They are all in the army, who is in love?

Chapter 359 Ice-breaking operation, a new look for the 3th Division

Chapter 359 Operation Three Ice Breaking, the new 704th Division

Seeing Chen Ming just staring at him without saying a word, Xie Canxiong felt a little guilty and laughed twice.

"Don't be so stingy. We used to be neighbors and supported each other. If I ask you for a little help, I won't refuse."

"Hey, Old Chen, don't leave."

Before Xie Canxiong finished speaking, he saw Chen Ming turning around and walking towards the fire department.

Chen Ming cursed in his heart and ignored him.

This guy doesn't know where to put his words. The division meeting has just ended. Even if he wants to go through the back door and get some benefits, he can't say it from the gate, right?
The Chief of Staff had just announced the contents of a major rectification. All kinds of matters were being rectified in a centralized manner, and then there were people who wanted to seek benefits, so it was better to deal with it in a hurry.

He is not that stupid, discussing with this typical villain in front of so many officers.

When he walked a hundred or ten meters away, he found that Lao Xie was still following him. Chen Ming glanced at him sideways and said, "You asked me for help. What can I do for you?"

"Except for the division of tasks for security pickets, you can mention anything else casually."

Hearing what Chen Ming said, Xie Canxiong was speechless for a while.

He can't involve the Firepower Department in other matters, and the management agencies are not in the same place.

The firepower department is directly under the division headquarters, and the air defense battalion is under the jurisdiction of the 169th Brigade, so it can be used during normal times.

"Old Chen, that's what's wrong with you. Brother, I'm not doing a big job here. You also know that the people named at this meeting are all units that are key to rectification."

"If the air defense battalion is audited again at this juncture, it will be because of my incompetence as the battalion commander."

"Be accommodating. As a good brother, you can't just watch me graduate from the academy and lay the foundation for the future, right?"

Xie Canxiong said it very seriously, and Chen Ming knew that he was telling the truth.

The larger the combat unit, the more difficult it is to be promoted. Currently, the 704th Division has just started. If it cannot leave a good impression on the superiors.

Who can think of you when good things happen?
He is not an officer from the 169th Brigade before. He was transferred in from outside. The troops cannot escape the worldly ways.

The competition will only become more and more difficult, but it is not difficult in normal times. The key is that during the strategic assault division's overhaul, if the new unit wants to straighten it out, it will inevitably have to make a lot of moves.

Not to mention, didn’t the Tiger Wolf Camp take any action before? In order to rectify the troops and establish the prestige of the military commander, in addition to the usual training.

The Fifth Battalion at that time had a lot of troubles. Thousands of people gathered around the pickets. Everything they did was just to make the entire army cohesive.

As the airborne battalion commander, Xie Canxiong is in a more difficult situation. Soldiers have a bounden duty to obey orders.

But soldiers are also small individuals.

It can be said that a class of ten people is a small society, let alone a battalion. According to the establishment of an air defense battalion, even if there are only more than 200 people.

It is not that easy to get the whole battalion in order, to get him as the battalion commander to sit firmly, to be effective in combat, and to have a good morale.

The current 704th Division is composed of dozens of the original Tiger and Wolf Battalions, so the difficulty can be imagined.

The establishment and birth of an ace army requires a lot of energy from the people above to cultivate it, and it is not that easy.

If it were simple, then there would be ace troops everywhere, and there would be no distinction between some commanders with strong abilities and some with weak abilities.

Chen Ming had a similar experience and knew Lao Xie's difficulties. He pondered for a moment and said, "What do you want to say? It's better not to say anything."

"But I know what you mean, and the division headquarters also knows it. Just make some moves occasionally, don't make it too big, and it won't end."

"The higher-ups have requested that the entire Niutoushan Garrison Base be given a new look before the end of the year. Come on, too."

"Hey, okay, thank you, Lao Chen."

Xie Canxiong ran away in shock when he heard Chen Ming's words.

Again, the officers who can be transferred to the 704th Division are all capable people.

The war zone is not unaware of the difficulty on their side, so when choosing to arrange personnel, they all decide on the basis of merit.

