Keyboard wants to use aliens as staff in the botanical garden, which actually gives Barbara a chance to learn more.

"Isn't the ticket price of twenty yuan a bit cheap? It will take a long time for this price to be repaid."

After all, it was an alien botanical garden. It would take a long time just to collect harmless things from aliens. Barbara didn't understand why the keyboard was charged a little more than a movie ticket.


Zhang San doesn't do loss-making business. Twenty yuan seems cheap, but the bulk is in it.

As long as they enter his botanical garden, those people's bills will jump out of their wallets and shout for freedom.

The old capitalist Lex Luthor used his many years of experience to help set the price of every product and every service just right, the kind of price that is accepted by people who step on the line.

Suddenly, the command center informed them of the police report they had just received. The tenants of a house refused to leave even if they owed money. The landlord wanted police officers to help drive these people out.

Regarding this kind of police situation, which had a small probability of unlocking the weapon system, Officer Zhang started the vehicle and drove over without hesitation.

Not long after, the police car stopped in the community where the caller said.

The two police officers who got out of the car first found the woman who was standing at the front door arguing with someone inside. According to the landlord named Amy, she had only rented out the house for a month and had not received the rent.

When Amy came over today to ask for rent, the family living there said they had not signed a contract with her and that she was not the landlord.

"So the current situation is that they are refusing to leave without paying rent. You want us to drive those people away, right?"

"Yes!" The lady standing in front of Officer Zhang nodded, her face obviously improved a lot from the anger just now.

Because the person who came was Officer Zhang, she believed in the ace's ability.

"What's the matter, officer?"

Familiar opening remarks, familiar black color, the middle-aged man blocking the door has a round face, and his several hundred kilograms of fat can at least stop a few bullets.

"You can't continue to live here if you don't pay rent. Now take your belongings and leave the house."

"Hey! Officer, we don't know the lady outside at all. She is here to cause trouble. She is a psycho. Yes, a psycho."

A lady who spoke with a rap style came over. She claimed that she had never seen the person outside and tried to close the door.

Officer Zhang, who was holding the door with one hand, was incredibly strong. No matter how hard the fat woman inside pushed, she couldn't push the door.

"Ma'am, if you don't cooperate I will have to forcibly evict you from this house."

At the same time that he finished saying this, the fat woman inside finally opened her mouth to explain why they did not pay the rent.

She said she really couldn't pay because she couldn't find a job, and she didn't mean to default on the rent.

However, the sharp-eyed Officer Zhang had already seen the new mobile phone charging on the cabinet. If she really couldn't find a job and make money, what happened to the new mobile phone?

The fat woman who followed the police officer's gaze realized that her lie had been exposed. She again did not recognize the lady outside and was very sure that she had always lived in this house.

Pretending to be dumbfounded, he couldn't stop the police officer's outstretched hand. Zhang San grabbed the other person's thick arm and dragged him out like a cow.

"Let her go! Hey!"

The other man quit. After seeing that shouting was useless, he imitated the police officer's method and grabbed his wife's arm forcefully.

The result of this was that both of them were forcibly dragged outside. Seeing the police officer in front of him put his hand on the gun on his waist, the men and women who had been screaming for help from the surrounding neighbors stopped talking.

One month of living in the small town of Evergreen was enough for them to fully understand the deeds of the ace police officer. This police officer did not care about the pressure of public opinion.

"You guys get your stuff out of my house right now, or I'll call the cleaning company!"

"Don't do this! Let's move now!"

As soon as they heard that the landlord was going to call the cleaning company to come to the house, the two guys, who were afraid that the bill would fall on them, quickly ran into the house and moved items outside.

This is the fate of being behind on rent. Not only will the person be forcibly evicted by the police, but if the landlord fails to move the property and the landlord calls a cleaning company, the bill will also fall on the tenant.

At noon, the two police officers who had just finished their meal encountered a special police situation. A fourteen-year-old girl wanted to commit suicide by jumping off a building because she was bullied.

In the United States, there is a lot of campus bullying. Anna, whom Zhang San knew, became increasingly withdrawn because of this kind of thing.

Yesterday, Sophia was still talking about her sister in the chat. She wanted Zhang San to have time to visit the girl who had locked herself in the room all day.

The location the caller mentioned was in an old apartment building, where most of the people living there were black people and poor people who had no money to move.

Without even having to go in, the officers could open the car door and see the girl sitting on the edge of the four-story roof.

If you fall from the fourth floor, you will either be seriously injured or disabled. If you are unlucky, you will definitely die if your head hits the ground.

"Officer, please help her!"

A middle-aged man and woman who got off the car across the street panicked when they saw the scene in front of them. They ignored the cars on the road and ran directly to the two police officers.

"Did you call the police?"

"No, Tasha's classmates called and told us."

The couple's faces were filled with worry, fear, and even more regret.

Barbara had already called the firefighters and emergency personnel, and all she and her partner had to do during this time was to hold the girl on the roof from jumping.

But Officer Zhang had a better way, which was to rush forward and rescue the person.

"It's too dangerous to do this. You might be taken down together." Barbara suggested waiting for support to arrive, because the fire department has professional life-saving air mattresses.

"It will take six minutes for them to come here, and maybe the person will jump off when they inflate the air mattress. But it only takes two minutes for me to go up and lift the person off, trust me."

Giving her a reassuring look, Officer Zhang said a few words to the parents of the girl next to him before quietly entering the building.

The elevator in the dirty apartment was broken and the only way up and down was by taking the stairs.

"Officer, can you give me a cigarette?"

The thin woman sitting on the stairs stretched out her hand to ask for something from the man in front of her. Seeing her look similar to that of a "walking corpse", Zhang San knew what kind of cigarette this woman wanted.

Only the addictive leaf tobacco could paralyze her like this.

"I don't smoke."

When he ran to the third floor, he saw another man who looked more like a 'corpse' than the woman before. He was probably dying. (End of chapter)

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