, with no return."

"But if the reform is successful and the strength of the electronic brigade and drone brigade is fully unleashed, then the Red Army will have no choice but to watch our fighter jets pass over their heads and provoke them, without any means."

"Skynet? Haha, you do know how to come up with names." When Chen Ming finished speaking, Jiang Zhenjun responded with a laugh. Yes, it can be said that there is no shortage of units, weapons, equipment, and personnel in the Strategic Assault Division.

There are more than 1 people and more than 6000 people are attacked. Even if it is a heavy armored brigade, why don't they dare to attack frontally?

It's just that the main force is still placed in the three combined regiments, similar to other special units, basically providing foreign aid.

It has not exerted its due strength. The strategic assault division is not based on synthesis, but on combination. Otherwise, why do we have so many arms?

Those special forces cannot exert their due strength and are only used as interference or attack containment, and the increase in combat effectiveness of the overall force is very limited.

Chen Ming knew this, and so did Wang Junwei.

But you know what's the use? You should always give time to correct it and improve it step by step.

After all, the entire Strategic Assault Division has only been established for a long time. It can be said that the new troops of two or three years have not lost their virginity. It is normal to have shortcomings.

But Chief of Staff Jiang didn't care about that. He just came to convey the theater's requirements for this year.

Seeing that Chen Ming already understood, he nodded and said, "Okay, I don't care whether you are talking about a sky net, an earth net, or a dragnet."

"Now that you've figured out brainstorming, let me implement it as soon as possible."

"The requirements in the theater are not high either. Just like what you just said, all Red Army troops who come here must feel the despair of the real battlefield. This despair does not come from cheating, but from careful planning."

"Real wars often start before wars."

"The organic combination of new combat elements, this is your mission this year."

"As the main force of the 5st Army, the 71th Synthetic Brigade will have a difficult time coming here to fight. Once your dragnet is successfully organized."

"We can't predict. I'm afraid that when people from many units come over, they won't be able to resist at all. They don't know how to respond, and they will be caught off guard."

"What I want is this sense of crisis. The more we fight, the harder it becomes, and the more we fight, the more new we become."

"The third-rate army follows the war, the second-rate army handles the war, and the first-rate army designs the war. Then you will focus on new concepts such as leapfrogging operations, winning with elite troops, information dominance, information support, etc."

"Integrate these into the exercise plan to restore the variability on the information battlefield to the greatest extent."

"Don't think you have more time. One thing I can reveal in advance is that the war zone has been decided. You should speed up to change the status quo."

"The next exercise theater will not be limited to the Army. Comrades from the Marine Corps, the Air Assault Brigade, and the Strategic Support Force will jointly enter Niutoushan."

"Comrades, the time has come for companies to hold halberds, wave guns, and blow trumpets."

"Are you ready?"

"Always ready! Always ready!! Always ready!!!"

In the guidance hall, everyone stood up and responded loudly.

The end of an exercise means the arrival of a new challenge.

Chen Ming was used to all this.

Soldiers make continuous progress through difficult and severe challenges. Once they stop, they will be happiest than the enemies who are eyeing them.

As a soldier, the most glorious thing is to integrate your youth without reservation into the cause of strengthening the army.

Chen Ming had already said something similar when he was in the recruit company. He not only said it, but also did it all the time.

This time, I may be honored to stand at a special angle and once again witness the rapid improvement of the troops' actual combat capabilities and the rapid development of their combat capabilities.

It’s just that he could only talk about it before, but now he can start to participate.

End of the meeting.

The two Red Army leaders, Peng Tianzheng and Zhao Shengkui, were leaving, as was Changjiang Zhenjun, chief of staff of the theater army.

What should be seen should be seen, and what should be explained should be explained.

Leave the rest to the person doing the work.

Several people walked out of the division headquarters building. When they were approaching the parking lot, Jiang Zhenjun suddenly turned back, looked at Chen Ming, and said with a smile: "Oh, by the way, I remember you came out of Longya before, right?"

"Yes, Chief of Staff, I participated in the selection in Longya." Chen Ming responded truthfully.