Don't talk about them. When Zhu Rihe was established, he had to train for a long time.

The Blue Army is also maturing step by step, rather than shouting slogans and formulating strategic guidelines.

It's impossible for the troops to "swish" and complete their transformation.

Relatively speaking, the Niutoushan Garrison Base is still too young to be able to support the grindstone and needs to improve bit by bit.

In the next few days, the Niutoushan garrison base began to undergo earth-shaking changes.

Really visible changes.

Everything is adhering to the division's general reorganization plan, and the policy given above is very simple.

A major rectification is a three-step process to break the ice.

The first step is to break the quiet harmony. This is almost the same as Chen Ming's original suggestion to give the Tiger Wolf Camp a three-day holiday and do nothing else, just get to know each other and get to know their comrades.

The division's general reorganization policy was most likely based on Chen Ming's original suggestion.

The second step is to change the stubborn concern. These fire departments have made great efforts to organize staff officers and officers to go deep into each company to chat with the soldiers.

The strategic assault divisions are all improvised units, and this exercise is enough to see the problems, let alone exert their combat effectiveness.

Not even one-tenth of what it was supposed to show, it was a complete mess.

How can this phenomenon be changed? It is to break the barriers between officers and soldiers, and between squad leaders and soldiers.

As an officer who returned from the Joint Warfare College, Chen Ming had worked at the grassroots level. He knew what the Second Border Defense Company was like and how the logistics squad got along.

He found that "quiet harmony and solid concern" existed not only between soldiers, but also between officers and soldiers, and between officers, to varying degrees.

For example, some young warriors have very delicate minds. Most of the time they see through things without telling them, and they pay more attention to managing their own work and life.

There are also some veterans who are more direct-minded, that is, they think that all work should be done according to the decisions of their superiors. If they give opinions, they will appear conspicuous and pushy, so they do not mention any mistakes.

During the firepower department's grassroots exchanges, I heard similar words from soldiers more than once, that is, sometimes they do not agree with what the new squad leader says, and the squad leader does not agree with his own methods. Faced with this situation, it is better to spend more time. It is better to keep your mouth and tongue in peace.

Chen Ming once worked at the grassroots level in the Joint Warfare College. At that time, he didn't understand why the college arranged it that way.

But in this overhaul, it was fully used.

The Firepower Department has given full play to its coordination department. In addition, he has experience in leading the Tiger and Wolf Battalion, and he also bears the title of a unit directly under the division headquarters.

All work was carried out very smoothly.

The quiet harmony looks good, but in fact it lays hidden dangers for every company.

There is a lack of effective communication between comrades-in-arms. If something is not said or something is said, there will be no sparks or feelings between the souls, and the friendship between comrades-in-arms will naturally fade and become indifferent.

Only by allowing soldiers to communicate effectively can cohesion be generated and the entire unit have combat effectiveness.

But the Firepower Department is not a combat company after all. It is inevitable that their work progress will be hindered. The three steps of icebreaking cannot be implemented, and many problems exist in the 704th Division.

Regarding this issue of distrust, Chen Ming is also very decisive and cultivates trust.

The Firepower Department directly announced a very strange rule, that is, all units stationed in the 704th Division must strictly implement the standard of eating order.

The order of eating is first for conscripts, then non-commissioned officers, then officers.

After the announcement, Chen Ming directly arranged for security guards to inspect each unit during the meal, strictly following this order.

No one can break the rules, regardless of whether you are a company commander or a regiment commander. There is no cadre canteen in the Niutoushan Garrison Base. If you want to avoid being audited, you must follow the regulations of the Firepower Department.

Of course, the officers had no complaints because they knew why they did it.

The officers would not speak, and some veterans would not appreciate it, saying that it was a fake concern, of no use, and so on.

Chen Ming just pretended not to hear anything. During the overhaul, it was impossible to satisfy everyone. He was sending a signal that a fire department would do what it said, and all regulations would be implemented to the letter.

In addition to these, the Firepower Department also arranges "drifting mailboxes" in each company. If some soldiers in each unit have a gap with their squad leaders, or if they don't want to say something, they can write their thoughts, emotions, and opinions into anonymous letters and put them in the mailbox.

