People in DC, every day administrative leave

Chapter 421 421 New Achievements

Another person has arrived in Arkham, and Hawkgirl, standing next to Batman, hopes the keyboard will follow her.

"It's precisely because we are friends that I want to help you clean him up. Don't worry, I've done it many times."

Zhang San turned around and saw the clown still pretending to be stupid, and punched the cell door directly.

Bang! ! !

The glass door made of special bulletproof material exploded and turned into fragments. Just when he took out a crowbar and was about to go in to open the other party's brain and check his condition, Eagle Girl reached out and held him back:

"Hand him over to the legal bar, even though we all don't like him."

Zhang San, who broke away his arm, glanced at Batman who was not moving. He told Hawkgirl the future he discovered using precognition magic.

A Robin will be kidnapped by the Joker, and he will brainwash the child and implant a special chip to turn Robin into his resurrection victim.

Looking at Shayera who looked surprised, Zhang San used the energy of the light ring to hang up the prisoner in the cell.

He had to take this seriously, at least he wouldn't let the other person die too quickly.

"We all know what kind of person the Joker is. He has harmed many innocent people in the past, and now it is up to me to deal with this guy who survived the trial by pretending to be crazy and acting stupid."

Zhang San raised the crowbar in his hand and swung it at the absent clown in front of him like a baseball, but suddenly a force grabbed his crowbar.

Wearing underwear outside, two eyes looked at the very small Superman. He expressed his disapproval on his face and said: "Keyboard, you have to abide by the law on our side."

"Like you did to Darkseid? We all just want to kill the people we hate the most, right."

Seeing that he was stunned, Zhang San punched him directly.


Superman immediately flew backwards and smashed through the wall to the other side. When he rushed over again, a kryptonite larger than his head directly illuminated the small cell green.

The size of this kryptonite could make Superman instantly incapacitated, so he chose to stop in front of Batman.

Finally, no one could stop Zhang San’s crowbar.

Even though Hawkgirl was only a few meters away from the kryptonite in the cell, she listened to the keyboard and chose to be a bystander.

First the feet, then the legs, then the hands and arms.

Only skin and flesh were left on the clown's limbs, and all the internal bones were broken by the crowbar, but even so, he still maintained a soulless appearance.

During the process, Superman thought about coming in to stop it, but the energy barrier surrounding the cell made all his methods fail.

Hawkgirl, who couldn't stand it anymore as she got to the back, chose to leave. Superman, who couldn't get into the cell after trying more than a dozen times, turned his attention to Batman, who had never moved:

"Are you going to watch it stuff the beating heart into the clown's mouth?"

"It hates clowns more than we do."

The punishment in the cell was over, and Batman looked away and walked towards the big hole opened by the keyboard.


The flames in front of Superman were burning the Joker's inhuman body, and the keyboard, which was separated from him by an energy barrier, drew a name in the air: Lex Luthor.

Without hesitation, Superman flew directly away from Arkham and asked Martian Manhunter and the others about the situation.

(Luthor is controlled by Brainiac, but we should be able to handle it.)

Several people who went to capture Lex Luthor with Amanda Waller saw the picture of how the other party changed from a human to a half-machine and half-human. No one expected that this guy still had Brainia hiding in his body. gram.

And inside the Metropolis Lex Building. Supergirl, Green Lantern John, The Flash, Wonder Woman and Martian Manhunter are fighting Luthor, who has turned into three headlights on his chest and has mechanical tentacles on his arms.

Realizing that he had no way to deal with these superheroes, Brainiac controlled Luthor's body and allowed his tentacles to penetrate into the walls of Lex Tower and transform it into a special building.

The group of people who took Waller and the Flash quickly flew out of the window saw the large tentacles extending from the surface of the building in front of them. Green Lantern John flew away and put Waller down.

"Leave it to us here."

After saying that, he turned around and returned to the battlefield.

Waller stood still and looked at the struggling superhero in the distance. She took out the mobile phone in her pocket and called the place that could provide support.

"Amanda Waller, you should lose weight."

Zhang San, who followed Superman closely, immediately noticed this fat woman who weighed only 300 pounds. Her skin color and size were too easy for others to notice.

"Keyboard with long arms and legs? It seems that someone else is developing something stranger than superpowers."

From Amanda Waller's words, we know that this woman obviously failed to get information about him from Batman, otherwise she would not say such things.

Then she was kicked and fell to the ground.

"It's hard for me to see a shred of humanity in a woman named Amanda Waller. It's true that you want to protect your country, but you shouldn't use unethical means."

Create artificial superpowers and clones with only a few years of life, and try to control the Doomsday.

Zhang San, whose eyes moved to the battlefield in the distance, gave her another kick, then grabbed the fat woman and asked: "Where is Kara's clone? Tell me her name."


Amanda Waller was surprised. Even Batman, who had approached her before, only asked about the Ultimate Team. How did this keyboard that ran out of an unknown laboratory know about it?

The energy hand holding her gradually tightened, and just when Waller was almost out of breath, a batarang flew over and exploded on it.

The constructed big hand was intact, and the fallen Batman said to the keyboard in his plain tone: "She is different from the Joker."

"I know that Ms. Waller in my world would shoot her own people to cover up what she had done. You are only a little better than the Waller I killed. How much do you know about Kara's clone? "


Zhang San threw the fat woman aside. He only needed a name now.

"Professor Hamilton developed the mentality that humans must be on guard against superheroes because Superman couldn't control his emotions. He took advantage of Supergirl's injury and took the opportunity to extract Kara's DNA and clone another Kara during his treatment."

Batman told the keyboard everything he knew. He didn't hide anything, including the death of clone Kara in the Star Laboratory.

"Do you think she is really dead?"

Faced with the keyboard's questioning, Batman shook his head.

Since Amanda Waller is still cloning members of the Ultimate Team, she will not let go of Kara's clone.

Both of them looked at Waller, who was almost suffocated. At this moment, the fat woman felt that she no longer had the need to hide. If she didn't say anything, the gun in the keyboard's hand would probably go off. (End of chapter)

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