After Tiqian graduated from the Military Academy, he went to Longya. Don't think that the selection of the commando team was of no use to him.

Any qualified member of the commando team must have abilities several times higher than those of a junior platoon leader, and the content studied during the selection period is very extensive.

Chen Ming indeed benefited a lot.

"Well, since you have been in Longya, it will be easy to handle."

"This time to form what you call Skynet, if there are not enough experts, you can go to Longya to hire people. The war zone has already issued an order."

"In the entire war zone, when it comes to using these high-precision technologies, I'm afraid no unit can match them."

"Also, for the next battle, your Director's Department will be officially changed to the Guidance and Control Department. For every subsequent battle, the superiors will notify you which unit will be assigned half a month in advance."

"But until then, the selected Red Army units did not know that they would be called on short notice."

"The requirement in the war zone is that every future battle should be fought from thousands of miles away."

"The command and control department must also fulfill its responsibilities, intervene at all times, follow up on troop actions throughout the process, and collect all-round drill information."

“Dangers were arranged at the scene and problems arose.”

"The Red Army who wants to come here don't know how to fight, so they can't adapt to the rules here."

"Only in this way can they climb the Niutoushan Mountain, just like climbing onto the battlefield of the future."

"This is the purpose and meaning of our military training."

"Okay, no need to send it away."

After Jiang Zhenjun finished speaking, he waved his hand and took the guards with him, and left the division headquarters in a car.

The two commanders of the 5th Synthetic Brigade had no intention of talking.

The meaning above is obvious. There is no winning or losing in the exercise battlefield. The Blue Army won, but the challenges they will face next are even more severe.

If the Red Army loses, don't mention it. It's not much better. If the war zone doesn't deal with you, how can the military zone not deal with you?

Even if the military region doesn't take control, the brigade commander himself will lose his temper.

In short, get busy.

People in the meeting left one after another, and Niutoushan fell back into the peace of the past.

But how long can this peace last?

Wang Junwei looked at Chen Ming next to him and frowned. Chief of Staff Jiang did not mention the promotion this time when he came over.

It seems that the war zone's arrangements for this matter will be postponed, but it is not without gain.

At least after this setback, Chen Ming was able to enter the theater conference agenda with his own abilities. Before, he was just a battalion-level cadre.

Even if he leads the fire department, no matter how good his performance is, he is still below the level and it is difficult to be noticed by the superiors.

"Chen Ming."


"Do you have any thoughts on the brainstorming that Chief of Staff Jiang mentioned just now? If not, there's no rush."

"This time, not only are you at the brigade level busy, but my division also needs to be reorganized. Actions are coming faster than I thought."

"In the future, the director's department will become the guidance department, and the operational arrangements cannot be completely separated. I will hold meetings one after another in the next few days."

"You arrange for Shan Chao from the brigade to come and meet you. They should be busy with your business. If you want to go to Longya or go to the 71st Army to participate in the opening ceremony of the Military World Games, just make arrangements."

"There's no rush in terms of time."

"As for these two days, let's plan carefully first. You should also become more familiar with the training conditions of each unit and change the outline."

"You don't need me to teach you these, you should be familiar with them, right?"

"Yes, brigade commander." Chen Ming nodded decisively in response. The unit he led before was small, and changing the training outline would be a busy job for one person.

Now he is the brigade chief of staff, but the troops that can be mobilized belong to the entire strategic assault division. It is easy to change such a large-scale training program.

Because there will naturally be camps and regiments who submit some applications.

He just needs to review and sign.

After all, the military training has just ended, so these people can't be without any experience, right?

If there really isn't, then it's only if you are really determined and waiting to be scolded.

it is finally over.

Chen Ming breathed a sigh of relief. Although he was wielding his halberd and wielding his sword, and the horn-blowing company was getting closer and closer, he was not in a hurry.

He was going to pack his things in the brigade dormitory and go home to stay for a while.

The tasks in the theater are planned for the whole year and cannot be rushed.

(End of this chapter)

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