All soldiers in the company can circulate it.

The writer can vent his inner pressure through writing, and the recipient can share his feelings with his comrades by replying to the letter.

The third step among the three steps to break the ice is to reject cold fairness and strive to allow every officer and soldier to find their value in the company.

There is a very common phenomenon.

That is, they were transferred from their original unit to the current Niutoushan Garrison Base. It was originally a new unit and the people were not familiar with it. Many outstanding veterans would choose to retire after working for these two years.

Because many people had no choice when they were transferred, but they could choose not to stay in the team.

This is a big problem.

Chen Ming worked out a new plan for several days in a row, determined not to let the good backbone seedlings who were transferred, choose to retire after their service period was over due to the transfer.

But these words cannot be solved by just talking.

Chen Ming had stayed at the grassroots level as an officer. At the beginning, Vice President Lin said that the National Defense University was not designed to cultivate excellent soldiers.

At that time, the higher-ups actually already knew the problems that the 704th Division would face. Most of the units in the entire division are cobbled together. Is there no problem?

At that time, Chen Ming didn't understand this sentence either. Now that he is faced with the current problem of losing the backbone and low motivation of veterans, he has a general understanding.

Based on his own experience in further study, Chen Ming is very clear that the backbone of the grassroots level is not just pursuing meritorious deeds one-sidedly.

Most people just think about it, but don't desire it.

Because I know I am too far away.

More people just hope that their work will be recognized and their efforts will feel worthwhile in their own units.

In response, Chen Ming went to the logistics and made various banners for each company.

And the number of banners is not stingy, and there are many types, such as training pacesetter, cultural pacesetter, collective commendation, best squad leader, best comrade-in-arms, and four-iron advanced unit.

These are all for rewards to the company. Don’t think that these weird pennants are useless.

The Niutoushan garrison base is all new units, and many troops have nothing.

The Tiger and Wolf Camp is mixed with a second-class hero camp, which can be regarded as a historical honor.

When Chen Ming raised these banners again, they were all covered with divisional headquarters medals, which were no small honors.

Of course, this is also done for the sake of diversification and to prevent some companies from going for a long time without harvesting anything and damaging their morale.

A negative and despondent mood spread among the troops.

In order to make the Niutoushan garrison base more dynamic, Chen Ming also arranged for personnel from the Firepower Department to notify each company that they could hold photography contests and small-scale military games.

Niutoushan Garrison Base is such a big place with beautiful scenery. As long as the participating soldiers do not affect their daily training or their own performance.

You can take pictures at will in a specific area, and you can also display them and get pennants.

Some warriors are physically weak but have other specialties. They can participate in activities and obtain honors that are usually difficult to obtain.

The continuous efforts and persistence of the fire department, coupled with the full cooperation of all combat units.

In just half a year, the entire Niutoushan garrison base has changed drastically.

There were roars of motivation everywhere. Early in the morning, soldiers from each company, led by the company commander, ran around the main road.

The Firepower Department also uses actions to tell all soldiers that here, military prominence does not mean that one beauty can cover up all one's faults.

As long as you have the ability and everyone is united, you can find your own value here.

Only with cohesion can we have motivation, and only with motivation can we have combat effectiveness.

Winter goes to spring, spring goes to summer solstice.

Half a year passed quickly.

The overhaul of the Niutoushan garrison base is almost coming to an end. Now, many soldiers may not be able to name the commander of the 704th Division.

But there are many ways to say who Chen Ming is, such as the director of the firepower department, the leader of the security picket, the logistics boss, and so on.

Because in the past six months, except for military training, Chen Ming had not intervened, but when it came to other arrangements, where was the Firepower Department not present?
Wherever there is firepower, Chen Ming is in charge.

All the things learned in the Joint Warfare Academy were put to full use this time.

As for Chen Ming himself, he often went to the grassroots companies to talk to the officers. There was nothing he could do. The superiors gave him the task of supervising this major rectification.

The Joint Warfare College has conducted specialized training for this situation in the Strategic Assault Division.

For more than half a year, Chen Ming's most frequent saying is that it is said that officers and soldiers in the new era are difficult to get along with, but this is not the case.

It's that the leaders are unwilling to change their inherent ideas and methods.

Vice President Lin Qingyuan once said to Chen Ming that the military camp is a place that develops very slowly. What it was like 30 years ago will still be the same 30 years later.

In addition to the surrounding buildings changing and equipment updating, many concepts have been abandoned by the new era.

At first, Chen Ming only felt emotional when he heard it, but he didn't know how to operate it.

Now he has put it into practice.

He also taught many company commanders and many grassroots officers, telling them that sometimes the same words are more acceptable if they are expressed in another way.

We are all close comrades, who doesn’t want you to become better?

Chen Ming also often told the company commanders at the grassroots level to pass on all the experiences he had learned in the academy without reservation.

Not just some military science and modern command science.

He also told them that the grassroots level is a big stage where everyone can grow and become talented.

As a leader, you must not only provide a platform, but also an opportunity.

We cannot take it for granted that soldiers will look the same. Every officer and soldier must be able to find value in the company and do their best to contribute to the construction of the company.

Chen Ming led the supervision and practice of the Firepower Department, which was undoubtedly very successful.

The entire Niutoushan garrison base has changed drastically in just the past six months.

Each battalion and each company trained very actively, and the entire Blue Army unit took on a new look.

Of course, this cannot be said to be his alone. He just led the firepower department and promoted the process faster.

"Hello Chen!"

"Hello Chen!"

In the early morning, as soon as Chen Ming came out of the fire station, there were many company soldiers passing by for morning exercises, and they raised their hands to say hello enthusiastically.

"One two one, one two three four."

"one two three four."

The roars represent the vitality of the entire Niutoushan garrison base.

Chen Ming also let out a sigh of relief.

Although he has faced problems in each company and battalion in the past six months, he has always behaved very calmly.

Use what he learned from Vice President Lin Qingyuan of the college to improve the grassroots troops little by little and implement the Three Ice Breaking Operation.

But the pressure inside is not small.

The Niutoushan Garrison Base has high hopes from the war zone. Although the overhaul is considered necessary by the superiors, give them time.

But Chen Ming is also worried that if such an important task is handed over to the fire department for supervision, one can imagine the burden on him.

But luckily, I finally got over it.

Today's 704th Division cannot say how powerful its combat effectiveness is. After all, it is obtained through coordination and requires a little accumulation.

But today's morale is definitely good. Only by making the soldiers like this place, have a sense of belonging, and not lose their backbone can the Blue Army team be truly strengthened.

If you have a sense of belonging, you will have a sense of honor.

If there is a sense of honor, there will be no more battles where the superiors command the charge, and the subordinates eliminate and resurrect them, turning a drill into a show.

At that time, they didn't care about so many people, and they would beat them no matter what. Even many officers would not restrain them when they saw them. Maybe they were unable to restrain them, or they were deliberately indulging.

No matter what the reason is, it is not a real Blue Army team. Let alone the ace, the other players are just barely there.

When Chen Ming was standing at the door of the fire department and sighing, Wang Shuaibing and Baldy came back.

The two people drove the vehicle and parked in front of it. It can be said that the work of these two people was quite comfortable during the overhaul.

I am mainly responsible for checking the "drifting mailbox" of each company to see what the soldiers of each company are writing. Anyway, it is anonymous and there is no restriction. Anyone can open it.

Chen Ming used the two of them to understand the real thoughts of the grassroots. In fact, he didn't have to go there in the past month. Who would have thought that these two guys were really addicted.

While they were doing morning exercises, the two of them went over and checked the mailbox.

Seeing the two people coming back, Chen Ming smiled and said, "How was it? What's the gain?"

"Recently, each company has been on the right track, and the mailboxes are full of nonsense. There is no need to go there every day."

Upon hearing Chen Ming's inquiry, Wang Shuaibing excitedly took out a stack of letters from his pocket and handed them over.

He said excitedly: "Brother Chen, I have a proposal that is not a proposal. I think it is very reliable. Come and take a look."


Chen Ming glanced at it curiously, with a strange expression on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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